[Mono-osx] Contributing on a Mac?

Euan MacInnes euan_macinnes at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 6 06:08:07 UTC 2012

Sent from my iPhone

On 6 Apr, 2012, at 12:30 PM, "Chris McKinnon" <crmckinnon at shaw.ca> wrote:

> Hi,
> That sounds fairly straight-forward.  Is there a solution (.sln) for the framework?  I tried the "mono" one but it includes C++ projects.  Is the "mono development kit" just the source code or is there something additional I need to install?
> Thanks for your help Jon,
> Chris
> On 2012-04-05, at 3:24 PM, Jon Lipsky <jon.lipsky at elevenworks.com> wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> I do everything in MonoDevelop.  In my opinion that's really the only thing you really need to get installed (with the addition of the mono development kit) to get started.
>> Jon...
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm familiar with compiling the source code.  I was looking more for "setting up your dev environment" on the Mac instructions.  Are Mac contributors using Xcode or MonoDevelop?  Or does this depend on what pieces there are contributing to?  Or is an IDE not used in general (but command line tools instead)?
>>> I'm guessing that the runtime, compiler, etc. is over my head.  I think I would be most useful contributing to the .NET Framework pieces.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Chris McKinnon
>>> On 2012-04-05, at 2:10 PM, Jonathan Pryor wrote:
>>> On Apr 5, 2012, at 1:31 PM, Chris McKinnon wrote:
>>>> I'd like to contribute to Mono using my Mac.  I'm hoping I can implement some of the missing features of the .NET runtime.  I was hoping someone who has set themselves up on a Mac previously could give me a "quick start" on getting setup?
>>> http://www.mono-project.com/Compiling_Mono_on_OSX
>>> - Jon
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