[Mono-winforms-list] Compiling SWF && a little Bug in TextBoxBase

latency latency at gmx.de
Sun Jul 9 02:33:42 EDT 2006

Hi there,

first of all, I'm new to Mono. So far the only thing I've done by using Mono 
was a little FooTesting SWF Application (attached to this email) , containing 
only a Label and a Textbox.

However, something odd happend in that App. I tried to show a MessageBox once 
my TextBox has been clicked. But the MessageBox did not appear.

I dug in little deeper and found out, that the Click Event has been redeclared 
in TextBoxBase, but is never fired.

Just out of curiosity I tried to fix the bug myself by commenting out the 
Click Event declaration in TextBoxBase.

But now I can't test my changes because MonoDevelop can't build SWF. (I got 
the whole mcs trunk from SVN and imported the VS2005 Project Files to 
MonoDevelop.) Is there something I'm missing?

Kind Regards,
Valentin S.
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