[Mono-winforms-list] Patch: 3rd time lucky -> Button Rendering patch fix
John BouAntoun
Thu, 04 Nov 2004 20:34:41 +1100
Content-Type: text/plain
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Hi guys,
This should work properly now. I have been able to test it on windows
(i.e. with no AA).
Not only is AA making it look ugly, it's making it hard to get right.
Anyhow, please note that you won't see the right focus effect unless you
manually set the focus of a button to test it.
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=ButtonRenderingFixes.patch
Content-Type: text/x-patch; name=ButtonRenderingFixes.patch; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
? ButtonRenderingFixes.patch
? Makefile.SWF
? Makefile.solution.SWF
? SWF.cmbx
? SWF.mdsx
? SWF.pidb
? SWF.prjx
? make.sh
Index: System.Windows.Forms/ThemeWin32Classic.cs
RCS file: /cvs/public/mcs/class/Managed.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms/ThemeWin32Classic.cs,v
retrieving revision 1.52
diff -u -r1.52 ThemeWin32Classic.cs
--- System.Windows.Forms/ThemeWin32Classic.cs 30 Oct 2004 10:23:02 -0000 1.52
+++ System.Windows.Forms/ThemeWin32Classic.cs 4 Nov 2004 08:08:07 -0000
@@ -320,6 +320,7 @@
public override void DrawButtonBase(Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_area, ButtonBase button) {
int width;
int height;
+ Rectangle buttonRectangle;
width = button.ClientSize.Width;
height = button.ClientSize.Height;
@@ -327,13 +328,20 @@
SolidBrush sb = new SolidBrush(button.BackColor);
dc.FillRectangle(sb, button.ClientRectangle);
- CPDrawButton(dc, button.ClientRectangle, button.ButtonState);
+ // set up the button rectangle
+ buttonRectangle = button.ClientRectangle;
if (button.has_focus) {
- CPDrawFocusRectangle(dc, button.ClientRectangle, ColorButtonText, ColorButtonFace);
+ // shrink the rectangle for the normal button drawing inside the focus rectangle
+ buttonRectangle.Inflate(-1,-1);
+ if (button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat || button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup) {
+ DrawFlatStyleButton (dc, buttonRectangle, button);
+ } else {
+ CPDrawButton(dc, buttonRectangle, button.ButtonState);
+ }
// First, draw the image
if ((button.image != null) || (button.image_list != null)) {
// Need to draw a picture
@@ -425,10 +433,19 @@
CPDrawImageDisabled(dc, i, image_x, image_y, ColorButtonFace);
+ // Draw the focus rectangle
+ if (button.has_focus) {
+ if (button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat || button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup) {
+ DrawFlatStyleFocusRectangle (dc, button.ClientRectangle, button, button.ForeColor, button.BackColor);
+ } else {
+ CPDrawFocusRectangle(dc, button.ClientRectangle, button.ForeColor, button.BackColor);
+ }
+ }
// Now the text
if (button.text != null && button.text != String.Empty) {
- Rectangle text_rect = new Rectangle(3, 3, button.ClientSize.Width-6, button.ClientSize.Height-6); // FIXME; calculate rect properly
+ Rectangle text_rect = new Rectangle(6, 6, button.ClientSize.Width-12, button.ClientSize.Height-12);
if (button.is_pressed) {
@@ -440,7 +457,97 @@
dc.DrawString(button.text, button.Font, b, text_rect, button.text_format);
} else {
- CPDrawStringDisabled(dc, button.text, button.Font, ColorButtonText, text_rect, button.text_format);
+ if (button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat || button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup) {
+ dc.DrawString(button.text, button.Font, ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ControlPaint.DarkDark (this.ColorButtonFace)), text_rect, button.text_format);
+ } else {
+ CPDrawStringDisabled(dc, button.text, button.Font, ColorButtonText, text_rect, button.text_format);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // draw the flat style part of the rectangle
+ public void DrawFlatStyleButton (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, ButtonBase button) {
