[Mono-winforms-list] Programs compiled on Delphi 2005 using MWF hang on exit

Pavel Bansky levap at bansky.net
Mon Oct 10 13:50:41 EDT 2005

Hi Jordi and all Mono fans,

Mono is amazing and I'am upgrading with every new release in Debian
Testing repository - currently I throw away the Delphi2005
and using C# and have no problems.

Anyway, the report I take when executing my old D2005 app in Linux is 
pasted at the end of the message.
On Windows version of Mono, execution has no output and Mono
proccess starts growing in mamory - finaly I got the message box
Tittle: "Fatal error in gc" Text: "Too many heap sections". Application
work on .NET Framework 1.1 without problems.

I have experienced absolutely NO problems when using C# and 
Windows.Forms on Mono - even with the theme called 'nice'.

Mono System.Windows.Forms Assembly [Revision: 49925; built: 2005/9/11 
Keyboard: United States keyboard layout (phantom key version)
Desktop session is: KDE

Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: An exception 
was thr
own by the type initializer for System.Windows.Forms.MimeIconEngine ---> 
em.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 
x-ms-wax.desktop" is denied.
in <0x00338> System.IO.FileStream:.ctor (System.String name, FileMode 
mode, F
ileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean isAsync, 
in <0x0001f> System.IO.FileStream:.ctor (System.String name, FileMode 
mode, F
ileAccess access, FileShare share)
in (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.FileStream:.ctor 
in <0x00021> System.IO.File:OpenRead (System.String path)
in <0x000c3> System.IO.StreamReader:.ctor (System.String path, 
coding encoding, Boolean detect_encoding_from_bytemarks, Int32 buffer_size)
in <0x00026> System.IO.StreamReader:.ctor (System.String path)
in (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.StreamReader:.ctor 
in <0x0003d> System.Windows.Forms.KdeHandler:ReadDotDesktop 
(System.String fi
in <0x00122> System.Windows.Forms.KdeHandler:ReadMimetypes ()
in <0x0006f> System.Windows.Forms.KdeHandler:Start ()
in <0x00322> System.Windows.Forms.MimeIconEngine:.cctor ()--- End of 
inner ex
ception stack trace ---

in <0x00000> <unknown method>
in (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) 
r ()
in <0x00363> System.Windows.Forms.FileDialog+FileDialogPanel:.ctor 
ndows.Forms.FileDialog fileDialog)
in (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) FileDialogPanel:.ctor 
in <0x000a5> System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog:.ctor ()
in (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) 
ctor ()
in <0x0158f> main.MainForm:InitializeComponent ()
in <0x00013> main.MainForm:.ctor ()
in (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) main.MainForm:.ctor ()
in <0x00018> PajaNET.Units.PajaNET:PajaNET ()

Jordi Mas wrote:

> El ds 08 de 10 del 2005 a les 20:14 +0200, en/na Pavel Bansky va
> escriure:
>>I have also tested Delphi2005 apps on Mono and results was truly 
>>unsatisfing - Mono 1.1.4 to 1.1.8.
> Our System.Windows.Forms implementation is still under development and
> bug fixing. I strongly recommend to upgrade to the latest version of
> Mono and libgdiplus (version
> We will also appreciate if you report any bug or issue that you run
> into.
> Thanks Pavel!


Pavel Bánský
levap at bansky.net                        I write code...

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