[mono-vb] Microosoft.VisualBasic.Information.cs

Rob.Tillie@Student.tUL.EDU Rob.Tillie@Student.tUL.EDU
Mon, 7 Jun 2004 23:19:10 +0200

Hello everyone,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: A Rafael D Teixeira [mailto:rafael.teixeirabr@terra.com.br]
> Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 5:42 PM
> To: Jambunathan Jambunathan
> Cc: Rob.Tillie@Student.tUL.EDU; MonoVB; Dennis.Hayes@raytek.com
> Subject: Re: [Spam] [mono-vb] Microosoft.VisualBasic.Information.cs
> On Mon, 2004-06-07 at 11:21, Jambunathan Jambunathan wrote:
> > I have already finished most of Information.cs ( except those
> > concerning Err object ) and also completed many of Exception and
> > Error handling related files in MS.Vb.CompilerServices.

Owkey :), I just started so it doesn't matter.

> Thanks Jambunathan,
> > I am planning to take up the rest of ErrObject and related classes.
> > I am also planning to take forward the Interaction class.
> >
> > Please keep us posted once you have made a decision on the component
> > you would like to own.
> Hi Rob, may I suggest MS.VB.FileSystem. It has some things done, but
> certainly needs love and more unit tests, or at least that we see what
> the results from testing with the Mainsoft-contributed test-suite are
> for this piece.

Ok, I will give her a few hugs. I do need a bit of guidance, this is my
first Mono / Linux experience, however, C# is a good friend of me.
I could use especially a little guidance in the development setup.
I currently have Suse 9 with mono, but I couldn't get the build / test one
dll thing to work. I tried 'make' in the Microsoft.VisualBasic folder, but
that gave an error.
Furthermore, I didn't know exactly how to build the Mainsoft tests on linux.

I'm now using a Windows XP / mono cvs / SharpDevelop combo in the meantime,
until I have a decent setup on Suse.

I suggest that I'll implement a couple of methods in the class (using
MainSoft's contribution), diff. it and post it here, so I can get some
feedback on formatting / other mistakes. 

A couple of questions I had when I was sniffing around in the sources:
- Why are signatures always using the entire namespace, like System.Object?
- I see a lot of full names within methods, like Boolean or String, is this
just a personal preference?
- Is it the intention to convert all mainsoft tests to unit tests, besides
creating more tests?

> >
> > Once again, a warm welcome to the mono-vb community !
> Yeah, anyone that wants to help us is cheerfully welcome.

Thank you for the warm welcome, 
-- Rob.

> Lovely bits for all,
> --
> Rafael "Monoman" Teixeira
> Mono Hacker since 16 Jul 2001 - http://www.go-mono.org/
> Mono Brasil Founding Member - http://monobrasil.redesolbrasil.org/
> English Blog: http://monoblog.blogspot.com/
> Brazilian Portuguese Blog: http://monoblog.weblogger.terra.com.br/