[Mono-winforms-list] Control

Brian Takita brian.takita@runbox.com
Fri, 22 Aug 2003 02:03:55 -0700

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line 2845.
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// System.Windows.Forms.Control.cs
// Author:
//   stubbed out by Jaak Simm (jaaksimm@firm.ee)
//	Dennis Hayes (dennish@rayetk.com)
//   WINELib implementation started by John Sohn (jsohn@columbus.rr.com)
//	 Alexandre Pigolkine (pigolkine@gmx.de)
//	Aleksey Ryabchuk (ryabchuk@yahoo.com)
// (C) Ximian, Inc., 2002

using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections;
using System.Threading;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Collections.Specialized;

namespace System.Windows.Forms {
    	public class Control : Component , ISynchronizeInvoke, IWin32Window {

    		// Helper NativeWindow class to dispatch messages back
    		// to the Control class
    		protected class ControlNativeWindow : NativeWindow {
    			private Control control;
    			public ControlNativeWindow (Control control) : base ()
    				this.control = control;
    			protected override void WndProc (ref Message m)
				//Console.WriteLine ("Control WndProc Message HWnd {0}, Msg {1}", m.HWnd, m.Msg);
				// Do not call default WndProc here
				// let the control decide what to do
    				// base.WndProc (ref m);
				//Console.WriteLine ("Control WndProc {0}", control.GetType().ToString());
#if FilterDrawItem				
					if (m.Msg == Msg.WM_DRAWITEM) {
						m.Result = (IntPtr)1;
       					control.WndProc (ref m);
   					control.WndProc (ref m);
    		// FIXME: not sure if dervied classes should have access
    		protected ControlNativeWindow window;
    		private ControlCollection childControls;
    		private Control parent;
    		static private Hashtable controlsCollection = new Hashtable ();
		static private NativeWindow parkingWindow = null;
		private static bool classRegistered = false;

    		// private fields
    		// it seems these are stored in case the window is not created,
    		// corresponding properties (below) need to check if window
    		// is created or not and react accordingly
    		string accessibleDefaultActionDescription;
    		string accessibleDescription;
    		string accessibleName;
    		AccessibleRole accessibleRole;
    		bool allowDrop;
    		AnchorStyles anchor;
    		internal Color backColor;
    		Image backgroundImage;
    		//BindingContext bindingContext;
    		Rectangle bounds;
		Rectangle oldBounds;

    		bool causesValidation;
    		ContextMenu contextMenu;
    		DockStyle dock;
    		bool enabled;
    		Font font;
    		internal Color foreColor;
    		ImeMode imeMode;
    		bool isAccessible;
    		// Point location;  // using bounds to store location
    		string name;
    		Region region;
    		RightToLeft rightToLeft;
    		bool tabStop;
    		internal string text;
    		internal bool visible;
    		internal ControlStyles controlStyles_;
		Cursor  cursor;

		int clientWidth;
		int clientHeight;

		BitVector32 statuses;
		private static readonly int LAYOUT_SUSPENDED = BitVector32.CreateMask ();
		private static readonly int LAYOUT_PENDING   = BitVector32.CreateMask (LAYOUT_SUSPENDED);
		private static readonly int DISPOSED	     = BitVector32.CreateMask (LAYOUT_PENDING);
		private static readonly int RECREATING_HANDLE= BitVector32.CreateMask (DISPOSED);
		private static readonly int CREATED          = BitVector32.CreateMask (RECREATING_HANDLE);
		private static readonly int DISPOSING        = BitVector32.CreateMask (CREATED);
		private static readonly int TOPLEVEL         = BitVector32.CreateMask (DISPOSING);

		internal enum CallWinControlProcMask : uint {
			MOUSE_MESSAGES = 0x0001,
		internal CallWinControlProcMask callWinControlProcMask;
		object tag;
		internal bool mouseIsInside_;
		// BeginInvoke () etc. helpers
		static int InvokeMessage = Win32.RegisterWindowMessage ("mono_control_invoke_helper");
		// CHECKME: This variable is used to determine whether current thread
		// was used to create Control Handle. It take some space but saves a call
		// to unmanaged code in ISynchronizeInvoke.IsInvokeRequired.
		private int CreatorThreadId_ = 0; 
		private Queue InvokeQueue_ = new Queue ();
		internal class ControlInvokeHelper : IAsyncResult {
			private Delegate Method_ = null;
			private object[] MethodArgs_ = null;
			private object MethodResult_ = null;
			private ManualResetEvent AsyncWaitHandle_ = new ManualResetEvent (false);
			private bool CompletedSynchronously_ = false;
			private bool IsCompleted_ = false;
			public ControlInvokeHelper (Delegate method, object[] args) {
				Method_ = method;
				MethodArgs_ = args;
			// IAsyncResult interface 
			object IAsyncResult.AsyncState { 
				get {
					if (MethodArgs_ != null && MethodArgs_.Length != 0) 
						return MethodArgs_[MethodArgs_.Length - 1];

					return null;
			WaitHandle IAsyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle { 
				get {
					return AsyncWaitHandle_;

			bool IAsyncResult.CompletedSynchronously {
				get {
					return CompletedSynchronously_;

			bool IAsyncResult.IsCompleted { 
				get {
					return IsCompleted_;

			internal bool CompletedSynchronously {
				set {
					CompletedSynchronously_ = value;

			internal object MethodResult {
				get {
					return MethodResult_;

			internal void ExecuteMethod () {
				object result = Method_.DynamicInvoke (MethodArgs_);
				lock (this) {
					MethodResult_ = result;
					IsCompleted_ = true;
				AsyncWaitHandle_.Set ();

    		// --- Constructors ---
		//Compact Framework //only Control ()
    		public Control ()
    			childControls = CreateControlsInstance ();

			statuses = new BitVector32 ();
				callWinControlProcMask = CallWinControlProcMask.MOUSE_MESSAGES | CallWinControlProcMask.KEYBOARD_MESSAGES;
    			accessibleDefaultActionDescription = null;
    			accessibleDescription = null;
    			accessibleName = null;
    			accessibleRole = AccessibleRole.Default;
    			allowDrop = false;
    			anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left;
    			backColor = Control.DefaultBackColor;
    			backgroundImage = null;
    			bounds = new Rectangle ();
			oldBounds = new Rectangle ();
    			// bindingContext = null;
    			causesValidation = true;
    			contextMenu = null;
    			dock = DockStyle.None;
    			enabled = true;
    			// font = Control.DefaultFont;
    			foreColor = Control.DefaultForeColor;
    			imeMode = ImeMode.Inherit;
    			isAccessible = false;
    			// location = new Point (0,0); should be from OS
    			name = "";
    			region = null;
    			rightToLeft = RightToLeft.Inherit;
    			tabStop = true;
    			text = "";
    			visible = true;
    			parent = null;
			cursor = null;

			oldBounds.Width  = bounds.Width = DefaultSize.Width;
			oldBounds.Height = bounds.Height= DefaultSize.Height;
			clientWidth	 = DefaultSize.Width;
			clientHeight	 = DefaultSize.Height;

			mouseIsInside_ = false;
    			controlStyles_ = ControlStyles.Selectable | ControlStyles.StandardClick | ControlStyles.StandardDoubleClick;
			// Do not create Handle here, only in CreateHandle
    			// CreateHandle ();//sets window handle. FIXME: No it does not
    		// according to docs, the constructors do not create 
    		// the (HWND) window
    		public Control (string text) : this () 
    			Text = text;
    			// SetWindowTextA (Handle, text);
    		public Control (Control parent, string text) : this (text) 
    			Parent = parent;
    			// SetParent (Handle, parent.Handle);
    		public Control (string text, int left, int top, 
    				int width, int height) : this (text) 
    			Left = left;
    			Top = top;
    			Width = width;
    			Height = height;
    			//SetWindowPos (Handle, (IntPtr) 0, left, top,
    			//	    width, height, 0);
    		public Control (Control parent,string text,int left, int top,
    				int width,int height) : this (parent, text)
    			Left = left;
    			Top = top;
    			Width = width;
    			Height = height;
    			// SetWindowPos (Handle, (IntPtr) 0, left, top,
    			//		    width, height, 0);
    		// for internal use only, create a control class
    		// for an existing, created HWND
     		private Control (IntPtr existingHandle)
     			window = (ControlNativeWindow) NativeWindow.FromHandle (
    		// --- Properties ---
    		// Properties only supporting .NET framework, not stubbed out:
			protected bool RenderRightToLeft {
    				throw new NotImplementedException ();
			public IWindowTarget WindowTarget {
				get {
					throw new NotImplementedException ();
				set {
    		public AccessibleObject AccessibilityObject {
    			get {
    				throw new NotImplementedException ();
    		public string AccessibleDefaultActionDescription {
    			get {
    				return accessibleDefaultActionDescription;
    			set {
    				accessibleDefaultActionDescription = value;
    		public string AccessibleDescription {
    			get {
    				return accessibleDescription;
    			set {
    		public string AccessibleName {
    			get {
    				return accessibleName;
    			set {
    		public AccessibleRole AccessibleRole {
    			get {
    				return accessibleRole;
    			set {
    		public virtual bool AllowDrop {
    			get {
    				return allowDrop;
    			set {
    		public virtual AnchorStyles Anchor {
    			get {
    				return anchor;
    			set {
				if (anchor != value){
    					anchor = value;
					if (anchor != (AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top))
						Dock = DockStyle.None;
		//Compact Framework
    		public virtual Color BackColor {
    			get {
				return backColor;
    			set {
				if (backColor != value) {
					backColor = value;
					OnBackColorChanged (new EventArgs ());
    		public virtual Image BackgroundImage {
    			get {
    				return backgroundImage;
    			set {
    				backgroundImage = value;
    				// FIXME: force redraw
				Invalidate ();
    		public virtual BindingContext BindingContext {
    			get {
    				//return bindingContext;
    				throw new NotImplementedException ();
    			set {
    				throw new NotImplementedException ();
		//Compact Framework
    		public int Bottom {
    			get {
    				return Top + Height;
		//Compact Framework
    		public Rectangle Bounds {
    			get {
    				return bounds;
    			set {
				SetBounds (value.Left, value.Top, value.Width, value.Height);
    		public bool CanFocus {
    			get {
    				if (IsHandleCreated && Visible && Enabled)
    					return true;
    				return false;
		public bool CanSelect {
    			get {
				if (!GetStyle (ControlStyles.Selectable))
					return false;

				if (Parent == null)
					return false;

