[Mono-osx] MonoMac: patch to add coredata

Duane Wandless duane at wandless.net
Wed Jul 14 08:48:22 EDT 2010

Here is the update to coredata.cs.

I've also included a patch to generator.cs to handle binding (coredata uses
(NSError**) heavily):
//+ (NSData *)sendSynchronousRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request
returningResponse:(NSURLResponse **)response error:(NSError **)error
[Static, Export ("sendSynchronousRequest:returningResponse:error:")]
NSData SynchronousRequest (NSUrlRequest request, out NSUrlResponse response,
out NSError error);

In genetator.cs:
* added the ability to bind out parameters

In foundation.cs:
* added binding for sendSynchronousRequest on NSUrlConnection
* added binding for NSForegroundColorAttributeName
* exposed binding for setValue:forHTTPHeaderField: on NSMutableURLRequest
* added binding for NSExpression

In coredata.cs:
* added strongly typed arrays
* added CoreDataEnum.cs

I have a couple more changes/issues that I'll follow up with later.

On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 12:03 PM, Miguel de Icaza <miguel at novell.com> wrote:

> Hello,
>     The CoreData binding is not suitable for inclusion in MonoMac since it
> uses NSArrays instead of strongly-typed arrays.   Although some auditing
> work was done on the result from the header parser, I do not want to add any
> APIs that expose NSArrays (there are special cases for this, for low-level
> interfaces, but they are special cases, not the rule).
>     When you resubmit, also remove all of the original selector comments
> that the parser left in place.
> Miguel.
> On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 12:23 PM, Duane Wandless <duane at wandless.net>wrote:
>> Not all of the coredata bindings have been tested.  The basic
>> functionality of a CoreData application does work.
>> Duane
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