[Mono-winforms-list] gnome white font color and mono WinForm issue..

buhochilenoi@gmail.com buhochileno at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 09:15:26 EST 2010

On 01/07/2010 11:05 AM, Carlos Alberto Cortez wrote:
> We had an issue but it was only happening for ToolStrip menus. Is that 
> the case, or is it happening with other controls as well? 
yeap, all kind of winform controls like texboxes, menus, labels, etc...
> I remember testing extensively with dark themes and the only issue was 
> related to ToolStrip (which has been fixed in 2.4/2.6/trunk, but 
> didn't make it in the version you have).
> As Stifu mentioned, you can force the controls using the ForeColor 
> property (that applies as well for ToolStrip). Otherwise, there's no 
> way to force our theme engine to *not* detect the system colors 
> unfortunately (given a gnome session running).
sadly is a complex and large app to change the code to force a 
forecolor, and is not ideal to change the code just for that since the 
current code works ok on windows with .net and themes, so it going to 
need compiler conditions, etc..

So, this supose to be fixed in mono 2.6 then?



> Carlos.
> 2010/1/7 buhochilenoi at gmail.com <mailto:buhochilenoi at gmail.com> 
> <buhochileno at gmail.com <mailto:buhochileno at gmail.com>>
>     Hi guys,
>     I have strage behaviour of mono Winform in a gnome theme that put
>     most of the font colour used by the system in white.
>     The gnome theme is mostly black, so all of the fonts in the
>     desktop are white (gnome bar, menus and so on...), the problem is
>     when I run a mono winform app, since the mono winform windows
>     don't take the gnome theme (it don't get blackish it keeps the
>     regular winform colors), but the winform fonts it do take the
>     white colour of the gnome theme and of course white on a gray
>     winfor window is hard to see/read...
>     So, I know that mono winform currently don't apply the gnome
>     theme, that's ok, but I want that the winform don't take the font
>     color neither to keep the regular black font color in the gray
>     winform window.
>     any way to chage/force that?, or I forced to use a black font
>     theme...?
>     I currently using mono and libgdiplus at version 2.4.2-3 on a
>     fedora 12 machine...
>     Thanks.
>     Mauricio
>     P.S: Please don't tell me to update to mono 2.6 to see if is fixed :-)
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