[Mono-osx] (no subject)

David Black David.Black at casewise.com
Wed Feb 15 13:53:52 UTC 2012

Hi All

I've been experimenting with monomac for a short while and I've come across a strange issue. My app has a (so far) empty main Window and a menu option that opens a non-modal window for data input. In the cancel button action I call the Close method on the window controller for the pop-up Window

This closes my pop-up and leaves the main window in place (as expected).

In my app delegate I added the following

public override bool ApplicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed (NSApplication sender)
                return true;

Now when I close the pop-up window, even though the main Window is still visible, the app quits. This is not what I expected as the main window is still there.

Is this expected behaviour? Or is it because I have no content in the main Window or actions or Outlets and the GC is freeing the window even though it's still visible?

Colour me confused :)

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