[mono-vb] VBNC30390 Compile Error

John Lenz jlenz2 at math.uiuc.edu
Thu Apr 16 12:18:48 EDT 2009

When attempting to compile a large vb.net project here at work with mono,
I got a really weird error.  I was able to strip it down to the attached
file, the error comes about when there are two private subclasses of some

I am using the mono-basic code from Mono 2.4, and I get the following
error.   The file compiles without errors in Visual Studio.  As I mention
in the comment, changing Bar to a public class makes the file compile
without any errors.

Visual Basic.Net Compiler version (Mono 2.4 - r)
Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Rolf Bjarne Kvinge. All rights reserved.

/home/john/test.vb (28,26) : Error VBNC30390: 'Bar.Testing' is not
accessible because it is 'Public'.
There were 1 errors and 0 warnings.
Compilation took 00:00:01.8079280

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