[Mono-winforms-list] MessageBox is working.. WinForms not

Juergen Moeller juergen.moeller@elektrobude.de
Mon, 24 May 2004 10:27:43 +0200


after a completely new installation of mono, I tried to build a very little 

the code:

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace MyFormTest 
	class SWFTest : System.Windows.Forms.Form
		public static void Main(string[] args)
			Application.Run(new SWFTest());

The MessageBox is shown! But after clicking the OK-Button of the 
MessageBox, I get the following error:

Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentException: Invalid Parameter. A null 
reference or invalid value was found.
in <0x0007d> System.Drawing.GDIPlus:CheckStatus (System.Drawing.Status)
in <0x0004b> System.Drawing.Bitmap:.ctor 
in <0x00015> System.Drawing.Bitmap:.ctor (int,int)
in <0x00061> (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) 
System.Drawing.Bitmap:.ctor (int,int)
in <0x00055> System.Drawing.Graphics:get_systemDpiX ()
in <0x00091> System.Drawing.Font:unitConversion 
in <0x00091> (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) 
in <0x00098> System.Drawing.Font:setProperties 
in <0x000c4> (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) 
in <0x0006f> System.Drawing.Font:.ctor 
in <0x00099> (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Drawing.Font:.ctor 
in <0x001ea> System.Drawing.Font:FromHfont (intptr)
in <0x00018> System.Windows.Forms.Control:get_DefaultFont ()
in <0x001c1> System.Windows.Forms.Control:.ctor ()
in <0x0000e> System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl:.ctor ()
in <0x0000a> System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl:.ctor ()
in <0x00016> System.Windows.Forms.Form:.ctor ()
in <0x0000a> MyFormTest.SWFTest:.ctor ()
in <0x0004f> (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) MyFormTest.SWFTest:.ctor 
in <0x0002a> MyFormTest.SWFTest:Main (string[])

So, there seems to be an error in System.Drawing??? 

I compiled the little test like that:
mcs -r System.Windows.Forms SWFTest.cs
mcs -r System.Windows.Forms -r System.Drawing SWFTest.cs

Both methods produce the same result. In the first method, is 
System.Drawing included automatically by System.Windows.Forms? Because the 
exception happens everytime in System.Drawing.

I have installed following form CVS:
mono 0.91.99
libgdiplus 0.6

and Wine-20040505 from a tarball

on a SuSE 9.0

Where should I search for the error?
