[Mono-osx] [MonoMac] DatePicker sample and patch

kjpou kjpou at pt.lu
Fri Dec 31 05:55:37 EST 2010

Hello all

Here is a new sample for DatePicker.

I think there is a problem though with the ValidateProposedDateValue method.

                 void ValidateProposedDateValue (NSDatePickerCell 
aDatePickerCell, ref NSDate proposedDateValue, double proposedTimeInterval)
                         TestWindowController controller = 
                         if (controller != null && controller == this && 
aDatePickerCell == datePickerControl.Cell) {
                                 // override code goes here.  You should 
ensure that the new values are within the appropriate range.
(overrideDateCheck.SelectedCell.State == NSCellStateValue.On)
                                         // override the date using the 
user specified date
                                         proposedDateValue = 

                                 // NOTE:  I think there is a problem 
setting the proposed Date value as it is a ref

When overriding the proposedDateValue the value is not being set.  The 
code gets executed but the control is not affected by the override.  
Could this be a result of the proposedDateValue being a ref pointer?

Attached is the sample solution as well as the diff patch that was 
discussed on the #monomac irc list on the 18th of Dec.

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