FW: [Mono-winforms-list] Want to contribute to new SWFimplementation ?

Ravindra rkumar@novell.com
Wed, 15 Sep 2004 12:11:10 +0530

On Tue, 2004-09-14 at 19:22, hector_jimenez@ltv.org.mx wrote:
> I installed mono using the RPM packages for Red Hat 9.0
> What does I need do for update my SWF implementation?
1. You would need to checkout mcs tree.
	$ cvs co mcs

2. Go to mcs/class/Managed.Windows.Forms directory and run following
	$ make MCS=mcs
	$ make prefix=/usr install

> I need build and install mono from sources? if it is true, 
> Can you list me the steps for do it?
It should not be required. But, if you want to build mono also, it's
pretty easy. You can have a look at README under /cvs/mono directory.

Hope this helps!
