[Mono-winforms-list] Theming in MWF
Jonathan S. Chambers
Jonathan.Chambers at ansys.com
Fri Jul 29 08:49:57 EDT 2005
Is it just me, or is 'theming' being used in 2 different contexts? Kornel previously said:
'MS.NET has no theming support. Theming means that it would be able to draw contorls and/or windows using custom functions. There is no such support in MS.NET.'
Isn't the concept of 'themes' in MWF just to draw the widgets in the native style? According to the MWF page on the mono website:
'In terms of integrating visually with the desktop, we have a (still incomplete) themeing interface, currently with a classic Win32 theme and a Gtk theme.'
Currently, the functionality described by Kornel exists via the Themes class, but it is an internal mechanism to support drawing widgets that look native. If we published the Theme class and let people implement it, then it would be the functionality that Kornel is describing.
If not, please clarify for me.
-----Original Message-----
From: mono-winforms-list-bounces at lists.ximian.com [mailto:mono-winforms-list-bounces at lists.ximian.com] On Behalf Of Kornél Pál
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 8:38 AM
To: Jordi Mas; Pedro Martínez Juliá
Cc: mono-winforms-list at ximian.com
Subject: Re: [Mono-winforms-list] Theming in MWF
As I know MWF uses a single theme and it draws everything using
System.Drawing and does not use any native control representations.
On Windows it is possible to let the system draw controls. If it possible
under X11 and OS X as well?
On Windows there are system colors that could be used to color controls. Is
the something equivalent on X11 and OS X?
The problem with custom theming is the connetcion interface. Maybe we should
add a new assembly that exposes connection interfaces. And we could add some
configuration settings to specify themes.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jordi Mas" <jordi at ximian.com>
To: "Pedro Martínez Juliá" <pedromj at gmail.com>
Cc: <mono-winforms-list at ximian.com>; "Kornél Pál" <kornelpal at hotmail.com>
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 2:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Mono-winforms-list] Theming in MWF
> El dv 29 de 07 del 2005 a les 14:20 +0200, en/na Pedro Martínez Juliá va
> escriure:
>> But we have a theming implementation in MWF. If we want to be 100%
>> compatible with MS.NET, we need to get out that theming implementation
>> and put it as an optional patch...
> Pedro,
> The fact that we have some extra features for our SWF implementation
> that does NOT break the API level compatibility with the Microsoft
> stack. What is important is that we expose the same public API and its
> behaviour matches the Microsoft one as much as possible.
> Regards,
> Jordi,
> --
> Jordi Mas i Hernàndez - Mono development team -
> http://www.mono-project.com
> Homepage and LiveJournal at http://www.softcatala.org/~jmas
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