[Mono-winforms-list] How to install

Lukas Kurka kurkal@post.cz
Wed, 02 Apr 2003 15:04:47 +0200 (CEST)


I'm working on Windows XP. Finally I compile my first non-console
program and when I type " mono Form1.exe " I got these warnings: 
** (Form1.exe:1356): WARNING **: Failed to load function
GetDriveType from kernel32.dll

** (Form1.exe:1356): WARNING **: Failed to load function
ExtTextOut from gdi32.dll

And some more like these. Can anybody help me??
Guide step by step (download, install, set paths, examples ...)
under Win and Linux will be absolutely great. I didn't find
anything like that on the www.go-mono.com but I think it should
be there.

Thanks Lukas Kurka

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