[mono-vb] if Iter isnot nothing then generates exception during compile!

Easy_Rider9999 jhmgbl2 at t-online.de
Sat Nov 14 15:42:58 EST 2009

I get the following compile Error:

/home/jhmgbl/Projects/prjLinuxInfo/prjLinuxInfo/frmMain.vb (166,32) : Error
VBNC99999: There was an exception during code generation.

/home/jhmgbl/Projects/prjLinuxInfo/prjLinuxInfo/<MyGenerator> (1,1) : Error
VBNC99999: Unexpected error: There has been an internal error in the
compiler caused by the line: (166,32)

  at vbnc.Is_IsNotExpression.GenerateCodeInternal (vbnc.EmitInfo Info)
[0x0001e] in
  at vbnc.Expression.GenerateCode (vbnc.EmitInfo Info) [0x000dd] in

Compilation took 00:00:02.8174030

The Code of this procedure is:

Private Sub xvinfo
			Dim rIter as TreeIter = rootIter
			Dim Iter, lastRIter as TreeIter
			Dim si as new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
			si.CreateNoWindow = true
			si.UseShellExecute = false
			si.RedirectStandardOutput = true
			si.FileName = "xvinfo"
			Dim p as process = system.diagnostics.process.start(si)
			Dim s as IO.StreamReader = p.StandardOutput
			Dim l as String
			Dim lastSpaces as Integer
				l = s.ReadLine
				if l is nothing then exit Do
				Dim spaces as Integer = 0
				For I as Integer = 2 to 50 Step 2
					if l.startsWith (New String(" "c,I)) then
						spaces = I
						exit For
					end if
				next I
				Dim Diff as Integer = spaces - lastspaces
				if Diff = 2 then
					lastSpaces = spaces
					if Iter isnot nothing then 
						lastRIter = RIter
						rIter = Iter
					end if
				elseif Diff = -2 then
					rIter = Store.Getiter(riter,Store.GetPath(riter).up)
					if rIter is nothing then rIter = Iter
				end if
				iter = store.AppendValues(RIter,l)
		End Sub

Regard Hans
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