[Mono-osx] [MonoMac] MM Add-in templates

kjpou kjpou at pt.lu
Fri Jan 28 11:24:05 EST 2011


Thank you for the response.

 > You need to add the added files to the addin's<Runtime>  element so
 > that they get included in the addin when packed for the online
 > repository.

did not see those but have added them.

 > In the .xft.xml files, LanguageName should be C#.

I forgot to ask what that should be in my post.  Have now changed it to c#

 >Also, they both have
 > a DependsOn for a nonexistent xib file,

I thought I had taken those DependsOn out already.  Anyway got them out 
for sure now.

 > and since they don't have
 > designer classes, don't need to be partial.

For the way I was using them they had to be partial.  Probably short 
sighted on my part (see below about the Register)

 > Maybe I don't understand the purpose of the "Inherited NSView", but I
 > assume they are meant to be able to be created either programmatically
 > or as a child widget in a nib (rather than the owner/root widget).
 > > From programmatic use, it would be useful to have a parameterless
 > ctor, and for using in nibs it would be good to add a Register
 > attribute to make the objective-C name of the class explicit (since
 > there is no designer class doing this).

Added the constructor that takes no parameters.  I assumed that it would 
inherit the NSView constructor.

I thought about the Register as well but the way I am using it there was 
no need to add the Register.  Here is the only way I have been using these.

Within my nib I create a subclass of a NSView with the name of the class 
I am going to use for example MyCustomView.  Then on the Custom NSView 
that I add to the ContentView I change the Type to MyCustomView within 
IB.  When I save this it is automatically sent back to the designer 
class via the MonoDevelop Bridge with IB.

     // Should subclass MonoMac.AppKit.NSView
     public partial class MyCustomView {

This automatically is registered and is marked as partial.  Thus you can 
not decorate with Register nor mark the class as non partial.

As I said probably a little short sighted.


On 1/28/11 7:56 AM, Michael Hutchinson wrote:
 > On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 11:36 PM, kjpou<kjpou at pt.lu>  wrote:
 >> Hello all
 >> This may not be found useful but would have definitely loved the
 >> Inherited NSView while going through the Core Animation Book samples.
 >> They are very simple and was just trying to get my feet wet with the
 >> add-in code.
 >> What it does is add two new File types to the add-in.
 >> Inherited NSView    -    Creates a class that inherits from NSView.
 >> Inherited NSWindow    -    Creates a class that inherits from NSWindow.
 >> These do not create NIB files associated like what is delivered but are
 >> used to override what is defined in a NIB file when creating a custom
 >> view or custom window.
 >> I definitely find the Inherited NSView handy and a time saver.  NSWindow
 >> less so as have only had need to do that twice so far.
 >> Added the Inherited NSWindow because it was basically a copy and paste
 >> of the Inherited NSView.
 >> If there are problems with what was done please let me know.
 > You need to add the added files to the addin's<Runtime>  element so
 > that they get included in the addin when packed for the online
 > repository.
 > In the .xft.xml files, LanguageName should be C#. Also, they both have
 > a DependsOn for a nonexistent xib file, and since they don't have
 > designer classes, don't need to be partial.
 > Maybe I don't understand the purpose of the "Inherited NSView", but I
 > assume they are meant to be able to be created either programmatically
 > or as a child widget in a nib (rather than the owner/root widget).
 > > From programmatic use, it would be useful to have a parameterless
 > ctor, and for using in nibs it would be good to add a Register
 > attribute to make the objective-C name of the class explicit (since
 > there is no designer class doing this).

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