[Mono-winforms-list] libgdiplus pango patch

Jonathan Anderson jonathan.l.anderson at gmail.com
Wed Feb 4 07:15:23 EST 2009

I mentioned earlier that I was doing work to get pango support working 
properly in libgdiplus.  Here's a patch with my work so far.  Most of 
the formatting options are supported, but some of them aren't (like 
digit substitution), and some are not fully supported (like certain 
string trimming behavior).  I did my best to match gdi+ behavior as seen 
on Windows for things like white space trimming, new lines, wrapping, 
etc.  I've tested most of the options that I worked on with the 
exception of tab stops.

Let me know what you think.

I'm getting ready to do work on the TextBox control to get it to handle 
complex scripts better as well.  This will most likely end up in putting 
some pango and uniscribe (for Windows) calls in the TextBoxTextRenderer 
class.  One question I have about this, is would it be possible to have 
the Windows TextBox use pango?  I know that pango on windows will pass 
things through to uniscribe, and it would be easier to not have to use 
two different text rendering backends if possible.

Jonathan Anderson
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