				Control parent = Parent;
				while (parent != null){
					if (!parent.Visible || !parent.Enabled)
						return false;
					parent = parent.Parent;

				return true;
		//Compact Framework
    		public bool Capture {
    			get {
    				if (IsHandleCreated) {
    					IntPtr captured = Win32.GetCapture ();
    					if (Handle == captured) 
    						return true;
    				return false;
    			set {
    				if (IsHandleCreated) {
    					if (value)
    						Win32.SetCapture (Handle);
    					else {
    						IntPtr captured = Win32.GetCapture ();
    						// if this window is in capture state
    						// release it
    						if (Handle == captured)
    							Win32.ReleaseCapture ();
    		public bool CausesValidation {
    			get {
    				return causesValidation;
    			set {
		//Compact Framework
    		public Rectangle ClientRectangle {
    			get {
				return new Rectangle (0, 0, ClientSize.Width, ClientSize.Height);
		//Compact Framework
		public Size ClientSize {
			get {
				return new Size (clientWidth, clientHeight);
			set {
				SetClientSizeCore (value.Width, value.Height);
		public string CompanyName {
    			get {
				//Better than throwing an execption
    				return "Company Name";

    		public bool ContainsFocus {
    			get {
    				if (IsHandleCreated) {
					if (Focused) return true;
					foreach (Control ctr in Controls) {
						if (ctr.ContainsFocus) return true;
    				return false;
		//Compact Framework
		public virtual ContextMenu ContextMenu {
    			get {
  				return contextMenu;
    			set {
				if (contextMenu != value){
					contextMenu = value;
					OnContextMenuChanged (EventArgs.Empty);
    		public ControlCollection Controls {
    			get { return childControls; }
    		public bool Created {
    			get { return statuses[ CREATED ]; }
    		protected virtual CreateParams CreateParams {
    			get {
				CreateParams createParams = new CreateParams ();
				createParams.Caption = Text;
				createParams.X = Left;
				createParams.Y = Top;
				createParams.Width = Width;
				createParams.Height = Height;
				createParams.ClassStyle = 0;
				createParams.ExStyle = 0;
				createParams.Param = 0;
				if (parent != null)
					createParams.Parent = parent.Handle;
					createParams.Parent = ParkingWindowHandle;
				createParams.Style = (int) WindowStyles.WS_OVERLAPPED;
				if (visible) {
					createParams.Style |= (int) WindowStyles.WS_VISIBLE;
    				return createParams;
		internal protected IntPtr ControlRealWndProc = IntPtr.Zero;
		internal protected bool SubClassWndProc_ = false;

		// This function lets Windows or/and default Windows control process message
		// Classes have to call it if they do not handle message in WndProc or
		// default handling is needed.
		protected void CallControlWndProc (ref Message msg) {
			if (ControlRealWndProc != IntPtr.Zero) {
				bool callControlProc = true;
				if ((callWinControlProcMask & CallWinControlProcMask.MOUSE_MESSAGES) == 0 && msg.IsMouseMessage) {
					callControlProc = false;
				if ((callWinControlProcMask & CallWinControlProcMask.KEYBOARD_MESSAGES) == 0 && msg.IsKeyboardMessage) {
					callControlProc = false;
				if (callControlProc) {
					//Console.WriteLine ("CallControl {0}", msg.Msg);
					msg.Result = (IntPtr)Win32.CallWindowProc (ControlRealWndProc, msg.HWnd, (int)msg.Msg, msg.WParam.ToInt32 (), msg.LParam.ToInt32 ());
			else {
				DefWndProc (ref msg);

		// Subclass only native Windows controls. Those classes have to set SubClassWndProc_ to true in contructor
		private void SubclassWindow () {
			if (IsHandleCreated && SubClassWndProc_) {
				ControlRealWndProc = Win32.SetWindowLong (Handle, GetWindowLongFlag.GWL_WNDPROC, NativeWindow.GetWindowProc ());

		private void UnsubclassWindow () {
			if (IsHandleCreated) {
				Win32.SetWindowLong (Handle, GetWindowLongFlag.GWL_WNDPROC, ControlRealWndProc.ToInt32 ());

		protected virtual void OnWmCommand (ref Message m) {
			if (m.LParam.ToInt32 () != 0) {
				if (m.LParam != Handle) {
					// Control notification
					System.Console.WriteLine ("Control notification Code {0} Id = Hwnd {1}", m.HiWordWParam, m.LParam.ToInt32 ());
					Control.ReflectMessage (m.LParam, ref m);
				else {
					// Unhandled Control reflection
					// Derived class didn't handle WM_COMMAND or called base.WndProc in WM_COMMAND handler
					// CHECKME: Shall we notify user in debug build, throw an exception or just ignore this case ?

		public virtual Cursor Cursor {
    			get { 
				if (cursor == null)
					return Cursors.Default;
				return cursor; 
    			set { cursor = value;}
		//Compact Framework
		// waiting for BindingContext; should be stubbed now
			public ControlBindingsCollection DataBindings {
    			get {
    				throw new NotImplementedException ();
    		public static Color DefaultBackColor {
    			get {
    				// FIXME: use GetSystemMetrics?
    				return SystemColors.Control;
    				//throw new NotImplementedException ();
   		// FIXME: use GetSystemMetrics?
     		public static Font DefaultFont {
    			// FIXME: get current system font from GenericSansSerif
    			//        call ArgumentException not called
    			get {
				//		throw new NotImplementedException ();
				//		return (FontFamily.GenericSansSerif);
				return Font.FromHfont (Win32.GetStockObject (GSO_.DEFAULT_GUI_FONT));
    		public static Color DefaultForeColor {
    			get {
    				return SystemColors.ControlText;
    		protected virtual ImeMode DefaultImeMode {
    			get {
    				return ImeMode.Inherit;
    		protected virtual Size DefaultSize {
    			get {
				//Default label size, this should be correct.
    				return new Size (100,23);
    		public virtual Rectangle DisplayRectangle {
    			get {
    				return ClientRectangle;
    		public bool Disposing {
    			get { return statuses [ DISPOSING ]; }
    		public virtual DockStyle Dock {
    			get {
    				return dock;
    			set {
				if (dock != value){
    					dock = value;
					if (dock != DockStyle.None)
						Anchor = (AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top);
					OnDockChanged (EventArgs.Empty);					
		//Compact Framework
			//public virtual bool Enabled {
			public bool Enabled {
				get {
				return enabled;
    				//return Win32.IsWindowEnabled (Handle);
    			set {
				if (enabled != value) {
					Win32.EnableWindow (Handle, value);
					enabled = value;
					// FIXME: Disable/enable all children here
					Invalidate ();
		//Compact Framework
    		public virtual bool Focused {
    			get {
				if (IsHandleCreated) {
					IntPtr focusedWindow = Win32.GetFocus ();
					if (focusedWindow == Handle)
						return true;
				return false;
		//Compact Framework
    		public virtual Font Font {
			get {
				Font result = font;
				if (result == null) {
					if (Parent != null) {
						result = Parent.Font;
					if (result == null) {
						result = Control.DefaultFont;
				return result;
    			set {
				font = value;
				if (IsHandleCreated) {
					Win32.SendMessage (Handle, Msg.WM_SETFONT, Font.ToHfont ().ToInt32 (), 1);
		protected int FontHeight {
    			get {
    				throw new NotImplementedException ();
    			set {
    				throw new NotImplementedException ();
		//Compact Framework
    		public virtual Color ForeColor {
    			get {
    				return foreColor;
    			set {
    				foreColor = value;
    		public bool HasChildren {
    			get {
    				if (childControls.Count >0) 
    					return true;
    				return false;
		//Compact Framework
    		public int Height {
    			get {
    				return bounds.Height;
    			set {
				SetBounds (bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Width, value, BoundsSpecified.Height);
    		public ImeMode ImeMode {
    			// CHECKME:
    			get {
    				return imeMode;
    			set {
    		public bool IsAccessible {
    			// CHECKME:
    			get {
    				return isAccessible;
    			} // default is false
    			set {
    		public bool IsDisposed {
    			get {	return statuses [ DISPOSED ]; }
    		public bool IsHandleCreated {
    			get { return window != null && window.Handle != IntPtr.Zero; }
		//Compact Framework
		public int Left {
			get {
				return bounds.X;
			set {
				SetBounds (value, bounds.Y, bounds.Width, bounds.Height, BoundsSpecified.X);
		//Compact Framework
		public Point Location {
			// CHECKME:
			get {
				return new Point (Top, Left);
			set {
				SetBounds (value.X, value.Y, bounds.Width, bounds.Height, BoundsSpecified.Location);
    		public static Keys ModifierKeys {
    			get {
				Keys keys = Keys.None;

				if ( (Win32.GetKeyState ( (int) VirtualKeys.VK_SHIFT)& 0x8000)== 0x8000)
					keys |= Keys.Shift;
				if ( (Win32.GetKeyState ( (int) VirtualKeys.VK_MENU)& 0x8000) == 0x8000)
					keys |= Keys.Alt;
				if ( (Win32.GetKeyState ( (int) VirtualKeys.VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) == 0x8000)
					keys |= Keys.Control;

				return keys;
		//Compact Framework
		public static MouseButtons MouseButtons {
    			get {
				MouseButtons buttons = MouseButtons.None;

				if ( (Win32.GetAsyncKeyState ( (int) VirtualKeys.VK_LBUTTON ) & 0x8000)== 0x8000)
					buttons |= SystemInformation.MouseButtonsSwapped ? MouseButtons.Right : MouseButtons.Left;
				if ( (Win32.GetAsyncKeyState ( (int) VirtualKeys.VK_RBUTTON ) & 0x8000)== 0x8000)
					buttons |= SystemInformation.MouseButtonsSwapped ? MouseButtons.Left : MouseButtons.Right;

				if ( (Win32.GetAsyncKeyState ( (int) VirtualKeys.VK_MBUTTON ) & 0x8000)== 0x8000)
					buttons |= MouseButtons.Middle;
				if ( (Win32.GetAsyncKeyState ( (int) VirtualKeys.VK_XBUTTON1) & 0x8000)== 0x8000)
					buttons |= MouseButtons.XButton1;
				if ( (Win32.GetAsyncKeyState ( (int) VirtualKeys.VK_XBUTTON2) & 0x8000)== 0x8000)
					buttons |= MouseButtons.XButton2;
				return buttons;
		//Compact Framework
    		public static Point MousePosition {
    			get {
    				POINT point = new POINT ();
    				Win32.GetCursorPos (ref point);
    				return new Point ( (int) point.x, (int) point.y);
    		public string Name {
    			// CHECKME:
    			get {
    				return name;
    			set {
    				name = value;
		//Compact Framework
    		public Control Parent {
    			get {
    				return parent;
    				//IntPtr parent = GetParent (Handle);
    				//return FromHandle (parent);
    			set {
				if (parent != value) {
					parent = value;
					// add ourself to the parents control
					if (!parent.Controls.Contains (this))
						parent.Controls.Add (this);

