[Mono-winforms-list] which font to use on linux

Jonathan Pobst monkey at jpobst.com
Tue Jul 14 15:04:21 EDT 2009

It should automatically choose fonts that are relatively close to the 
ones you've chosen.

If you don't like what is chooses, you can assign them manually like you 
suggest, but there is no guarantee that the font you choose will exist 
on all Linuxes, so it may fall back to picking something close.

Alternatively, most Linuxes have some sort of "Microsoft Core Fonts" 
package available you can install, which provides common MS fonts like 


fiversen wrote:
> Hello,
> I wrote a small programm, 
> windows form, net framework 2.0.
> It runs on Windows and on Linux - I test it with the 'vm mono 2.2 suse 11'.
> But the programm does not look nice,
> because the font, I develop on window, 
> "Arial" and "Tahomina" are not on the Linux machine.
> What to do ?
> I found Fonts on Suse 11 like "Adobe Helvetica".
> Shall I assign these fonts to the controls,
> if the programm starts on Linux ?
> ---
> So long 
> Frank Iversen

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