[Mono-osx] Passing command line paramenters to a MonoMac app

Steve Lessard s_lessard at yahoo.com
Tue May 17 14:01:14 EDT 2011

Are you correctly invoking your MonoMac application in a way that will pass command line arguments to your application?

There are only two ways I know of to pass command line arguments to an application on OS X:

1.  /Applications/MyMonoMacApplication.app/Contents/MacOS/MyMonoMacApplication arg1 arg2 arg3
2.  open -a MyMonoMacApplication --args arg1 arg2 arg3

The second option is only available on OS X 10.6 and higher.

From: Maxi Combina <maxi.combina at passwordbank.com>
To: mono-osx at lists.ximian.com
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2011 5:54 AM
Subject: [Mono-osx] Passing command line paramenters to a MonoMac app


is it possible to pass command line paramenters to a MonoMac app? 
In Main(string [] args) method I only get 1 paramenter: the executable name.

I was poking with the generated scripts and they do some trickery with MONO_ENV_OPTIONS  to launch the app... and no parameter is added to this var.
I even hardcoded some stuff (to check) and got the params in Main()... but in my overriden version of AppDelegate.FinishedLoading() I have no parameters in NSProcessInfo.ProcessInfo.Arguments.

What am I doing wrong? Which is the correct way to provide command line arguments to a MonoMac app?


Maxi Combina
Cell:+1 408 300 3614
Tel:  +1 408 524 1579
440 N. Wolfe Road. Sunnyvale. CA. 94085. USA

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