+ Color rect_back_color = button.BackColor;
+ Color rect_fore_color = button.ForeColor;
+ Rectangle trace_rectangle = new Rectangle(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, Math.Max (rectangle.Width-1, 0), Math.Max (rectangle.Height-1, 0));
+ if (button.Enabled) {
+ if (button.Capture || button.is_entered) {
+ if (button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat) {
+ // fill the rectangle
+ graphics.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (rect_back_color), rectangle);
+ // now draw the outer border
+ if (button.Capture && button.is_entered) {
+ rect_back_color = ControlPaint.LightLight (rect_back_color);
+ } else {
+ rect_back_color = ControlPaint.Light (rect_back_color);
+ }
+ // draw rectangle and fill it
+ graphics.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (rect_back_color), rectangle);
+ graphics.DrawRectangle(ResPool.GetPen (rect_fore_color), trace_rectangle);
+ } else {
+ // else it must be a popup button
+ if (button.Capture && button.is_entered) {
+ graphics.DrawRectangle(ResPool.GetPen (this.ColorButtonText), trace_rectangle);
+ } else {
+ // draw a 3d border
+ CPDrawBorder3D (graphics, rectangle, Border3DStyle.RaisedInner, Border3DSide.Left | Border3DSide.Top, button.BackColor);
+ graphics.DrawLine ( ResPool.GetPen (this.ColorButtonText), trace_rectangle.X, trace_rectangle.Bottom, trace_rectangle.Right, trace_rectangle.Bottom);
+ graphics.DrawLine ( ResPool.GetPen (this.ColorButtonText), trace_rectangle.Right, trace_rectangle.Y, trace_rectangle.Right, trace_rectangle.Bottom);
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: draw inner focus rectangle
+ } else {
+ // popup has a ButtonColorText forecolor, not a button.ForeCOlor
+ if (button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup) {
+ rect_fore_color = this.ColorButtonText;
+ }
+ // fill then draw outer rect
+ graphics.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (rect_back_color), rectangle);
+ graphics.DrawRectangle(ResPool.GetPen (rect_fore_color), trace_rectangle);
+ }
+ // finally some small tweaks to render radiobutton and checkbox
+ CheckBox checkbox = button as CheckBox;
+ RadioButton radiobutton = button as RadioButton;
+ if ((checkbox != null && checkbox.Checked) ||
+ (radiobutton != null && radiobutton.Checked)) {
+ if (button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat && button.is_entered && !button.Capture) {
+ // render the hover for flat flatstyle and cheked
+ graphics.DrawRectangle(ResPool.GetPen (this.ColorButtonText), trace_rectangle);
+ } else if (!button.is_entered && !button.Capture) {
+ // render the checked state for popup when unhovered
+ CPDrawBorder3D (graphics, rectangle, Border3DStyle.SunkenInner, Border3DSide.Right | Border3DSide.Bottom, button.BackColor);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // rendering checkbox or radio button style buttons
+ CheckBox checkbox = button as CheckBox;
+ RadioButton radiobutton = button as RadioButton;
+ bool draw_popup_checked = false;
+ if (button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup) {
+ rect_fore_color = this.ColorButtonText;
+ // see if we should draw a disabled checked popup button
+ draw_popup_checked = ((checkbox != null && checkbox.Checked) ||
+ (radiobutton != null && radiobutton.Checked));
+ }
+ graphics.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (rect_back_color), rectangle);
+ graphics.DrawRectangle(ResPool.GetPen (rect_fore_color), trace_rectangle);
+ // finally draw the flatstyle checked effect if need
+ if (draw_popup_checked) {
+ // render the checked state for popup when unhovered
+ CPDrawBorder3D (graphics, rectangle, Border3DStyle.SunkenInner, Border3DSide.Right | Border3DSide.Bottom, button.BackColor);
@@ -551,6 +658,8 @@
+ text_rectangle.Inflate (-4, -4);
/* Set the horizontal alignment of our text */
switch(checkbox.text_alignment) {
@@ -628,34 +737,53 @@