					// FIXME: Is this logic correct ?
					if (BackColor == DefaultBackColor) {
						if (parent.BackColor != BackColor)
							OnParentBackColorChanged (new EventArgs ());

					if (IsHandleCreated) {
						Win32.SetParent (Handle, value.Handle);
					  else if (parent.IsHandleCreated){
					  // CHECKME: Now control is responsible for creating his window
					  // when added to Form, may be things must be reversed.
					  CreateControl ();
		protected static IntPtr ParkingWindowHandle {
			get {
				if (parkingWindow == null)
					parkingWindow = new NativeWindow ();

				if (parkingWindow.Handle == IntPtr.Zero){
					CreateParams pars = new CreateParams ();
					pars.ClassName = "mono_native_window";
					pars.Style = (int) WindowStyles.WS_OVERLAPPED;
					parkingWindow.CreateHandle (pars);

				return parkingWindow.Handle;

		protected static void RegisterDefaultWindowClass ()
			if (!classRegistered){
				WNDCLASS wndClass = new WNDCLASS ();
				wndClass.style = (int) (CS_.CS_OWNDC);
				wndClass.lpfnWndProc = NativeWindow.GetWindowProc ();
				wndClass.cbClsExtra = 0;
				wndClass.cbWndExtra = 0;
				wndClass.hInstance = (IntPtr)0;
				wndClass.hIcon = (IntPtr)0;
				wndClass.hCursor = Win32.LoadCursor ( (IntPtr)0, LC_.IDC_ARROW);
				wndClass.hbrBackground = (IntPtr) ( (int)GetSysColorIndex.COLOR_BTNFACE + 1);
				wndClass.lpszMenuName = "";
				wndClass.lpszClassName = Win32.DEFAULT_WINDOW_CLASS;
				if (Win32.RegisterClass (ref wndClass) != 0) 
					classRegistered = true; 

		public string ProductName {
    			get {
    				return "Product Name";
		public string ProductVersion {
    			get {
				return "Product Version";
		public bool RecreatingHandle {
    			get {
    				return statuses [ RECREATING_HANDLE ] ;
    		public Region Region {
    			// CHECKME:
    			get {
    				return region;
    			set {
    				region = value;
    		protected bool ResizeRedraw {
    			get {	return GetStyle (ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw);	}
    			set {	SetStyle (ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, value); }
		//Compact Framework
    		public int Right {
    			get {
    				return Left + Width;
		public virtual RightToLeft RightToLeft {
    			// CHECKME:
    			get {
    				return rightToLeft;
    			set {
		protected virtual bool ShowFocusCues {
    			get {
    				throw new NotImplementedException ();
		protected bool ShowKeyboardCues {
    			get {
    				throw new NotImplementedException ();
		public override ISite Site {
    			get {
    				throw new NotImplementedException ();
    			set {
    				throw new NotImplementedException ();
		//Compact Framework
    		public Size Size {
    			get {
				return new Size (Width, Height);
    			set {
				SetBounds (bounds.X, bounds.Y, value.Width, value.Height, BoundsSpecified.Size);

    		internal int tabindex;//for debug/test only. remove
		public int TabIndex {
    			get {
    				return tabindex;
    			set {
    				tabindex = value;
    		public bool TabStop {
    			// CHECKME:
    			get {
    				return tabStop;
    			set {
    				tabStop = value;
		public object Tag {
    			get {
    				return tag;
    			set {
    				tag = value;
		//Compact Framework
    		public virtual string Text {
    			get {
				// CHECKME: if we really need to provide back current text of real window
				// or just our copy in text member.
    				if (IsHandleCreated){
					int len = Win32.GetWindowTextLengthA (Handle);
					// FIXME: len is doubled due to some strange behaviour. (of GetWindowText function ?)
					// instead of 10 characters we can get only 9, even if sb.Capacity is 10.
					StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (len * 2 /*Win32.GetWindowTextLengthA (Handle)*/);
    					Win32.GetWindowText (Handle, sb, sb.Capacity);
    					text = sb.ToString ();
				return text;
    			set {
				if (text != value){
    					text = value;
    					if (IsHandleCreated)
    						Win32.SetWindowTextA (Handle, value);

					OnTextChanged (EventArgs.Empty);
		//Compact Framework
    		public int Top {
    			get {
				return bounds.Top;
 			set {
				SetBounds (bounds.X, value, bounds.Width, bounds.Height, BoundsSpecified.Y);
		public Control TopLevelControl {
    			get {
    				throw new NotImplementedException ();
    		public bool Visible {
    			get {	return visible;	}
    			set {
				SetVisibleCore (value);
		//Compact Framework
    		public int Width {
    			get {
    				return bounds.Width;
    			set {
				SetBounds (bounds.X, bounds.Y, value, bounds.Height, BoundsSpecified.Width);
    		/// --- methods ---
    		/// internal .NET framework supporting methods, not stubbed out:
    		protected virtual void NotifyInvalidate (Rectangle invalidatedArea)
    		protected void RaiseDragEvent (object key,DragEventArgs e)
    		protected void RaiseKeyEvent (object key,KeyEventArgs e)
    		protected void RaiseMouseEvent (object key,MouseEventArgs e)
    		protected void RaisePaintEvent (object key,PaintEventArgs e)
    		protected void ResetMouseEventArgs ()
		protected void AccessibilityNotifyClients (
								   AccessibleEvents accEvent,int childID) 
    			throw new NotImplementedException ();
		public void BringToFront () 
			if (IsHandleCreated)
				Win32.SetWindowPos (Handle, SetWindowPosZOrder.HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
						     SetWindowPosFlags.SWP_NOMOVE | SetWindowPosFlags.SWP_NOSIZE);
    		public bool Contains (Control ctl) 
    			return childControls.Contains (ctl);
    		public void CreateControl () 
			if (!Created)	{
    				CreateHandle ();
				OnCreateControl ();
				statuses [ CREATED ] = true;
		protected virtual AccessibleObject CreateAccessibilityInstance () {
    			throw new NotImplementedException ();
    		protected virtual ControlCollection CreateControlsInstance ()
    			return new ControlCollection (this);
		//Compact Framework
		public Graphics CreateGraphics () 
			return Graphics.FromHwnd (Handle);
    		protected virtual void CreateHandle ()
			if (IsDisposed)
				throw new ObjectDisposedException (Name);

			if (IsHandleCreated)

			if (window == null)
				window = new ControlNativeWindow (this);

			CreateParams createParams = CreateParams;
			if (!Enabled) {
				createParams.Style |= (int)WindowStyles.WS_DISABLED;
			window.CreateHandle (createParams);

			if (window.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
				if (!controlsCollection.Contains (window.Handle))
					controlsCollection.Add (window.Handle, this);

				SubclassWindow ();

				CreatorThreadId_ = Win32.GetCurrentThreadId ();

				OnHandleCreated (EventArgs.Empty);
    		protected virtual void DefWndProc (ref Message m)
    			window.DefWndProc (ref m);
    		protected virtual void DestroyHandle ()
			if (IsHandleCreated){
				if (Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
					controlsCollection.Remove (Handle);
				if (window != null) {
					window.DestroyHandle ();
    		protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
			lock (this){
				statuses [ DISPOSING ] = true;
				try {
					if (disposing){
						DestroyHandle ();
					// close/free unmanaged resources
				finally {
		    			base.Dispose (disposing);
				statuses [ DISPOSED ] = true;
		public DragDropEffects DoDragDrop (
							   object data, DragDropEffects allowedEffects)
    			throw new NotImplementedException ();
    		//public object EndInvoke (IAsyncResult asyncResult):
    		//look under ISynchronizeInvoke methods
		public Form FindForm () 
    			throw new NotImplementedException ();
		//Compact Framework
    		public bool Focus () 
    			if (Win32.SetFocus (Handle) != (IntPtr) 0)
    				return true;
    			return false;
		public static Control FromChildHandle (IntPtr handle) 
    			Control control  = null;
    			IntPtr 	controlHwnd = handle;
			while (controlHwnd != IntPtr.Zero) {
				control  = controlsCollection[controlHwnd] as Control;
				if (control != null) break;
				controlHwnd = Win32.GetParent (controlHwnd);
			return control;    			
    		public static Control FromHandle (IntPtr handle) 
			// FIXME: Here we have to check, whether control already exists
    			//Control control = new Control (handle);
			Control control  = controlsCollection[handle] as Control;
    			return control;
		public Control GetChildAtPoint (Point pt) 
    			throw new NotImplementedException ();
   			public IContainerControl GetContainerControl () 
    			throw new NotImplementedException ();

		internal Control getNextFocusedControlCore (Control parent, Control ctl, bool forward)
			while (parent.Parent != null)
				parent = parent.Parent;

			Control next = parent.GetNextControl (ctl, forward);
			while (next != null){
				if (next.TabStop && next.CanFocus)
					return next;
				next = parent.GetNextControl (next, forward);
			return null;

		internal Control getNextFocusedControl (Control parent, bool forward)
			Control next = getNextFocusedControlCore (parent, FocusedControl, forward);
			if (next == null)
				next = getNextFocusedControlCore (parent, null, forward);
			return next;
		public Control GetNextControl (Control ctl, bool forward)
			Control next = null;

			if (ctl == null)
				next = Controls.GetFirstControl (forward);
			else {
				if (forward)
					next = getNextControlForward (ctl);
					next = getNextControlBackward (ctl);
			return next;

    		private Control getNextControlForward (Control ctl)
			if (ctl.Controls.Count != 0)
				return ctl.Controls.GetFirstControl (true);

