[Monodevelop-devel] Creating SyntaxMode without regular expressions?

Tomas Petricek tomas.petricek at gmail.com
Thu Oct 21 16:45:13 EDT 2010

Hi Mike,
thanks for the reply. I think that in my scenario, using an existing
tokenizer would be the easiest option (because it is already there,
efficient and tested). I was looking at CSharpSyntaxMode.cs briefly,
but I didn't quite understood how it works. Is there any example with
some comments or a brief overview article about this?

As far as I can see, the C# example implements a custom "SpanParser"
and overrides two virtual methods "ScanSpan" and "ScanSpanEnd". These
methods somehow manipulate "spanStack" (where does that come from?),
but if I understand it correctly, this provides "Span" objects which
specify start and end using regular expressions. I'd like to generate
tokens with locations to mark their start/end and some color
information, so should I create my own "SpanParser"? You also
mentioned chunk parser - what is the difference between this one and
span parser? Sorry for so many questions - I'm new to MonoDevelop and
I couldn't find any documentation on this part (aside from the
description of XML format) and the existing C# syntax mode contains
only a few comments...

Below is the existing F# parsing that I'd like to use - to give you an
idea of what I'd like to map to the MonoDevelop API.


class TokenInformation {
  public int LeftColumn { get; } // Start location at the current line
  public int RightColumn { get; } // End location at the current line
  public TokenColorKind ColorClass { get; } // Color as simple 'enum'

class SourceTokenizer {
  public SourceTokenizer(string[] defines, string source); // Takes
list of #define symbols and source
  LineTokenizer CreateLineTokenizer(string line); // Create parser for
a line (passed in as a string)

class LineTokenizer {
  // Read next token on the line (takes current state of parser and
returns a state after parsing)
  public Tuple<TokenInformation, State> ScanToken(State state);

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 7:00 AM, Mike Krüger <mkrueger at novell.com> wrote:
> Hi
> If you really want to make a complex syntax highlighting you need to
> write a highlighter in c#.
> See:
> main/src/addins/CSharpBinding/MonoDevelop.CSharp.Highlighting/CSharpSyntaxMode.cs
> btw. you could create a custom chunk parser as well as a custom span parser.
> Regards
> Mike
>> Hi,
>> I have been working on MonoDevelop language binding for F# and I have
>> one question regarding colorization (the SyntaxMode class). Creating
>> XML based syntax mode is quite easy, so I'm using that for now, but
>> there are a few things that would need to be improved (e.g. F# allows
>> you to have nested multi-line comments and I'd like to eventually
>> implement support for #if, etc.)
>> The F# compiler exposes a very simple tokenizer that I could use - you
>> give it a line from the source file and it parses the line returning a
>> sequence of tokens (with location, color information and other
>> possibly useful things). I was wondering if I could just implement
>> SyntaxMode by calling the F# tokenizer, but I don't see any way of
>> creating SyntaxMode that would just return e.g. a list with starting
>> and ending colum&  color for each line.
>> I found some syntax modes that create custom SpanParser which returns
>> stack of Span objects, but that still marks the start/end of a span
>> using Regex. Is there a more direct way of providing colorization?
>> Thanks!
>> Tomas Petricek
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