[Monodevelop-devel] Using SQLite as parser database

Federico Di Gregorio fog at initd.org
Mon Jul 28 18:06:38 EDT 2008

Il giorno lun, 28/07/2008 alle 23.44 +0200, Mike Krüger ha scritto:
> I had to think about it too (I implemented the #develop database some
> years ago which monodevelop inherited (but optimized I admit ^^)) -
> after thinking about it the decision was easy - A database makes it
> easier to change the model and to make complicated querys more
> efficient. 

Actually a standard query language allow to make complicated queries
easier to understand but almost never more efficient. We use SQL because
it has a very stable and well-know mathematical foundation and very good
implementations but a specialized storage format is almost always

> There are many more reasons using database software instead of own data
> storage solutions - otherwise the whole database software would be
> obsolete.

In fact we use specialized storage formats for a lot of application
domains where standard SQL would be too slow. The fact that most of the
problems can be solved by SQL doesn't mean that SQL is good for

Said that, probably SQLite would be fast enough.

Federico Di Gregorio                         http://people.initd.org/fog
Debian GNU/Linux Developer                                fog at debian.org
INIT.D Developer                                           fog at initd.org
 E tu usa il prefisso corretto Re: non R:, questa è una ML seria.
                                            -- cosmos, su debian-italian
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