			Control parent = ctl.Parent;
			if (parent != null){
				while (parent != null){
					Control next = parent.Controls.GetNextControl (ctl, true);
					if (next != null)
						return next;
					ctl = parent;
					parent = parent.Parent;
				return null;
				return Controls.GetFirstControl (true);

    		private Control getNextControlBackward (Control ctl)
			Control parent = ctl.Parent;
			if (parent != null){
				Control next = parent.Controls.GetNextControl (ctl, false);
				if (next != null){
					if (next.Controls.Count > 0)
						return next.Controls.GetFirstControl (false);
						return next;
				return parent;
				return Controls.GetFirstControl (false);

		protected bool GetStyle (ControlStyles flag) 
    			return (controlStyles_ & flag) != 0;
		protected bool GetTopLevel () 
    			return statuses [ TOPLEVEL ];
    		public void Hide ()
			Visible = false;
		protected virtual void InitLayout () 
		//Compact Framework
    		public void Invalidate () 
    			if (IsHandleCreated) {
				Win32.InvalidateRect (Handle, IntPtr.Zero, 1);
    		public void Invalidate (bool invalidateChildren)
			Invalidate () ;
			if (invalidateChildren){
				foreach (Control child in Controls)
					child.Invalidate (invalidateChildren);
		// tries to find appropriate owner for modal form
		internal static Control getOwnerWindow (Control skip)
			// temporary solution
			IEnumerator cw = controlsCollection.GetEnumerator ();

			while (cw.MoveNext ()){
				Control c = ( (DictionaryEntry) cw.Current).Value as Control;
				if (c != null && c != skip){
					IntPtr parent = Win32.GetParent (c.Handle);
					IntPtr owner  = Win32.GetWindow (c.Handle, (uint) GetWindowConstants.GW_OWNER);
					if (parent == IntPtr.Zero && owner == IntPtr.Zero)
						return c;
			return null;

		//Compact Framework
    		public void Invalidate (Rectangle rc) 
    			if (IsHandleCreated) {
    				RECT rect = new RECT ();
    				rect.left = rc.Left;
    				rect.top = rc.Top;
    				rect.right = rc.Right;
    				rect.bottom = rc.Bottom;
    				Win32.InvalidateRect (Handle, ref rect, true);
		public void Invalidate (Region region) 
		public void Invalidate (Rectangle rc, bool invalidateChildren) 
		public void Invalidate (Region region,bool invalidateChildren) 
		protected void InvokeGotFocus (Control toInvoke, EventArgs e) 
		protected void InvokeLostFocus (Control toInvoke, EventArgs e) 
		protected void InvokeOnClick (Control toInvoke, EventArgs e) 
		protected void InvokePaint (Control c, PaintEventArgs e) 
		protected void InvokePaintBackground (
							      Control c,PaintEventArgs e) 
		protected virtual bool IsInputChar (char charCode)
    			return true;
		protected virtual bool IsInputKey (Keys keyData) 
			return false;
    		public static bool IsMnemonic (char charCode, string text)
    			if (text == null)
				return false;
			return text.IndexOf ("&" + charCode)> 0;

    		// methods used with events:
    		protected virtual void OnBackColorChanged (EventArgs e)
    			if (BackColorChanged != null)
    				BackColorChanged (this, e);

			foreach (Control ctl in Controls) {
				ctl.OnParentBackColorChanged (e);
    		protected virtual void OnBackgroundImageChanged (EventArgs e)
    			if (BackgroundImageChanged != null) 
    				BackgroundImageChanged (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnBindingContextChanged (EventArgs e)
    			if (BindingContextChanged != null)
    				BindingContextChanged (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnCausesValidationChanged (EventArgs e)
    			if (CausesValidationChanged != null)
    				CausesValidationChanged (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnChangeUICues (UICuesEventArgs e) 
    			if (ChangeUICues != null)
    				ChangeUICues (this, e);
		//Compact Framework
    		protected virtual void OnClick (EventArgs e)
    			if (Click != null)
    				Click (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnContextMenuChanged (EventArgs e)
    			if (ContextMenuChanged != null)
    				ContextMenuChanged (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnControlAdded (ControlEventArgs e)
			if (Created){
				e.Control.CreateControl ();
			e.Control.Visible = Visible;

    			if (ControlAdded != null)
    				ControlAdded (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnControlRemoved (ControlEventArgs e)
    			if (ControlRemoved != null)
    				ControlRemoved (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnCreateControl ()
    			// create all child windows
    			IEnumerator cw = childControls.GetEnumerator ();
    			while (cw.MoveNext ()) {
    				Control control = (Control) cw.Current;
    				control.CreateControl ();
    				control.Show ();
    		protected virtual void OnCursorChanged (EventArgs e)
    			if (CursorChanged != null)
    				CursorChanged (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnDockChanged (EventArgs e)
			// changing this property does not affect the control directly
			// so have its parent to calculate new layout
			if (Parent != null)
				Parent.PerformLayout (this, "Dock");
    			if (DockChanged != null)
    				DockChanged (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnDoubleClick (EventArgs e)
    			if (DoubleClick != null)
    				DoubleClick (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnDragDrop (DragEventArgs drgevent)
    			if (DragDrop != null)
    				DragDrop (this, drgevent);
    		protected virtual void OnDragEnter (DragEventArgs drgevent)
    			if (DragEnter != null)
    				DragEnter (this, drgevent);
    		protected virtual void OnDragLeave (EventArgs e)
    			if (DragLeave != null)
    				DragLeave (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnDragOver (DragEventArgs drgevent)
    			if (DragOver != null)
    				DragOver (this, drgevent);
		//Compact Framework
    		protected virtual void OnEnabledChanged (EventArgs e)
    			if (EnabledChanged != null)
    				EnabledChanged (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnEnter (EventArgs e)
    			if (Enter != null)
    				Enter (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnFontChanged (EventArgs e)
    			if (FontChanged != null)
    				FontChanged (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnForeColorChanged (EventArgs e) 
    			if (ForeColorChanged != null)
    				ForeColorChanged (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnGiveFeedback (GiveFeedbackEventArgs gfbevent)
    			if (GiveFeedback != null)
    				GiveFeedback (this, gfbevent);
		//Compact Framework
    		protected virtual void OnGotFocus (EventArgs e) 
    			if (GotFocus != null)
    				GotFocus (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnHandleCreated (EventArgs e) 
			//if (font != null) {
			//	Win32.SendMessage (Handle, Msg.WM_SETFONT, font.ToHfont ().ToInt32 (), 0);
			Win32.SendMessage (Handle, Msg.WM_SETFONT, Font.ToHfont ().ToInt32 (), 0);
			Win32.SetWindowText (Handle, text);

    			if (HandleCreated != null)
    				HandleCreated (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnHandleDestroyed (EventArgs e) 
			if (Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
				controlsCollection.Remove (Handle);
    			if (HandleDestroyed != null) {
    				HandleDestroyed (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnHelpRequested (HelpEventArgs hevent) 
    			if (HelpRequested != null)
    				HelpRequested (this, hevent);
    		protected virtual void OnImeModeChanged (EventArgs e) 
    			if (ImeModeChanged != null)
    				ImeModeChanged (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnInvalidated (InvalidateEventArgs e) 
    			if (Invalidated != null)
    				Invalidated (this, e);
		//Compact Framework
    		protected virtual void OnKeyDown (KeyEventArgs e) 
    			if (KeyDown != null)
    				KeyDown (this, e);
		//Compact Framework
    		protected virtual void OnKeyPress (KeyPressEventArgs e) 
    			if (KeyPress != null)
    				KeyPress (this, e);
		//Compact Framework
    		protected virtual void OnKeyUp (KeyEventArgs e) 
    			if (KeyUp != null)
    				KeyUp (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnLayout (LayoutEventArgs levent) 
			DoDockAndAnchorLayout (levent);
    			if (Layout != null)
    				Layout (this, levent);
    		protected virtual void OnLeave (EventArgs e) 
    			if (Leave != null)
    				Leave (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnLocationChanged (EventArgs e) 
    			if (LocationChanged != null)
    				LocationChanged (this, e);
		//Compact Framework
    		protected virtual void OnLostFocus (EventArgs e) 
    			if (LostFocus != null)
    				LostFocus (this, e);
		//Compact Framework
    		protected virtual void OnMouseDown (MouseEventArgs e) 
    			if (MouseDown != null)
    				MouseDown (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnMouseEnter (EventArgs e) 
			//System.Console.WriteLine ("OnMouseEnter");
    			if (MouseEnter != null)
    				MouseEnter (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnMouseHover (EventArgs e) 
    			if (MouseHover != null)
    				MouseHover (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnMouseLeave (EventArgs e) 
			//System.Console.WriteLine ("OnMouseLeave");

			mouseIsInside_ = false;
    			if (MouseLeave != null)
    				MouseLeave (this, e);
		//Compact Framework
    		protected virtual void OnMouseMove (MouseEventArgs e) 
			// If enter and mouse pressed - do not process
			if ( ( (e.Button & MouseButtons.Left) != 0) && !mouseIsInside_) return;

			if (!mouseIsInside_) {
				tme.cbSize = 16;
				tme.hWnd = Handle;
				tme.dwFlags = (int)TrackerEventFlags.TME_LEAVE;
				tme.dwHoverTime = 0;

				bool result = Win32.TrackMouseEvent (ref tme);
				if (!result) {
					System.Console.WriteLine ("{0}",Win32.FormatMessage (Win32.GetLastError ()));

