[Mono-osx] [MonoMac] Adding WebView delegate classes

Alexander Shulgin alexander.shulgin at yessoftware.com
Thu Nov 11 06:39:51 EST 2010


attached is my attempt at adding strongly-typed WebView delegates. 
Please take a look.

I'm not really sure about "webView:setStatusText:" vs. 
"webViewStatusText:" naming:

		[Export ("webView:setStatusText:")]
		void SetStatusText (WebView sender, string text);

		[Export ("webViewStatusText:")]
		string WebViewStatusText (WebView sender);

As a rule of thumb, I just dropped "WebView" prefix from method name if 
it comes as "webView:" in selector.  Feel free to correct if you 
understand it better.


class UIDelegate : WebUIDelegate
   public override void MouseDidMoveOverElement(WebView sender, 
NSDictionary elementInformation, uint modifierFlags)


this.webView.UIDelegate = new UIDelegate();


class MainWindowController : NSWindowController
   public override void MouseDidMoveOverElement(WebView sender, 
NSDictionary elementInformation, uint modifierFlags)


     this.webView.WeakUIDelegate = this;

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