[mono-vb] Future of Mono's VB.NET

Jambunathan K kjambunathan.devel at gmail.com
Sat Apr 29 19:00:50 EDT 2006

I think I might want to move mbas, mbas2, bmcs and the VisualStudio
runtime *out* of mcs and not distribute it as part of mono/mcs until
they are ready.   The runtime in particular is missing enough pieces
(from 2.0, but the issue comes up frequently) that I much rather just
state that we do not support VB.NEt for the time being.

Sounds like a very practical idea to me.

I no longer maintain bmcs.

If you think the idea has some future, it is preferable that it is made
available in a well known and accessible attic or made open for Google's

Jambunathan K.

On 4/29/06, Miguel de Icaza <miguel at novell.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> > 1. VB.NET is not "standardized". This is to our advantage for we can
> > scope and define what mono's VB.NET will or will not support.
> >
> >  We can leave out certain constructs like supporting error numbers or
> > mapping error numbers to exceptions. Going down to the last detail as
> > in retaining error numbers across vbc and mbas2 would be seriously
> > detrimental to progress and should be avoided at all costs.
> The error codes are not standardized in C# either, they were just a
> useful thing to have.   Sure, its some extra work, but it helps finding
> potential probelms.
> > Even if we decide to go down this path, we would miss nothing if we
> > restrict the patches to those that were committed before Anirban took
> > over.
> That sounds fine.
> > Neither am I a C# or VB.NET programmer (in the remotest sense) nor am
> > I am compiler guru. I am making these observations as a practitioner
> > and as someone who spared some sincere love over mbas/bmcs.
> I do have another concern though;   Today folks are reporting that VB
> does not work (and in a sense that is correct, we do not even have full
> runtime support).
> I think I might want to move mbas, mbas2, bmcs and the VisualStudio
> runtime *out* of mcs and not distribute it as part of mono/mcs until
> they are ready.   The runtime in particular is missing enough pieces
> (from 2.0, but the issue comes up frequently) that I much rather just
> state that we do not support VB.NEt for the time being.
> Miguel.
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