[Mono-osx] CoreWlan Framework binding problem

Duane Wandless duane at wandless.net
Mon Jan 17 10:28:48 EST 2011

Try something like this:

[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport ("/usr/lib/libSystem.dylib")]
public static extern IntPtr dlopen (string path, int mode);
public static extern string dlerror(); static void Main (string[] args) {
dlopen("/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreWLAN.framework/CoreWLAN", 0);
Console.WriteLine("load error = {0}", dlerror()); NSApplication.Init ();
                var interfaces = CWInterface.SupportedInterfaces();
NSApplication.Main (args);


On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 11:26 PM, Ashok Gelal <ashokgelal at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello All,
> Right now I'm working on rewriting a popular open source software inSSIDEr
> from MetaGeek http://goo.gl/ompgJ makeing it cross platform using Mono and
> Gtk#. I've managed to make the newly written application run in Windows and
> Linux, and just a few days ago we released an alpha version of it (
> https://github.com/metageek-llc/inSSIDer-2-Cross-Platform - just the
> binaries for now) and so far the responses have been awesome! I've met a guy
> or two talking against it for using Mono but, to be honest, I give a sh**
> about them.
> Now to the main point - to support the application so that it runs on Mac,
> I need CoreWlan framework. I've successfully ran the program (without any
> Network Scan support) on Mac and it looks super awesome! I wrote the
> CoreWlan binding which is about 90% complete (see the attached corewlan.cs
> file), and it compiled fine without any error. I'm pretty much sure only 90%
> coverage should allow me to at least write a simple 'hello, corewlan'
> program but I'm running out of luck. As soon as I call *NSApplication.Init
> ()* and call my static method (*CWInterface.SupportedInterfaces()*, I get
> a segfault error right away. If I call the static method without calling *
> NSApplication.Init()*, I don't get any segfault but I always get a null
> value instead of an array of string.
> I've noticed that when trying to invoke the static method (or any other
> methods/ properties), the value of class_ptr is always 0x0.
> Here is the simple example that I'm using:
> *using System;*
> *using MonoMac.CoreWlan;*
> *namespace MacInssider*
> *{*
> * class MainClass*
> * {*
> * static void Main ()*
> *        {*
> *                    // NSApplication.Init(); // if I uncomment this out,
> I get a segfault error right away*
> *       var interfaces = CWInterface.SupportedInterfaces();*
> *                     // interfaces is always null at this point.*
> *               }*
> * }*
> *}*
> My ultimate target is to get this example working using Mono (
> http://goo.gl/YzEQy). Can anyone help me where I'm doing wrong? Or can
> help me port CoreWlan framework?
> I've attached the corewlan.cs file and also all the generated .g.cs files
> (I don't think attaching these .g files are required but just-in-case)
> Thanks,
> Ashok Gelal
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