sb=new SolidBrush(checkbox.BackColor);
dc.FillRectangle(sb, checkbox.ClientRectangle);
- // establish if we are rendering a flat style of some sort
- if (checkbox.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat || checkbox.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup) {
- DrawFlatStyleCheckBox (dc, checkbox_rectangle, checkbox);
+ // render as per normal button
+ if (checkbox.appearance==Appearance.Button) {
+ if (checkbox.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat || checkbox.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup) {
+ DrawFlatStyleButton(dc, checkbox.ClientRectangle, checkbox);
+ } else {
+ CPDrawButton(dc, checkbox.ClientRectangle, state);
+ }
} else {
- // render as per normal
- if (checkbox.appearance!=Appearance.Button) {
- ControlPaint.DrawCheckBox(dc, checkbox_rectangle, state);
+ // establish if we are rendering a flat style of some sort
+ if (checkbox.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat || checkbox.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup) {
+ DrawFlatStyleCheckBox (dc, checkbox_rectangle, checkbox);
} else {
- ControlPaint.DrawButton(dc, text_rectangle, state);
+ ControlPaint.DrawCheckBox(dc, checkbox_rectangle, state);
// win32 compat - win32 seems to give the text a slight (3px) offset when rendering
- Rectangle inner_text_rectangle = new Rectangle (text_rectangle.X + 3, text_rectangle.Y, Math.Max (text_rectangle.Width - 3, 0), text_rectangle.Height);
+ Rectangle inner_text_rectangle = new Rectangle (text_rectangle.X + 2, text_rectangle.Y + 2, Math.Max (text_rectangle.Width - 4, 0), Math.Max (text_rectangle.Height - 4, 0));
+ // offset the text if it's pressed and a button
+ if (checkbox.Appearance == Appearance.Button) {
+ int buttonXOffset = 2;
+ int buttonYOffset = 0;
+ int pressedOffset = 0;
+ if (checkbox.Checked || (checkbox.Capture && checkbox.FlatStyle != FlatStyle.Flat)) {
+ pressedOffset += 2;
+ }
+ inner_text_rectangle = new Rectangle (inner_text_rectangle.X + buttonXOffset + pressedOffset, inner_text_rectangle.Y + buttonYOffset + pressedOffset, inner_text_rectangle.Width - 2*buttonXOffset, inner_text_rectangle.Height - 2*buttonYOffset);
+ }
/* Place the text; to be compatible with Windows place it after the checkbox has been drawn */
if (checkbox.Enabled) {
sb = ResPool.GetSolidBrush(checkbox.ForeColor);
dc.DrawString(checkbox.Text, checkbox.Font, sb, inner_text_rectangle, text_format);
} else if (checkbox.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat || checkbox.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup) {
- dc.DrawString(checkbox.Text, checkbox.Font, SystemBrushes.ControlDark, inner_text_rectangle, text_format);
+ dc.DrawString(checkbox.Text, checkbox.Font, ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ControlPaint.DarkDark (this.ColorButtonFace)), inner_text_rectangle, text_format);
} else {
CPDrawStringDisabled(dc, checkbox.Text, checkbox.Font, ColorButtonText, inner_text_rectangle, text_format);
if (checkbox.Focused) {
- ControlPaint.DrawFocusRectangle(dc, text_rectangle);
+ if (checkbox.FlatStyle != FlatStyle.Flat) {
+ DrawInnerFocusRectangle (dc, text_rectangle, checkbox.BackColor);
+ } else {
+ dc.DrawRectangle (ResPool.GetPen (checkbox.ForeColor), text_rectangle);
+ }
@@ -699,10 +827,10 @@
ControlPaint.DrawBorder(graphics, checkbox_rectangle, checkbox.ForeColor, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid);
} else {
// draw sunken effect
- CPDrawBorder3D (graphics, checkbox_rectangle, Border3DStyle.SunkenInner, Border3DSide.Bottom | Border3DSide.Right, checkbox.BackColor);
+ CPDrawBorder3D (graphics, checkbox_rectangle, Border3DStyle.SunkenInner, Border3DSide.All, checkbox.BackColor);
// draw top left
- graphics.DrawLine(ResPool.GetPen (ControlPaint.DarkDark (checkbox.BackColor)), checkbox_rectangle.X, checkbox_rectangle.Y, checkbox_rectangle.X, checkbox_rectangle.Y+checkbox_rectangle.Height);
