[Monodevelop-devel] Rethinking the IDocumentMetaInformation

Mike Krüger mkrueger at novell.com
Wed Sep 10 06:10:22 EDT 2008


> Hi,
> I'm confused about the purpose of the IDocumentMetaInformation:
> <mkrueger> @mhutch: you one complained that it was in the parser :)
> <mkrueger> therefore I put it into another part
> My exact complaint was that I had to use an ICompilationUnit to mark
> folding region and errors, and that it contained a lot of
> .NET-specific information which i didn't need. However, I did
> implement that for ASP.NET and it works fine... The
> IDocumentMetaInformation does not fix this at all.

It does fix it that way that .NET specific information is not
in IDocumentMetaInformation.

> Worse, it requires a second parse and isn't stored is a publicly
> shared location, so has to be reparsed by e.g. the document outline
> provider, which requires the #region locations. Also, text editor only
> parses an IDocumentMetaInformation when a CompilationUnit appears, so
> a CompilationUnit has to be generated anyway!

Thats because of the mcs stuff. It requires a second parse of the file,
because it doesn't give me information about regions, comments etc.

My long term vision for that was that a delta parser should take care of
teh document meta information. The meta information should consists only
on stuff that are regular expressions.

> I have some suggestions for a solution.
> I suggest we have the IParser instead return an IParsedDocument, which
> would be very generic, with the basic info used by the text editor:

> IParsedDocument
> {
>     string FileName;
>     DateTime ParseTime { get; }
>     IEnumerable<Fold> GetFoldLocations ();   //expected to iterate
> over types, comments etc and generate folds
>     ICollection<Error> Errors { get; } //also warnings
>     bool HasErrors { get; }
> }
> There would then be an ICompilationUnit derived interface, with
> generic info for things like the quick finder and document outline.

> ICompilationUnit : IParsedDocument
> {
>     ICollection<IBaseType> Types { get; }
>     ICollection<IBaseMember> GlobalMembers { get; }
>     IEnumerable<Comment> Comments { get; }
> }
> The .NET info would be in the derived ICompilationUnit, and would be
> returned by .NET parsers:

> IDotNetCompilationUnit : ICompilationUnit
> {
>     ICollection<IUsing> Usings { get; }
>     ICollection<IAttribute> Attributes { get; }
>     ICollection<IType> Classes { get; }   // foreach (IBaseType t in
> Types) yield return (IType) t;
>     ICollection<Coderegion> CodeRegions { get; }   //#regions
> }
> Even better, this moves some generic logic out of the SourceEditor2,
> so that the compilationunit / parseddocument could control the fold
> locations, i.e. GetFoldLocations () would generate regions by
> iterating over the members, classes, comments, C #regions, etc.
> I could implement an AspNetDocument : IParsedDocument. The C/C++
> parser could return a CCompilationUnit : ICompilationUnit
> Does this sound like a good plan? Should I implement it?

Hm, I think that'll produce too many upcasts only for different levels
of information.

Something like this should work better:

    string FileName;

    DateTime ParseTime { get; }

    IEnumerable<Fold> FoldLocations { get };  // expected to iterate
over types, comments etc and generate folds

    ICollection<Error> Errors { get; }        // also warnings
    bool HasErrors { get; }

    IEnumerable<Comment> Comments { get; }

    ICollection<Coderegion> CodeRegions { get; }   //#regions

    ICompilationUnit CompilationUnit { get; }

    ICollection<IUsing> Usings { get; }
    ICollection<IAttribute> Attributes { get; }
    ICollection<IType> Classes { get; }   // foreach (IBaseType t in
Types) yield return (IType) t;

Then'll don't need to upcast every time.


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