			POINT pt = new POINT ();
			pt.x = e.X;
			pt.y = e.Y;
			Win32.ClientToScreen (Handle, ref pt);
			IntPtr wndUnderMouse = Win32.WindowFromPoint (pt);

			if (wndUnderMouse != Handle) {
				// we are outside of the window
				if (mouseIsInside_) {
					OnMouseLeave (new EventArgs ());
					mouseIsInside_ = false;
			else {
				if (!mouseIsInside_) {
					mouseIsInside_ = true;
					OnMouseEnter (new EventArgs ());
    			if (MouseMove != null)
    				MouseMove (this, e);
		//Compact Framework
    		protected virtual void OnMouseUp (MouseEventArgs e) 
    			if (MouseUp != null)
    				MouseUp (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnMouseWheel (MouseEventArgs e) 
    			if (MouseWheel != null)
    				MouseWheel (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnMove (EventArgs e) 
    			if (Move != null)
    				Move (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnNotifyMessage (Message m) 
		//Compact Framework
    		protected virtual void OnPaint (PaintEventArgs e)
    			if (Paint != null)
    				Paint (this, e);
		//Compact Framework
    		protected virtual void OnPaintBackground (PaintEventArgs pevent) 
			if (GetStyle (ControlStyles.UserPaint)) {
				Brush br = new SolidBrush (BackColor);
				pevent.Graphics.FillRectangle (br, pevent.ClipRectangle);
				br.Dispose ();
    		protected virtual void OnParentBackColorChanged (EventArgs e) 
			BackColor = Parent.BackColor;
			// FIXME: setting BackColor fires the BackColorChanged event,
			// so we do not need to call this here
			  if (BackColorChanged != null)
			  BackColorChanged (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnParentBackgroundImageChanged (
								       EventArgs e) 
    			if (BackgroundImageChanged != null)
    				BackgroundImageChanged (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnParentBindingContextChanged (
								      EventArgs e) 
    			if (BindingContextChanged != null)
    				BindingContextChanged (this, e);
		//Compact Framework
    		protected virtual void OnParentChanged (EventArgs e) 
    			if (ParentChanged != null)
    				ParentChanged (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnParentEnabledChanged (EventArgs e) 
    			if (EnabledChanged != null)
    				EnabledChanged (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnParentFontChanged (EventArgs e) 
    			if (FontChanged != null)
    				FontChanged (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnParentForeColorChanged (EventArgs e) 
    			if (ForeColorChanged != null)
    				ForeColorChanged (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnParentRightToLeftChanged (
								   EventArgs e) 
    			if (RightToLeftChanged != null)
    				RightToLeftChanged (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnParentVisibleChanged (EventArgs e) 
    			if (VisibleChanged != null)
    				VisibleChanged (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnQueryContinueDrag (
							    QueryContinueDragEventArgs qcdevent) 
    			if (QueryContinueDrag != null)
    				QueryContinueDrag (this, qcdevent);
		//Compact Framework
    		protected virtual void OnResize (EventArgs e) 
    			if (Resize != null)
    				Resize (this, e);

			PerformLayout (this, "Bounds");
    		protected virtual void OnRightToLeftChanged (EventArgs e) 
    			if (RightToLeftChanged != null)
    				RightToLeftChanged (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnSizeChanged (EventArgs e) 
			OnResize (e);
    			if (SizeChanged != null)
    				SizeChanged (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnStyleChanged (EventArgs e) 
    			if (StyleChanged != null)
    				StyleChanged (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnSystemColorsChanged (EventArgs e) 
    			if (SystemColorsChanged != null)
    				SystemColorsChanged (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnTabIndexChanged (EventArgs e) 
    			if (TabIndexChanged != null)
    				TabIndexChanged (this, e);
    		protected virtual void OnTabStopChanged (EventArgs e) 
    			if (TabStopChanged != null)
    				TabStopChanged (this, e);
		//Compact Framework
    		protected virtual void OnTextChanged (EventArgs e) 
    			if (TextChanged != null)
    				TextChanged (this, e);
    		//[MonoTODO] // this doesn't seem to be documented
	// 		protected virtual void OnTextAlignChanged (EventArgs e) {
		// 			TextAlignChanged (this, e);
		// 		}
    		protected virtual void OnValidated (EventArgs e) 
    			if (Validated != null)
    				Validated (this, e);
   		// CancelEventArgs not ready
    		protected virtual void OnValidating (CancelEventArgs e) 
    			throw new NotImplementedException ();
		protected virtual void OnVisibleChanged (EventArgs e) 
    			if (VisibleChanged != null)
    				VisibleChanged (this, e);

			PerformLayout ();
    		// --- end of methods for events ---
		public void PerformLayout () 
			PerformLayout (null, null);
		public void PerformLayout (Control affectedControl,
						   string affectedProperty) 
			if (!statuses [ LAYOUT_SUSPENDED ])
				OnLayout (new LayoutEventArgs (affectedControl, affectedProperty));
				statuses [ LAYOUT_PENDING ] = true;
		//Compact Framework
		public Point PointToClient ( Point p ) 
			POINT pt = new POINT();
			pt.x = p.X;
			pt.y = p.Y;
			Win32.ScreenToClient( Handle, ref pt);
    			return new Point ( pt.x, pt.y );
		//Compact Framework
		public Point PointToScreen ( Point p ) 
			POINT pt = new POINT();
			pt.x = p.X;
			pt.y = p.Y;
			Win32.ClientToScreen ( Handle, ref pt);
    			return new Point ( pt.x, pt.y );
		public virtual bool PreProcessMessage (ref Message msg) 
			if (msg.Msg == Msg.WM_KEYDOWN){
				Keys keyData = (Keys)msg.WParam.ToInt32 ();
    				if (!ProcessCmdKey (ref msg, keyData)) {
					if (IsInputKey (keyData))
						return false;

					return ProcessDialogKey (keyData);
				return true;
			else if (msg.Msg == Msg.WM_CHAR){
				if (IsInputChar ( (char) msg.WParam))
					return false;

				return ProcessDialogChar ( (char) msg.WParam);

			return false;
		protected virtual bool ProcessCmdKey (ref Message msg,
							      Keys keyData) 
			// do something with context menu

    			if (Parent != null)
				return Parent.ProcessCmdKey (ref msg, keyData);
			return false;
		protected virtual bool ProcessDialogChar (char charCode) 
			if (Parent != null)
				return Parent.ProcessDialogChar (charCode);
    			return false;
		protected virtual bool ProcessDialogKey (Keys keyData) 
			if (Parent != null)
				return Parent.ProcessDialogKey (keyData);
    			return false;
		protected virtual bool ProcessKeyEventArgs (ref Message m) 
			bool handled = false;

			switch (m.Msg){
			case Msg.WM_KEYDOWN:
				KeyEventArgs args_down = new KeyEventArgs ( (Keys)m.WParam.ToInt32 ());
				OnKeyDown (args_down);
				handled = args_down.Handled;
			case Msg.WM_CHAR:
				KeyPressEventArgs args_press = new KeyPressEventArgs ( (char) m.WParam);
				OnKeyPress (args_press);
				handled = args_press.Handled;
			case Msg.WM_KEYUP:
				KeyEventArgs args_up = new KeyEventArgs ( (Keys)m.WParam.ToInt32 ());
				OnKeyUp (args_up);
				handled = args_up.Handled;
			return handled;
		protected internal virtual bool ProcessKeyMessage (ref Message m) 
			if (Parent != null){
				if (!Parent.ProcessKeyPreview (ref m))
					return ProcessKeyEventArgs (ref m);
			return false;
		protected virtual bool ProcessKeyPreview (ref Message m) 
    			if (Parent != null)
				return Parent.ProcessKeyPreview (ref m);
			return false;
		// This default implementation of the ProcessMnemonic method simply
		// returns false to indicate that the control has no mnemonic.
    		protected virtual bool ProcessMnemonic (char charCode) 
    			return false;
    		// used when properties/values of Control 
    		// are big enough to warrant recreating the HWND
    		protected void RecreateHandle () 
			statuses [RECREATING_HANDLE] = true;
			if (IsHandleCreated) {
				DestroyHandle ();
				CreateHandle ();

				UpdateZOrder ();

				IEnumerator cw = childControls.GetEnumerator ();
				while (cw.MoveNext ())
					 ( (Control)cw.Current).RecreateHandle ();

			statuses [ RECREATING_HANDLE ] = false;
		//Compact Framework
		public Rectangle RectangleToClient (Rectangle r) 
			RECT rect = new RECT ();
			rect.left = r.Left;
			rect.top = r.Top;
			rect.right = r.Right;
			rect.bottom = r.Bottom;
			Win32.ScreenToClient (Handle,ref rect);
			return new Rectangle (rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top);
		//Compact Framework
		public Rectangle RectangleToScreen (Rectangle r) 
			RECT rect = new RECT ();
			rect.left = r.Left;
			rect.top = r.Top;
			rect.right = r.Right;
			rect.bottom = r.Bottom;
			Win32.ClientToScreen (Handle,ref rect);
			return new Rectangle (rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top);
		protected static bool ReflectMessage (IntPtr hWnd, ref Message m) {
			bool result = false;
			Control cntrl = Control.FromHandle (hWnd);
			if (cntrl != null) {
				cntrl.WndProc (ref m);
				result = true;
			return result;
    		public virtual void Refresh () 
    			Win32.UpdateWindow (Handle);
		public virtual void ResetBackColor () 
		public void ResetBindings () 
		public virtual void ResetFont () 
		public virtual void ResetForeColor () 
		public void ResetImeMode () 
			public virtual void ResetCursor(){
		public virtual void ResetRightToLeft () 
		public virtual void ResetText () 
		public void ResumeLayout () 
			statuses [ LAYOUT_SUSPENDED ] = false;
			if (statuses [ LAYOUT_PENDING ]){
				PerformLayout ();
				statuses [ LAYOUT_PENDING ] = false;
		public void ResumeLayout (bool performLayout) 
			statuses [ LAYOUT_SUSPENDED ] = false;
			if (performLayout && statuses [ LAYOUT_PENDING ]){
				PerformLayout ();
				statuses [ LAYOUT_PENDING ] = false;
		protected ContentAlignment RtlTranslateAlignment (
									  ContentAlignment align) 
    			throw new NotImplementedException ();
		protected HorizontalAlignment RtlTranslateAlignment (
									     HorizontalAlignment align) 
    			throw new NotImplementedException ();
		protected LeftRightAlignment RtlTranslateAlignment (
									    LeftRightAlignment align) 
    			throw new NotImplementedException ();
		protected ContentAlignment RtlTranslateContent (
									ContentAlignment align) 
    			throw new NotImplementedException ();
		protected HorizontalAlignment RtlTranslateHorizontal (
									      HorizontalAlignment align) 
    			throw new NotImplementedException ();
		protected LeftRightAlignment RtlTranslateLeftRight (
									    LeftRightAlignment align) 
    			throw new NotImplementedException ();
		public void Scale (float ratio) 
			Scale (ratio, ratio);
		public void Scale (float dx,float dy) 
			SuspendLayout ();
			ScaleCore (dx, dy);
			IEnumerator cw = childControls.GetEnumerator ();
			while (cw.MoveNext ()){
				Control control = (Control) cw.Current;
				control.Scale (dx, dy);
			ResumeLayout ();
		protected virtual void ScaleCore (float dx, float dy) 
			Location   = new Point ( (int) (Left * dx), (int) (Top * dy));
			ClientSize = new Size  ( (int) (ClientSize.Width * dx),
						 (int) (ClientSize.Height * dy));
		public void Select () 
		protected virtual void Select (bool directed,bool forward) 
		public bool SelectNextControl (Control ctl, bool forward, 
						       bool tabStopOnly, 
						       bool nested, bool wrap)
    			throw new NotImplementedException ();
		//Compact Framework
		public void SendToBack () 
		public void SetBounds (int x, int y, int width, int height) 
			SetBounds (x, y, width, height, BoundsSpecified.All);
		public void SetBounds (int x, int y, int width, int height, BoundsSpecified specified) 
			SetBoundsCore (x, y, width, height, specified);
		protected virtual void SetBoundsCore (int x, int y, int width, int height, BoundsSpecified specified) 
			if ( (specified & BoundsSpecified.X) == 0)      x = Left;
			if ( (specified & BoundsSpecified.Y) == 0)      y = Top;
			if ( (specified & BoundsSpecified.Width) == 0)  width = Width;
			if ( (specified & BoundsSpecified.Height) == 0) height = Height;