- graphics.DrawLine(ResPool.GetPen (ControlPaint.DarkDark (checkbox.BackColor)), checkbox_rectangle.X, checkbox_rectangle.Y, Math.Max(checkbox_rectangle.X + checkbox_rectangle.Width - 1, 0), checkbox_rectangle.Y);
+// graphics.DrawLine(ResPool.GetPen (ControlPaint.DarkDark (checkbox.BackColor)), checkbox_rectangle.X, checkbox_rectangle.Y, checkbox_rectangle.X, checkbox_rectangle.Y+checkbox_rectangle.Height);
+ //graphics.DrawLine(ResPool.GetPen (ControlPaint.DarkDark (checkbox.BackColor)), checkbox_rectangle.X, checkbox_rectangle.Y, Math.Max(checkbox_rectangle.X + checkbox_rectangle.Width - 1, 0), checkbox_rectangle.Y);
} else {
graphics.FillRectangle(ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ControlPaint.LightLight (checkbox.BackColor)), fill_rectangle);
@@ -1163,6 +1291,8 @@
+ text_rectangle.Inflate (-4, -4);
/* Set the horizontal alignment of our text */
switch(radio_button.text_alignment) {
@@ -1227,29 +1357,58 @@
dc.FillRectangle(sb, radio_button.ClientRectangle);
- // establish if we are rendering a flat style of some sort
- if (radio_button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat || radio_button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup) {
- DrawFlatStyleRadioButton (dc, radiobutton_rectangle, radio_button);
- } else {
- // render as per normal
- if (radio_button.appearance!=Appearance.Button) {
- ControlPaint.DrawRadioButton (dc, radiobutton_rectangle, state);
+ if (radio_button.appearance==Appearance.Button) {
+ if (radio_button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat || radio_button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup) {
+ DrawFlatStyleButton(dc, radio_button.ClientRectangle, radio_button);
+ } else {
+ CPDrawButton(dc, radio_button.ClientRectangle, state);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // establish if we are rendering a flat style of some sort
+ if (radio_button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat || radio_button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup) {
+ DrawFlatStyleRadioButton (dc, radiobutton_rectangle, radio_button);
} else {
- ControlPaint.DrawButton (dc, text_rectangle, state);
+ ControlPaint.DrawRadioButton (dc, radiobutton_rectangle, state);
// wind32 compat - win32 seems to give the text a slight (3px) offset when rendering
- Rectangle inner_text_rectangle = new Rectangle (text_rectangle.X + 3, text_rectangle.Y, Math.Max (text_rectangle.Width - 3, 0), text_rectangle.Height);
+ Rectangle inner_text_rectangle = new Rectangle (text_rectangle.X + 3, text_rectangle.Y, Math.Max (text_rectangle.Width - 3, 0), text_rectangle.Height);
+ // offset the text if it's pressed and a button
+ if (radio_button.Appearance == Appearance.Button) {
+ int buttonXOffset = 2;
+ int buttonYOffset = 0;
+ int pressedOffset = 0;
+ if (radio_button.Checked || (radio_button.Capture && radio_button.FlatStyle != FlatStyle.Flat)) {
+ pressedOffset += 2;
+ }
+ inner_text_rectangle = new Rectangle (inner_text_rectangle.X + buttonXOffset + pressedOffset, inner_text_rectangle.Y + buttonYOffset + pressedOffset, inner_text_rectangle.Width - 2*buttonXOffset, inner_text_rectangle.Height - 2*buttonYOffset);
+ }
/* Place the text; to be compatible with Windows place it after the radiobutton has been drawn */
sb=new SolidBrush(radio_button.ForeColor);
dc.DrawString (radio_button.Text, radio_button.Font, sb, inner_text_rectangle, text_format);
+ if (radio_button.Enabled) {
+ sb = ResPool.GetSolidBrush(radio_button.ForeColor);
+ dc.DrawString(radio_button.Text, radio_button.Font, sb, inner_text_rectangle, text_format);
+ } else if (radio_button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat) {
+ dc.DrawString(radio_button.Text, radio_button.Font, ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ControlPaint.DarkDark (this.ColorButtonFace)), inner_text_rectangle, text_format);
+ } else {
+ CPDrawStringDisabled(dc, radio_button.Text, radio_button.Font, this.ColorButtonText, inner_text_rectangle, text_format);
