[Mono-winforms-list] Caret

David Joyner d4ljoyn at gmail.com
Fri Mar 9 07:28:16 EST 2007

Excellent discussion, and thank you George, I see how you've accomplished
that with a combination of preprocessor and reflection.

I'm not sure myself what the best way to provide cross-platform control
development is going to be -- I do agree though with Rafael that it is
almost impossible to stick with the control wrapper classes for WIN32
whether MFC, WTL, or Windows.Forms, since the designers chose not to expose
a lot of the underlying functionality, nearly every substantial project has
some dependency on direct calls to the win32 api.

Please forgive my ignorance, what's a MOMA?

On 3/9/07, George Giolfan <georgegiolfan at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Here is what I did to port ICSharpCode.TextEditor v.
> 2.1 RC1. This should not be the way to do it. I am
> interested in a Mono.Windows.UI.dll, but the best way
> would probably be to simply support some of the Win32 functions.
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