			if (IsHandleCreated){
				SetWindowPosFlags flags = SetWindowPosFlags.SWP_NOZORDER | SetWindowPosFlags.SWP_FRAMECHANGED | SetWindowPosFlags.SWP_DRAWFRAME;
				Win32.SetWindowPos (Handle, SetWindowPosZOrder.HWND_NOTOPMOST, x, y, width, height, flags);

			UpdateBounds (x, y, width, height);
		protected virtual bool MenuPresent {
			get { return false; }

		protected virtual void SetClientSizeCore (int x, int y)
			RECT rc   = new RECT ();
			rc.right  = x;
			rc.bottom = y;
			CreateParams pars = CreateParams;		
			Win32.AdjustWindowRectEx (ref rc, pars.Style, MenuPresent ? 1 : 0, pars.ExStyle);

			Size = new Size (rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top);
		protected void SetStyle (ControlStyles flag, bool value) 
    			if (value) {
    				controlStyles_ |= flag;
    			else {
    				controlStyles_ &= ~flag;
    		protected void SetTopLevel (bool value)
		   if (value)
		   // FIXME: verify on whether this is supposed
		   // to activate/deactive the window
		   Win32.SetWindowPos (Handle, 
		   0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
		   // FIXME: this does not make sense but
		   // the docs say the window is hidden
		   Win32.ShowWindow (Handle, ShowWindowStyles.SW_HIDE);
			if (GetTopLevel () != value && Parent != null)
				throw new ArgumentException ();

			statuses [ TOPLEVEL ] = value;
		protected virtual void SetVisibleCore (bool value)
			bool visibleChanged = (visible != value);

			visible = value;

			if (visibleChanged)
				OnVisibleChanged (EventArgs.Empty);

			if (IsHandleCreated){
				SetWindowPosFlags flags = value ? SetWindowPosFlags.SWP_SHOWWINDOW : SetWindowPosFlags.SWP_HIDEWINDOW;
				flags |= SetWindowPosFlags.SWP_NOZORDER | SetWindowPosFlags.SWP_NOMOVE | SetWindowPosFlags.SWP_NOSIZE;
				Win32.SetWindowPos (Handle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, flags);

			foreach (Control c in Controls)
				c.Visible = value ;
    		public void Show () 
			Visible = true;
    		public void SuspendLayout () 
			statuses [ LAYOUT_SUSPENDED ] = true;
		//Compact Framework
    		public void Update () 
    			Win32.UpdateWindow (Handle);
		protected void UpdateBounds () 
    		{	// update control bounds with current size and position

			// currently, this function is called in responce to
			// window events, so I assume that all window handles
			// are created
			RECT rect = new RECT ();
			Win32.GetWindowRect (Handle, ref rect);

			IntPtr parent = Win32.GetParent (Handle);
			if (parent != IntPtr.Zero){
				Win32.ScreenToClient (parent, ref rect);

			UpdateBounds (rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top);
		protected void UpdateBounds (int x, int y, int width, int height) 
			int clWidth = width;
			int clHeight = height;

			CreateParams pars = CreateParams;

			RECT rc   = new RECT ();
			rc.right  = width;
			rc.bottom = height;
			Win32.AdjustWindowRectEx (ref rc, pars.Style, MenuPresent ? 1 : 0, pars.ExStyle);

			clWidth  -= ( (rc.right - rc.left)- clWidth);
			clHeight -= ( (rc.bottom - rc.top)- clHeight);
			UpdateBounds (x , y, width, height, clWidth, clHeight);
		protected void UpdateBounds (
						     int x, int y, int width, int height, int clientWidth,
						     int clientHeight)
			oldBounds.X = bounds.X;
			oldBounds.Y = bounds.Y;
			oldBounds.Width = bounds.Width;
			oldBounds.Height = bounds.Height;

			bool bLocationChanged = (bounds.X != x)|| (bounds.Y != y);
			bounds.X = x;
			bounds.Y = y;
			bool bSizeChanged = (bounds.Width  != width)|| (bounds.Height != height);
			bounds.Width  = width;
			bounds.Height = height;

			this.clientWidth   = clientWidth;
			this.clientHeight  = clientHeight;

			// FIXME: not sure whether this is correct
			if (statuses [ LAYOUT_SUSPENDED ]) {
				oldBounds.X = bounds.X;
				oldBounds.Y = bounds.Y;
				oldBounds.Width = bounds.Width;
				oldBounds.Height = bounds.Height;

			if (bLocationChanged)
				OnLocationChanged (EventArgs.Empty);
			if (bSizeChanged)
				OnSizeChanged (EventArgs.Empty);
		protected void UpdateStyles () 
		protected void UpdateZOrder () 
			if (!IsHandleCreated || Parent == null)

			int position = Parent.Controls.GetChildIndex (this , false);
			switch (position){
			case  0:
				BringToFront ();
				// not in collection for some reason
			case -1:
				Control prev = Parent.Controls [ position - 1 ];
				if (prev.IsHandleCreated)
					Win32.SetWindowPos (Handle, prev.Handle, 0, 0, 0, 0, SetWindowPosFlags.SWP_NOMOVE | SetWindowPosFlags.SWP_NOSIZE);

		internal MouseEventArgs Msg2MouseEventArgs (ref Message msg) {
			MouseButtons mb = MouseButtons.None;
			KeyStatusFlags keyIndicator = (KeyStatusFlags)msg.WParam.ToInt32 ();
			if ( (keyIndicator & KeyStatusFlags.MK_LBUTTON) != 0) {
				mb |= MouseButtons.Left;
			if ( (keyIndicator & KeyStatusFlags.MK_RBUTTON) != 0) {
				mb |= MouseButtons.Right;
				if ( (keyIndicator & KeyStatusFlags.MK_MBUTTON) != 0) {
					mb |= MouseButtons.Middle;
				if ( (keyIndicator & KeyStatusFlags.MK_XBUTTON1) != 0) {
					mb |= MouseButtons.XButton1;
				if ( (keyIndicator & KeyStatusFlags.MK_XBUTTON2) != 0) {
					mb |= MouseButtons.XButton2;

				return new MouseEventArgs (mb, (mb != MouseButtons.None) ? 1: 0, msg.LoWordLParam, msg.HiWordLParam, 0);

    		// WndProc - calls appriate On... function for the give
    		// message
    		// These On... functions do not appear to be called by
    		// WndProc:
    		// background color/image handled by WinForms
    		// OnBackColorChanged
    		// OnBackgroundImageChanged
    		// OnForeColorChanged
    		// OnPaintBackground
    		// controls are added/removed by WinForms
    		// OnControlAdded
    		// OnControlRemoved
    		// OnCreateControl
    		// OnBindingContextChanged
    		// OnCausesValidationChanged
    		// OnChangeUICues
    		// OnContextMenuChanged
    		// OnRightToLeftChanged
    		// OnGiveFeedback
    		// OnLayout
    		// OnDockChanged
    		// OnCursorChanged
    		// OnTextAlignChanged
    		// OnValidated
    		// OnValidating
    		// OnTabIndexChanged
    		// OnTabStopChanged
    		// OnLocationChanged
    		// FIXME: may be one of the WM_IME_ messages
    		// OnImeModeChanged 
    		// InvalidateRect is called by no Invalidate message exists
    		// OnInvalidated
    		// these messages ARE not called by WNDPROC according to docs
    		// OnParentBackColorChanged 
    		// OnParentBackgroundImageChanged
    		// OnParentBindingContextChanged
    		// OnParentChanged
    		// OnParentEnabledChanged
    		// OnParentFontChanged
    		// OnParentForeColorChanged
    		// OnParentRightToLeftChanged
    		// OnParentVisibleChanged
    		protected virtual void WndProc (ref Message m) 
    			EventArgs eventArgs = new EventArgs ();
    			// FIXME: paintEventArgs is not being created properly
				// FIXME: Graphics does not have a public constructor, you must get one from .NET
    			//PaintEventArgs paintEventArgs = new PaintEventArgs (
    			//	new Graphics (), new Rectangle ());

				if ( (uint)m.Msg == Control.InvokeMessage) {
					ControlInvokeHelper helper = null;
					lock (InvokeQueue_.SyncRoot) {
						if (InvokeQueue_.Count > 0) {
							helper = (ControlInvokeHelper)InvokeQueue_.Dequeue ();
					if (helper != null) {
						helper.ExecuteMethod ();
				else if (m.Msg == Msg.WM_COMMAND) {
					// Notification
					m.Result = (IntPtr)1;
					OnWmCommand (ref m);
					if (m.Result != IntPtr.Zero) {
						CallControlWndProc (ref m);