+ }
if (radio_button.Focused) {
- ControlPaint.DrawFocusRectangle(dc, text_rectangle);
- }
+ if (radio_button.FlatStyle != FlatStyle.Flat) {
+ DrawInnerFocusRectangle (dc, text_rectangle, radio_button.BackColor);
+ } else {
+ dc.DrawRectangle (ResPool.GetPen (radio_button.ForeColor), text_rectangle);
+ }
+ }
// renders a radio button with the Flat and Popup FlatStyle
@@ -1257,24 +1416,40 @@
int lineWidth;
- // win32 compat fill in the background of the knob
- graphics.FillPie (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (this.ColorWindow), rectangle.X + 1, rectangle.Y + 1, rectangle.Width - 2, rectangle.Height - 2, 0, 359);
- // draw the outer flatstyle arcs
- if (radio_button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat) {
- graphics.DrawArc (ResPool.GetPen (ColorButtonText), rectangle, 0, 359);
- } else {
- // must be a popup radio button
- if (radio_button.is_entered) {
- // draw the popup 3d button knob
- graphics.DrawArc (SystemPens.ControlLight, rectangle.X+1, rectangle.Y+1, rectangle.Width-2, rectangle.Height-2, 0, 359);
- graphics.DrawArc (SystemPens.ControlDark, rectangle, 135, 180);
- graphics.DrawArc (SystemPens.ControlLightLight, rectangle, 315, 180);
+ if (radio_button.Enabled) {
+ // draw the outer flatstyle arcs
+ if (radio_button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat) {
+ graphics.DrawArc (ResPool.GetPen (radio_button.ForeColor), rectangle, 0, 359);
+ // fill in the area depending on whether or not the mouse is hovering
+ if (radio_button.is_entered && radio_button.Capture) {
+ graphics.FillPie (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ControlPaint.Light (radio_button.BackColor)), rectangle.X + 1, rectangle.Y + 1, rectangle.Width - 2, rectangle.Height - 2, 0, 359);
+ } else {
+ graphics.FillPie (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ControlPaint.LightLight (radio_button.BackColor)), rectangle.X + 1, rectangle.Y + 1, rectangle.Width - 2, rectangle.Height - 2, 0, 359);
+ }
} else {
- // just draw lighter flatstyle outer circle
- graphics.DrawArc (SystemPens.ControlDark, rectangle, 0, 359);
+ // must be a popup radio button
+ // fill the control
+ graphics.FillPie (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ControlPaint.LightLight (radio_button.BackColor)), rectangle, 0, 359);
+ if (radio_button.is_entered || radio_button.Capture) {
+ // draw the popup 3d button knob
+ graphics.DrawArc (ResPool.GetPen (ControlPaint.Light (radio_button.BackColor)), rectangle.X+1, rectangle.Y+1, rectangle.Width-2, rectangle.Height-2, 0, 359);
+ graphics.DrawArc (ResPool.GetPen (ControlPaint.Dark (radio_button.BackColor)), rectangle, 135, 180);
+ graphics.DrawArc (ResPool.GetPen (ControlPaint.LightLight (radio_button.BackColor)), rectangle, 315, 180);
+ } else {
+ // just draw lighter flatstyle outer circle
+ graphics.DrawArc (ResPool.GetPen (ControlPaint.Dark (this.ColorButtonFace)), rectangle, 0, 359);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // disabled
+ // fill control background color regardless of actual backcolor
+ graphics.FillPie (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (this.ColorButtonFace), rectangle.X + 1, rectangle.Y + 1, rectangle.Width - 2, rectangle.Height - 2, 0, 359);
+ // draw the ark as control dark
+ graphics.DrawArc (ResPool.GetPen (ControlPaint.Dark(this.ColorButtonFace)), rectangle, 0, 359);
// draw the check
@@ -1283,12 +1458,14 @@
SolidBrush buttonBrush;
if (!radio_button.Enabled) {
- buttonBrush = (SolidBrush) SystemBrushes.ControlDark;
+ buttonBrush = ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ControlPaint.Dark (this.ColorButtonFace));
+ } else if (radio_button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup && radio_button.is_entered && radio_button.Capture) {
+ buttonBrush = ResPool.GetSolidBrush (this.ColorButtonText);
} else {
- buttonBrush = (SolidBrush) SystemBrushes.ControlText;
