[Mono-winforms-list] Native Winforms Crash on OSX

Roberto Antonio Berrospe Machin robert at berlinprod.com
Mon Oct 3 16:26:22 EDT 2005

Also, the error i get after the first crash, when i try to run the apps for a second time, is diferent.. here is the main part of the error...

Date/Time:      2005-10-03 17:21:41.004 -0300
OS Version:     10.4.2 (Build 8C46)
Report Version: 3

Command: mono
Path:    /usr/bin/mono
Parent:  sh [608]

Version: ??? (???)

PID:    616
Thread: 0

Exception:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes:      KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000000

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libgdiplus.dylib   0x02780780 GetFontMetrics + 44 (icplusplus.c:27)
1   <<00000000>>  0x02c19210 0 + 46240272
2   <<00000000>>  0x02c14b14 0 + 46222100
3   <<00000000>>  0x02c14a9c 0 + 46221980
4   <<00000000>>  0x02c141d8 0 + 46219736
5   <<00000000>>  0x02c139e8 0 + 46217704
6   <<00000000>>  0x02c138d0 0 + 46217424
7   <<00000000>>  0x02c124f0 0 + 46212336
8   <<00000000>>  0x02af57b8 0 + 45045688
9   <<00000000>>  0x02c12494 0 + 46212244
10  <<00000000>>  0x02c12430 0 + 46212144
11  <<00000000>>  0x02c123f8 0 + 46212088
12  <<00000000>>  0x02c0bc48 0 + 46185544
13  <<00000000>>  0x02c0ba30 0 + 46185008
14  <<00000000>>  0x02c0b9f0 0 + 46184944
15  <<00000000>>  0x02c0b938 0 + 46184760
16  <<00000000>>  0x02c0b68c 0 + 46184076
17  <<00000000>>  0x02c0a92c 0 + 46180652
18  <<00000000>>  0x02c0a518 0 + 46179608
19  <<00000000>>  0x010c5e80 0 + 17587840
20  <<00000000>>  0x004f31fc 0 + 5190140
21  <<00000000>>  0x004f3164 0 + 5189988
22  <<00000000>>  0x004f30a8 0 + 5189800
23  <<00000000>>  0x004f0c20 0 + 5180448
24  mono               0x00030c50 mono_jit_runtime_invoke + 280 (mini.c:9649)
25  mono               0x000a459c mono_runtime_invoke + 84 (object.c:1311)
26  mono               0x000a6154 mono_runtime_exec_main + 416 (object.c:2012)
27  mono               0x000a5c64 mono_runtime_run_main + 856 (object.c:1869)
28  mono               0x00004070 mono_jit_exec + 180 (driver.c:494)
29  mono               0x00004188 main_thread_handler + 248 (driver.c:531)
30  mono               0x000054f4 mono_main + 4456 (driver.c:937)
31  mono               0x00002e14 main + 40 (main.c:6)
32  mono               0x000028dc _start + 392 (crt.c:267)
33  dyld               0x8fe01048 _dyld_start + 60

Thread 1:
0   libSystem.B.dylib  0x90042ae8 mach_wait_until + 8
1   libSystem.B.dylib  0x900428a0 nanosleep + 384
2   mono               0x00181e14 collection_thread + 60 (collection.c:43)
3   libSystem.B.dylib  0x9002c3b4 _pthread_body + 96

Thread 2:
0   libSystem.B.dylib  0x90056418 semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 8
1   libSystem.B.dylib  0x90056284 pthread_cond_timedwait + 704
2   mono               0x00157d50 timedwait_signal_poll_cond + 164 (handles.c:1251)
3   mono               0x00158118 _wapi_handle_timedwait_signal_handle + 520 (handles.c:1338)
4   mono               0x00157ef4 _wapi_handle_wait_signal_handle + 36 (handles.c:1298)
5   mono               0x00144df0 WaitForSingleObjectEx + 548 (wait.c:179)
6   mono               0x0012bb1c finalizer_thread + 116 (gc.c:678)
7   mono               0x000aab84 start_wrapper + 300 (threads.c:297)
8   mono               0x0016046c timed_thread_start_routine + 284 (timed-thread.c:134)
9   libSystem.B.dylib  0x9002c3b4 _pthread_body + 96

Thread 0 crashed with PPC Thread State 64:
  srr0: 0x0000000002780780 srr1: 0x000000000200f930                        vrsave: 0x0000000000000000
    cr: 0x44000424          xer: 0x0000000000000004   lr: 0x0000000002c19210  ctr: 0x0000000090008500
    r0: 0x0000000002c19210   r1: 0x00000000bfffef30   r2: 0x0000000000000000   r3: 0x0000000000000000
    r4: 0x00000000011f6080   r5: 0x00000000004ded74   r6: 0x00000000bffff204   r7: 0x00000000bffff204
    r8: 0x00000000bfffef40   r9: 0x00000000011f6080  r10: 0x000000009004600c  r11: 0x00000000bffff020
   r12: 0x0000000090008500  r13: 0x0000000000000000  r14: 0x0000000000000000  r15: 0x0000000000000000
   r16: 0x0000000000000000  r17: 0x000000000000000e  r18: 0x00000000004ded40  r19: 0x0000000000000000
   r20: 0x00000000004ded40  r21: 0x0000000000000000  r22: 0x0000000000000009  r23: 0x0000000000000000
   r24: 0x0000000000000000  r25: 0x0000000000000000  r26: 0x00000000011f6080  r27: 0x00000000007414b0
   r28: 0x00000000017eef20  r29: 0x00000000004defc0  r30: 0x00000000bfffef30  r31: 0x00000000bffff850

Model: PowerBook6,5, BootROM 4.8.5f0, 1 processors, PowerPC G4  (1.1), 1.07 GHz, 768 MB
Graphics: ATI Mobility Radeon 9200, ATY,RV280M9+, AGP, 32 MB
Memory Module: DIMM0/BUILT-IN, 256 MB, built-in, built-in
Memory Module: DIMM1/J31, 512 MB, DDR SDRAM, PC2700U-25330
AirPort: AirPort Extreme, 400.17 (
Modem: Jump, , V.92, Version 1.0, 
Network Service: AirPort, AirPort, en1
Parallel ATA Device: MATSHITACD-RW  CW-8123, 
Parallel ATA Device: Hitachi IC25N040ATMR04-0, 37.26 GB
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