[Mono-winforms-list] System.Windows.Forms.Form: PaintEventHandler is called only when you increase the form

Jackson Harper jackson at ximian.com
Tue Nov 1 15:23:21 EST 2005

On Tue, 2005-11-01 at 21:13 +0100, Alexander Reiter wrote:
> hi all,
>    I've a problem with the System.Windows.Forms.Form Paint Event. I am calling the paint event with the following
>    line: this.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(Draw_Graphics); the Draw_Graphics part is simple drawing some
>    curves and lines to the Form.
>    My problem is now, that as soon as I start to resize the form the Paint event is only called when I increase the
>    form size. When I decrease the size nothing is happening.

I believe that is the intended behavoir. Have you tested on windows?
You can do a SetStyle (ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true) or you can
subscribe to the SizeChanged event and do drawing there.


>    I just started to get deeper into C# and mono + forms, so any hint where I can start to search ?
> br
> alex
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