    			switch (m.Msg) {
       			case Msg.WM_CREATE:
    				Console.WriteLine ("WM_CREATE");
    				OnHandleCreated (eventArgs);
    			case Msg.WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK:
    				OnDoubleClick (eventArgs);
					CallControlWndProc (ref m);
    				// OnDragDrop
    				// OnDragEnter
    				// OnDragLeave
    				// OnDragOver
    				// OnQueryContinueDrag
    			case Msg.WM_ENABLE:
    				OnEnabledChanged (eventArgs);
					CallControlWndProc (ref m);
    			case Msg.WM_SETFOCUS:
    				OnEnter (eventArgs);
    				OnGotFocus (eventArgs);
					CallControlWndProc (ref m);
    			case Msg.WM_FONTCHANGE:
    				OnFontChanged (eventArgs);
					CallControlWndProc (ref m);
    			case Msg.WM_DESTROY:
    				OnHandleDestroyed (eventArgs);
					CallControlWndProc (ref m);
    			case Msg.WM_HELP:
    				// FIXME:
    				//OnHelpRequested (eventArgs);
					CallControlWndProc (ref m);
    			case Msg.WM_KEYDOWN:
				if (!ProcessKeyMessage (ref m))
					CallControlWndProc (ref m);
    			case Msg.WM_CHAR:
				if (!ProcessKeyMessage (ref m))
					CallControlWndProc (ref m);
    			case Msg.WM_KEYUP:
				if (!ProcessKeyMessage (ref m))
					CallControlWndProc (ref m);
    			case Msg.WM_KILLFOCUS:
    				OnLeave (eventArgs);
    				OnLostFocus (eventArgs);
					CallControlWndProc (ref m);
    			case Msg.WM_MOUSEACTIVATE:
    				//OnMouseEnter (eventArgs);
					CallControlWndProc (ref m);
    			case Msg.WM_MOUSEHOVER: // called by TrackMouseEvent
    				OnMouseHover (eventArgs);
					CallControlWndProc (ref m);
    			case Msg.WM_MOUSELEAVE: // called by TrackMouseEvent
    				OnMouseLeave (eventArgs);
					CallControlWndProc (ref m);
    			case Msg.WM_MOUSEMOVE:
    				// FIXME:
    				OnMouseMove (Msg2MouseEventArgs (ref m));
					CallControlWndProc (ref m);
				case Msg.WM_LBUTTONDOWN:
					// FIXME:
					OnMouseDown (Msg2MouseEventArgs(ref m));
					CallControlWndProc (ref m);
				case Msg.WM_LBUTTONUP:
    				// FIXME:
    				OnMouseUp (Msg2MouseEventArgs(ref m));
					CallControlWndProc (ref m);
    			case Msg.WM_MOUSEWHEEL:
    				// FIXME:
    				//OnMouseWheel (eventArgs);
					CallControlWndProc (ref m);
    			case Msg.WM_MOVE:
    				OnMove (eventArgs);
				UpdateBounds ();
				CallControlWndProc (ref m);
				if ( !Control.ReflectMessage ( m.LParam, ref m ) ) 
					CallControlWndProc ( ref m );
			//	if ( !Control.ReflectMessage ( m.LParam, ref m ) ) 
			//		CallControlWndProc ( ref m );
				case Msg.WM_NOTIFY:
					NMHDR nmhdr = (NMHDR)Marshal.PtrToStructure (m.LParam,
									typeof (NMHDR));
					if (!Control.ReflectMessage (nmhdr.hwndFrom, ref m)) 
						CallControlWndProc (ref m);
					// FIXME: get NM_CLICKED msg from pnmh
					// OnClick (eventArgs);
					//OnNotifyMessage (eventArgs);
    			case Msg.WM_ERASEBKGND:
    				if (GetStyle (ControlStyles.UserPaint)){
	    				if (!GetStyle (ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint)) {
							PaintEventArgs eraseEventArgs = new PaintEventArgs (Graphics.FromHdc (m.WParam), new Rectangle (new Point (0,0),Size));
		    				OnPaintBackground (eraseEventArgs);
							eraseEventArgs.Dispose ();
	    				m.Result = (IntPtr)1;
    				else {
						CallControlWndProc (ref m);
				case Msg.WM_PAINT:
					if (!GetStyle (ControlStyles.UserPaint)) {
						CallControlWndProc (ref m);
					else {
						IntPtr hdc = Win32.BeginPaint (Handle, ref ps);
						Rectangle rc = new Rectangle ();
						rc.X = ps.rcPaint.left;
						rc.Y = ps.rcPaint.top;
						rc.Width = ps.rcPaint.right - ps.rcPaint.left;
						rc.Height = ps.rcPaint.bottom - ps.rcPaint.top;
						PaintEventArgs paintEventArgs = new PaintEventArgs (Graphics.FromHdc (hdc), rc);
	    				if (GetStyle (ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint)) {
	    					OnPaintBackground (paintEventArgs);
						OnPaint (paintEventArgs);
						paintEventArgs.Dispose ();
						Win32.EndPaint (Handle, ref ps);
    			case Msg.WM_SIZE:
    				if (GetStyle (ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw)) {
    					Invalidate ();		
				CallControlWndProc (ref m);
    				UpdateBounds ();
    				CallControlWndProc (ref m);
    			case Msg.WM_STYLECHANGED:
    				OnStyleChanged (eventArgs);
					CallControlWndProc (ref m);
    			case Msg.WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE:
    				OnSystemColorsChanged (eventArgs);
					CallControlWndProc (ref m);
    			case Msg.WM_SETTEXT:
    				//OnTextChanged (eventArgs);
					CallControlWndProc (ref m);
    			case Msg.WM_SETFONT:
    				//OnTextChanged (eventArgs);
					CallControlWndProc (ref m);
    			case Msg.WM_SHOWWINDOW:
    				OnVisibleChanged (eventArgs);
					CallControlWndProc (ref m);
					Win32.SetTextColor (m.WParam, Win32.RGB (ForeColor));
					//Win32.SetBkColor (m.WParam, 0x00FF00);
					//m.Result = Win32.GetStockObject (GSO_.LTGRAY_BRUSH);
				case Msg.WM_MEASUREITEM:
					ReflectMessage (m.WParam, ref m);
				case Msg.WM_DRAWITEM:
					Control.ReflectMessage (m.WParam, ref m);
				case Msg.WM_HSCROLL:
				case Msg.WM_VSCROLL:
					if (!Control.ReflectMessage (m.LParam, ref m)) {
    					CallControlWndProc (ref m);
				case Msg.WM_SETCURSOR:
					if (cursor != null && cursor.Handle != IntPtr.Zero){
						Win32.SetCursor (cursor.Handle);
						m.Result = (IntPtr)1;
					} else
						CallControlWndProc (ref m);
				case Msg.WM_RBUTTONDOWN:
					if (contextMenu != null){
						contextMenu.Show (this, 
							new Point (Win32.HIGH_ORDER (m.LParam.ToInt32 ()),
								    Win32.LOW_ORDER (m.LParam.ToInt32 ())));
					OnMouseDown ( Msg2MouseEventArgs( ref m ) );
					CallControlWndProc (ref m);
					CallControlWndProc (ref m);
					if (ControlRealWndProc != IntPtr.Zero) {
						CallControlWndProc (ref m);
					else {
						DefWndProc (ref m);

		private void DoAnchor (Control ctrl)
			// the default, no actions are needed
			if (ctrl.Anchor == (AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top))

			int deltaWidth = Bounds.Width - oldBounds.Width;
			int deltaHeight = Bounds.Height - oldBounds.Height;
			double x_change = 0;
			double y_change = 0;

			double halfDeltaWidth  = (double)deltaWidth  / 2.0;
			double halfDeltaHeight = (double)deltaHeight / 2.0;

			Rectangle controlBounds = ctrl.Bounds;

			if ( (ctrl.Anchor & AnchorStyles.Left) == 0) {
				x_change += halfDeltaWidth;
			if ( (ctrl.Anchor & AnchorStyles.Top) == 0) {
				y_change += halfDeltaHeight;
			if ( (ctrl.Anchor & AnchorStyles.Right) == AnchorStyles.Right) {
				if ( (ctrl.Anchor & AnchorStyles.Left) == AnchorStyles.Left) {
					if ( !ctrl.GetStyle ( ControlStyles.FixedWidth ) )
						controlBounds.Width += deltaWidth;
				else {
					x_change += halfDeltaWidth;
			if ( (ctrl.Anchor & AnchorStyles.Bottom) == AnchorStyles.Bottom) {
				if ( (ctrl.Anchor & AnchorStyles.Top) == AnchorStyles.Top) {
					if ( !ctrl.GetStyle ( ControlStyles.FixedHeight ) )
						controlBounds.Height += deltaHeight;
				else {
					y_change += halfDeltaHeight;
			controlBounds.X += (int) Math.Round( x_change );
			controlBounds.Y += (int) Math.Round( y_change );

			ctrl.Bounds = controlBounds;

		private void DoDockAndAnchorLayout (LayoutEventArgs e)
			Rectangle area = DisplayRectangle;
			for (int i = childControls.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--){
				Control control = childControls[i];
				switch (control.Dock){
				case DockStyle.Bottom:
					control.SetBounds (area.Left, area.Bottom - control.Height,
								area.Width, control.Height);
					area.Height -= control.Height;
				case DockStyle.Top:
					control.SetBounds (area.Left, area.Y, area.Width, control.Height);
					area.Y += control.Height;
					area.Height -= control.Height;
				case DockStyle.Right:
					control.SetBounds (area.Right - control.Width,	area.Top,
								control.Width, area.Height);
					area.Width -= control.Width;
				case DockStyle.Left:
					control.SetBounds (area.Left, area.Y, control.Width, area.Height);
					area.X += control.Width;
					area.Width -= control.Width;
				case DockStyle.None:
					DoAnchor (control);

			for (int i = childControls.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--){
				Control control = childControls[i];
				if (control.Dock == DockStyle.Fill){
					control.SetBounds (area.X, area.Y, area.Width, area.Height);
		internal static Control FocusedControl {
			get {
				IEnumerator cw = controlsCollection.GetEnumerator ();

				while (cw.MoveNext ()){
					Control c = ( (DictionaryEntry) cw.Current).Value as Control;

					if (c.Focused)return c;

				return null;

		internal Control getParentForm ()
			Control parent = this.Parent;
			while (parent != null){
				if (parent is Form)
					return parent;
				parent = parent.Parent;
			return null;

