[Mono-winforms-list] support for winform?

Jordi Mas jordimash at gmail.com
Thu Nov 2 04:45:48 EST 2006

El dj 02 de 11 del 2006 a les 10:21 +0100, en/na Alexander Olk va
> Hi,
> I'm pretty sure that this was fixed last sunday (the fix is not part of
> any release yet). So it would be nice to know if you are running svn
> head or some other mono version.
> But nevertheless, please file a bug at:
> http://bugzilla.ximian.com/

I do not know if this has been planned or not but it will be interesting
to have a release candidate for Mono 1.2 then people can test their apps
against Mono 1.2. Many people does not have the time or knowledge to
build from SVN.

This can help to detect bugs like the reflector's one that I have
detected a few hours back.



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