[Mono-osx] Binding to Cocoa?

Miljenko Cvjetko mcvjetko at holisticware.net
Mon Nov 17 06:27:27 UTC 2014


Here is public repo with monotouch (Xamarin.iOS) samples Xamarin.Mac is 


Some docs



On 2014.11.17 01:33, Michael McGlothlin wrote:
> I'm trying to figure out how to bind to obj-c and c and for my first exercise I decided to bind to Apple's ScreenSaverView and make a screensaver. I'm trying to do this with Xamarin Studio and their Sharpie app but not having much luck. Where can I look to see Mono's actual binding to classes such as NSView? The part that has what I'd actually do I mean and not something generated. I seem unable to use the BaseType attribute I see in examples.
> Sent from my iPad
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Miljenko Cvjetko dipl.ing. ET
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	Voditelj projekta/Project Manager

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