[Mono-osx] CoreWlan Framework binding problem

Ashok Gelal ashokgelal at gmail.com
Wed Jan 19 11:59:32 EST 2011

Hi MIguel,
Later today I will send the updated code with a simple "Hello, CoreWlan"
sample (too busy with my school, job, and this open source project that I'm
working on to port the official CoreWlan example). And then it will be a
formal contribution to the MonoMac project. I hope this is Okay for now.

Do I need to do anything else for the 'formal' contribution? Like writing
doc or anything like that?



On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 9:32 AM, Miguel de Icaza <miguel at novell.com> wrote:

> Hello Ashok,
>     Is this a formal contribution to the MonoMac project?
>     If so, can you state that you are contributing the code under the
> MIT X11 license?
>     It would also be nice if you could send the updated code ;-)
> Miguel
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