+ buttonBrush = ResPool.GetSolidBrush (radio_button.ForeColor);
graphics.FillPie (buttonBrush, rectangle.X+lineWidth, rectangle.Y+lineWidth, rectangle.Width-lineWidth*2, rectangle.Height-lineWidth*2, 0, 359);
- }
+ }
public override Size RadioButtonDefaultSize {
@@ -2364,7 +2541,7 @@
if ((style & Border3DStyle.RaisedInner)!=0) {
if (doInner) {
- penTopLeftInner=ResPool.GetPen(ControlPaint.Light(control_color));
+ penTopLeftInner=ResPool.GetPen(control_color);
} else {
@@ -2373,7 +2550,7 @@
} else if ((style & Border3DStyle.SunkenInner)!=0) {
if (doInner) {
- penBottomRightInner=ResPool.GetPen(ControlPaint.Light(control_color));
+ penBottomRightInner=ResPool.GetPen(control_color);
} else {
@@ -2385,20 +2562,20 @@
if ((sides & Border3DSide.Left)!=0) {
- graphics.DrawLine(penTopLeft, rect.Left, rect.Bottom-1, rect.Left, rect.Top);
+ graphics.DrawLine(penTopLeft, rect.Left, rect.Bottom-2, rect.Left, rect.Top);
if (doInner) {
- graphics.DrawLine(penTopLeftInner, rect.Left+1, rect.Bottom-1, rect.Left+1, rect.Top);
+ graphics.DrawLine(penTopLeftInner, rect.Left+1, rect.Bottom-2, rect.Left+1, rect.Top);
if ((sides & Border3DSide.Top)!=0) {
- graphics.DrawLine(penTopLeft, rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right-1, rect.Top);
+ graphics.DrawLine(penTopLeft, rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right-2, rect.Top);
if (doInner) {
if ((sides & Border3DSide.Left)!=0) {
- graphics.DrawLine(penTopLeftInner, rect.Left+1, rect.Top+1, rect.Right-1, rect.Top+1);
+ graphics.DrawLine(penTopLeftInner, rect.Left+1, rect.Top+1, rect.Right-3, rect.Top+1);
} else {
- graphics.DrawLine(penTopLeftInner, rect.Left, rect.Top+1, rect.Right-1, rect.Top+1);
+ graphics.DrawLine(penTopLeftInner, rect.Left, rect.Top+1, rect.Right-3, rect.Top+1);
@@ -2408,9 +2585,9 @@
if (doInner) {
if ((sides & Border3DSide.Top)!=0) {
- graphics.DrawLine(penBottomRightInner, rect.Right-2, rect.Top+1, rect.Right-2, rect.Bottom-1);
+ graphics.DrawLine(penBottomRightInner, rect.Right-2, rect.Top+1, rect.Right-2, rect.Bottom-2);
} else {
- graphics.DrawLine(penBottomRightInner, rect.Right-2, rect.Top, rect.Right-2, rect.Bottom-1);
+ graphics.DrawLine(penBottomRightInner, rect.Right-2, rect.Top, rect.Right-2, rect.Bottom-2);
@@ -2428,7 +2605,7 @@
if ((sides & Border3DSide.Right)!=0) {
graphics.DrawLine(penBottomRightInner, left, rect.Bottom-2, rect.Right-2, rect.Bottom-2);
} else {
- graphics.DrawLine(penBottomRightInner, left, rect.Bottom-2, rect.Right-1, rect.Bottom-2);
+ graphics.DrawLine(penBottomRightInner, left, rect.Bottom-2, rect.Right-2, rect.Bottom-2);
@@ -2633,27 +2810,61 @@
+ public virtual void DrawFlatStyleFocusRectangle (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, ButtonBase button, Color foreColor, Color backColor) {
+ // make a rectange to trace around border of the button
+ Rectangle trace_rectangle = new Rectangle(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, Math.Max (rectangle.Width-1, 0), Math.Max (rectangle.Height-1, 0));
+ Color outerColor = foreColor;
+ // adjust focus color according to the flatstyle
+ if (button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup && !button.is_pressed) {
+ outerColor = (backColor == ColorButtonFace) ? ControlPaint.Dark(ColorButtonFace) : ColorButtonText;
+ }
+ // draw the outer rectangle
+ graphics.DrawRectangle (ResPool.GetPen (outerColor), trace_rectangle);
+ // draw the inner rectangle
+ if (button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup) {
+ DrawInnerFocusRectangle (graphics, Rectangle.Inflate (rectangle, -5, -5), backColor);
+ } else {
+ // draw a flat inner rectangle
+ Pen pen = ResPool.GetPen (ControlPaint.LightLight (backColor));
+ graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, Rectangle.Inflate (trace_rectangle, -5, -5));
+ }
+ }
+ public virtual void DrawInnerFocusRectangle(Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, Color backColor)
+ {
