[Mono-osx] [MonoMac] MonoMac plugin

kjpou kjpou at pt.lu
Wed Jan 26 04:15:09 EST 2011

Hello all

This may not be found useful but would have definitely loved the 
Inherited NSView while going through the Core Animation Book samples.  
They are very simple and was just trying to get my feet wet with the 
add-in code.

What it does is add two new File types to the add-in.

Inherited NSView    -    Creates a class that inherits from NSView.
Inherited NSWindow    -    Creates a class that inherits from NSWindow.

These do not create NIB files associated like what is delivered but are 
used to override what is defined in a NIB file when creating a custom 
view or custom window.

I definitely find the Inherited NSView handy and a time saver.  NSWindow 
less so as have only had need to do that twice so far.

Added the Inherited NSWindow because it was basically a copy and paste 
of the Inherited NSView.

If there are problems with what was done please let me know.


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