[mono-vb] New module mbas2 on mono SVN

Rafael Teixeira monoman at gmail.com
Mon May 1 18:02:44 EDT 2006

As discussed with Miguel in Porto Alegre.

It is a fork of today's gmcs, and aside from generating a mbas2.exe
inside the directory it is still gmcs, hope to start making more
interesting things tomorrow.
It should be checked out inside module mcs, side-by-side with mbas and gmcs.

O trabalho no mbas2 começou:

Criei um módulo separado no svn, que assume ser puxado [checkout]
dentro do diretorio raiz do módulo mcs.

Rafael "Monoman" Teixeira
As I'm currently working a lot with Java and even fixing Java VMs
(JamVM/Kaffe) and GNU Classpath code, I think I may partly borrow the
title (Javaman) from my friend Bruno Souza and become the
MonoNJavaMan. Yeah, I may currently be crazier than usual...

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