+ // make a rectange to trace around border of the button
+ Rectangle trace_rectangle = new Rectangle(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, Math.Max (rectangle.Width-1, 0), Math.Max (rectangle.Height-1, 0));
+ Color colorBackInverted = Color.FromArgb (Math.Abs (backColor.R-255), Math.Abs (backColor.G-255), Math.Abs (backColor.B-255));
+ DashStyle oldStyle; // used for caching old penstyle
+ Pen pen = ResPool.GetPen (colorBackInverted);
+ oldStyle = pen.DashStyle;
+ pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot;
+ graphics.DrawRectangle (pen, trace_rectangle);
+ pen.DashStyle = oldStyle;
+ }
public override void CPDrawFocusRectangle (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, Color foreColor, Color backColor) {
+ // make a rectange to trace around border of the button
+ Rectangle trace_rectangle = new Rectangle(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, Math.Max (rectangle.Width-1, 0), Math.Max (rectangle.Height-1, 0));
//Color colorForeInverted;
- Color colorBackInverted;
Pen pen;
- //colorForeInverted=Color.FromArgb(Math.Abs(foreColor.R-255), Math.Abs(foreColor.G-255), Math.Abs(foreColor.B-255));
+ //colorForeInverted=Color.FromArgb(Math.Abs(foreColor.R-255), Math.Abs(foreColor.G-255), Math.Abs(foreColor.B-255));
//pen=new Pen(colorForeInverted, 1);
// MS seems to always use black
- pen=new Pen(Color.Black, 1);
- graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, rectangle);
- pen.Dispose();
- colorBackInverted=Color.FromArgb(Math.Abs(backColor.R-255), Math.Abs(backColor.G-255), Math.Abs(backColor.B-255));
- pen=new Pen(colorBackInverted, 1);
- pen.DashStyle=DashStyle.Dot;
- graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, rectangle);
- pen.Dispose();
+ pen = ResPool.GetPen (Color.Black);
+ graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, trace_rectangle);
+ DrawInnerFocusRectangle (graphics, Rectangle.Inflate (rectangle, -4, -4), backColor);
public override void CPDrawGrabHandle (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, bool primary, bool enabled) {
SolidBrush sb;
Pen pen;
@@ -3305,18 +3516,22 @@
[MonoTODO("Finish drawing code for Caption, Menu and Scroll")]
private void DrawFrameControl(Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, DrawFrameControlTypes Type, DrawFrameControlStates State) {
+ // make a rectange to trace around border of the button
+ Rectangle trace_rectangle = new Rectangle(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, Math.Max (rectangle.Width-1, 0), Math.Max (rectangle.Height-1, 0));
switch(Type) {
case DrawFrameControlTypes.Button: {
if ((State & DrawFrameControlStates.ButtonPush)!=0) {
- /* Goes first, affects the background */
- if ((State & DrawFrameControlStates.Checked)!=0) {
- HatchBrush hatchBrush=new HatchBrush(HatchStyle.Percent50, ColorButtonLight, ColorButtonHilight);
- graphics.FillRectangle(hatchBrush,rectangle);
- hatchBrush.Dispose();
- }
+// JBA 31 oct 2004 - I don't think that button style should be rendered like this
+// /* Goes first, affects the background */
+// if ((State & DrawFrameControlStates.Checked)!=0) {
+// HatchBrush hatchBrush=new HatchBrush(HatchStyle.Percent50, ColorButtonLight, ColorButtonHilight);
+// graphics.FillRectangle(hatchBrush,rectangle);
+// hatchBrush.Dispose();
+// }
- if ((State & DrawFrameControlStates.Pushed)!=0) {
- CPDrawBorder3D(graphics, rectangle, Border3DStyle.Sunken, Border3DSide.Left | Border3DSide.Top | Border3DSide.Right | Border3DSide.Bottom, ColorButtonFace);
+ if ((State & DrawFrameControlStates.Pushed)!=0 || (State & DrawFrameControlStates.Checked)!=0) {
+ graphics.DrawRectangle (ResPool.GetPen (ControlPaint.Dark (ColorButtonFace)), trace_rectangle);
} else if ((State & DrawFrameControlStates.Flat)!=0) {
ControlPaint.DrawBorder(graphics, rectangle, ColorButtonShadow, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid);
} else if ((State & DrawFrameControlStates.Inactive)!=0) {