[Monodevelop-devel] Insufficient Requirement Checks

Michael Hutchinson m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com
Sat Jul 19 08:49:00 EDT 2008

On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 5:46 AM, Valentin Sawadski
<valentin.sawadski at googlemail.com> wrote:
>> > Because today, I ran into a couple of missing missing libraries when
>> > compiling but autogen.sh didn't tell me that they were missing in the
>> > first place. (e.g. monodoc which is used by the documentation plugin).
>> Do you have a list of the missing checks handy?
> The only thing I can remember right now is gecko-sharp. I think the
> aspnet-addin uses it but does not check for it. Because MD crashes due
> to some Missing-Dll-Exception whenever I click the designer button of
> aspx-Files.

AspNetEdit requires it, but it looks like it's checking:
It looks like the main configure checks for MonoDoc too:

Maybe the assemblies are in your pkg-config path but not the GAC? Did
you install MonoDoc and Gecko# from source?

Michael Hutchinson

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