    		/// --- Control: events ---
    		public event EventHandler BackColorChanged;
    		public event EventHandler BackgroundImageChanged;
    		public event EventHandler BindingContextChanged;
    		public event EventHandler CausesValidationChanged;
    		public event UICuesEventHandler ChangeUICues;
 			//Compact Framework
    		public event EventHandler Click;
    		public event EventHandler ContextMenuChanged;
    		public event ControlEventHandler ControlAdded;
    		public event ControlEventHandler ControlRemoved;
    		public event EventHandler CursorChanged;
    		public event EventHandler DockChanged;
    		public event EventHandler DoubleClick;
    		public event DragEventHandler DragDrop;
    		public event DragEventHandler DragEnter;
    		public event EventHandler DragLeave;
    		public event DragEventHandler DragOver;

			//Compact Framework
    		public event EventHandler EnabledChanged;
    		public event EventHandler Enter;
    		public event EventHandler FontChanged;
    		public event EventHandler ForeColorChanged;
    		public event GiveFeedbackEventHandler GiveFeedback;
 			//Compact Framework
    		public event EventHandler GotFocus;
    		public event EventHandler HandleCreated;
    		public event EventHandler HandleDestroyed;
    		public event HelpEventHandler HelpRequested;
    		public event EventHandler ImeModeChanged;
    		public event InvalidateEventHandler Invalidated;
 			//Compact Framework
    		public event KeyEventHandler KeyDown;
 			//Compact Framework
    		public event KeyPressEventHandler KeyPress;
 			//Compact Framework
    		public event KeyEventHandler KeyUp;
    		public event LayoutEventHandler Layout;
    		public event EventHandler Leave;
    		public event EventHandler LocationChanged;
 			//Compact Framework
    		public event EventHandler LostFocus;

			//Compact Framework
    		public event MouseEventHandler MouseDown;
    		public event EventHandler MouseEnter;
    		public event EventHandler MouseHover;
    		public event EventHandler MouseLeave;
 			//Compact Framework
    		public event MouseEventHandler MouseMove;
 			//Compact Framework
    		public event MouseEventHandler MouseUp;
    		public event MouseEventHandler MouseWheel;
    		public event EventHandler Move;
 			//Compact Framework
    		public event PaintEventHandler Paint;
 			//Compact Framework
    		public event EventHandler ParentChanged;
    		public event QueryAccessibilityHelpEventHandler QueryAccessibilityHelp;
    		public event QueryContinueDragEventHandler QueryContinueDrag;
 			//Compact Framework
    		public event EventHandler Resize;
    		public event EventHandler RightToLeftChanged;
    		public event EventHandler SizeChanged;
    		public event EventHandler StyleChanged;
    		public event EventHandler SystemColorsChanged;
    		public event EventHandler TabIndexChanged;
    		public event EventHandler TabStopChanged;
 			//Compact Framework
    		public event EventHandler TextChanged;
    		public event EventHandler Validated;
   		// CancelEventHandler not yet defined
    		public event CancelEventHandler Validating;
    		public event EventHandler VisibleChanged;
    		/// --- IWin32Window properties
    		public IntPtr Handle {
    			get { 
				// If the handle has not yet been created,
				// referencing this property will force the
				// handle to be created. (MSDN)

    				if (!IsHandleCreated)
					CreateHandle ();

    				return window.Handle;
    		/// --- ISynchronizeInvoke properties ---
   		public bool InvokeRequired {
    			get { 
					return CreatorThreadId_ != Win32.GetCurrentThreadId (); 
			private IAsyncResult DoInvoke (Delegate method, object[] args) {
				IAsyncResult result = null;
				ControlInvokeHelper helper = new ControlInvokeHelper (method, args);
				if (InvokeRequired) {
					lock (this) {
						lock (InvokeQueue_.SyncRoot) {
							InvokeQueue_.Enqueue (helper);
						Win32.PostMessage (Handle, Control.InvokeMessage, 0, 0);
						result = helper;
				else {
					helper.CompletedSynchronously = true;
					helper.ExecuteMethod ();
					result = helper;
				return result;

    		/// --- ISynchronizeInvoke methods ---
    		public IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (Delegate method) 
				return DoInvoke (method, null);
    		public IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (Delegate method, object[] args) 
				return DoInvoke (method, args);
    		public object EndInvoke (IAsyncResult asyncResult) 
				object result = null;
				ControlInvokeHelper helper = asyncResult as ControlInvokeHelper;
				if (helper != null) {
					if (!asyncResult.CompletedSynchronously) {
						asyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne ();
					result = helper.MethodResult;
				return result;
  		//Compact Framework
    		public object Invoke (Delegate method) 
				return Invoke (method, null);
    		public object Invoke (Delegate method, object[] args) 
				IAsyncResult result = BeginInvoke (method, args);
				return EndInvoke (result);
    		/// sub-class: Control.ControlAccessibleObject
    		/// <summary>
    		/// Provides information about a control that can be used by an accessibility application.
    		/// </summary>
    		public class ControlAccessibleObject : AccessibleObject {
    			// AccessibleObject not ready to be base class
    			/// --- ControlAccessibleObject.constructor ---
    			public ControlAccessibleObject (Control ownerControl) 
    				throw new NotImplementedException ();
    			/// --- ControlAccessibleObject Properties ---
     			public override string DefaultAction {
     				get {
						return base.DefaultAction;
    			public override string Description {
     				get {
						return base.Description;
    			public IntPtr Handle {
    				get {
						throw new NotImplementedException ();
    				set {
     			public override string Help {
     				get {
						return base.Help;
     			public override string KeyboardShortcut {
     				get {
						return base.KeyboardShortcut;
     			public override string Name {
     				get {
						return base.Name;
     				set {
						base.Name = value;
    			public Control Owner {
    				get { 
						throw new NotImplementedException ();
     			public override AccessibleRole Role {
     				get {
						return base.Role;
    			/// --- ControlAccessibleObject Methods ---
     			public override int GetHelpTopic (out string fileName) 
					return base.GetHelpTopic (out fileName);
    			public void NotifyClients (AccessibleEvents accEvent) 
    			public void NotifyClients (AccessibleEvents accEvent,
    						   int childID) 
    			public override string ToString ()
					return base.ToString ();
    		/// sub-class: Control.ControlCollection
    		/// <summary>
    		/// Represents a collection of Control objects
    		/// </summary>
    		public class ControlCollection : IList, ICollection, IEnumerable, ICloneable {
			class ControlComparer : IComparer {

				int IComparer.Compare (object x, object y)
					int tx = ( (Control)x).TabIndex;
					int ty = ( (Control)y).TabIndex;

					if (tx > ty)
						return 1;
					else if (tx < ty)
						return -1;
						return 0;

    			private ArrayList collection = new ArrayList ();
    			protected Control owner;
    			/// --- ControlCollection.constructor ---
    			public ControlCollection (Control owner) 
    				this.owner = owner;
    			/// --- ControlCollection Properties ---
    			public int Count {
    				get {
						return collection.Count;
    			public bool IsReadOnly {
    				get {
						return collection.IsReadOnly;
    			public virtual Control this [int index] {
    				get {
						return (Control) collection[index];
    			public virtual void Add (Control value) 
				if (!Contains (value)) {
					collection.Add (value);
					value.Parent = owner;
					owner.OnControlAdded (new ControlEventArgs (value));
    			public virtual void AddRange (Control[] controls) 
					for (int i = 0; i < controls.Length; i++) {
						Add (controls[i]);
    			public virtual void Clear () 
    				collection.Clear ();
    			public bool Contains (Control control) 
    				return collection.Contains (control);
    			public void CopyTo (Array dest,int index) 
    				collection.CopyTo (dest, index);
    			public override bool Equals (object obj) 
					return base.Equals (obj);

			public int GetChildIndex (Control child)
				return GetChildIndex (child, true);

			public int GetChildIndex (Control child, bool throwException)
				int index = collection.IndexOf (child);
				if (index == -1 && throwException)
					throw new ArgumentException ("'child' is not a child control of this parent.");
				return index;

    			public IEnumerator GetEnumerator () 
    				return collection.GetEnumerator ();
    			public override int GetHashCode () 
				return base.GetHashCode ();
    			public int IndexOf (Control control) 
    				return collection.IndexOf (control);
    			public virtual void Remove (Control value) 
    				collection.Remove (value);
    			public void RemoveAt (int index) 
				Remove (this [ index ]);
				// have to give a chance to handle this situation in derived class
    				//collection.RemoveAt (index);
    			public void SetChildIndex (Control child, int newIndex)
				int oldIndex = collection.IndexOf (child);
				if (oldIndex == -1)
					throw new ArgumentException ("'child' is not a child control of this parent.");

				if (oldIndex != newIndex){
					collection.Remove (child);

					if (newIndex >= collection.Count)
						collection.Add (child);
						collection.Insert (newIndex, child);

			internal Control GetFirstControl (bool direction)
				if (collection.Count == 0)
					return null;

				ArrayList copy = collection.Clone () as ArrayList;
				copy.Sort (new ControlComparer ());
				if (direction)
					return copy [0] as Control;
				else {
					Control last = copy[ collection.Count - 1 ] as Control;
					if (last.Controls.Count == 0)
						return last;
						return last.Controls.GetFirstControl (false);

			internal Control GetNextControl (Control ctl, bool forward)
				if (collection.Count == 0)
					return null;

				ArrayList copy = collection.Clone () as ArrayList;
				copy.Sort (new ControlComparer ());

				int index = copy.IndexOf (ctl)+ (forward ? 1 : -1);

				if ( (forward && index  < copy.Count)|| (!forward && index >= 0))
					return copy[index] as Control;

				return null;

    			/// --- ControlCollection.IClonable methods ---
    			object ICloneable.Clone ()
    				throw new NotImplementedException ();
    			/// --- ControlCollection.IList properties ---
    			bool IList.IsFixedSize {
    				get {
						return collection.IsFixedSize;
    			object IList.this [int index] {
    				get {
						return collection[index];
    				set {
						collection[index] = value;
    			object ICollection.SyncRoot {
    				get {
						return collection.SyncRoot;
    			bool ICollection.IsSynchronized {
    				get {
						return collection.IsSynchronized;
    			/// --- ControlCollection.IList methods ---
    			int IList.Add (object control) 
    				return collection.Add (control);
    			bool IList.Contains (object control) 
    				return collection.Contains (control);
    			int IList.IndexOf (object control) 
    				return collection.IndexOf (control);
    			void IList.Insert (int index,object value) 
    				collection.Insert (index, value);
    			void IList.Remove (object control) 
    				collection.Remove (control);
    		}  // --- end of Control.ControlCollection ---
