[Mono-osx] MonoMac: patch for NSPasteboard

Duane Wandless duane at wandless.net
Wed Dec 8 17:32:02 EST 2010

Some of the names seem to be very un C#.  Like:


And the pasteboard item types are defined as Fields like this:

That would be nicer if it was just String or Url, etc.

It is small a class so I could make a pass at making it better if you'd


On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 5:11 PM, Miguel de Icaza <miguel at novell.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the patch!
>> I did not C#-ify this class but it does need it.  Let me know and I'll do
>> a full pass on this class and send that as a new patch.
> Got anything in mind for this?
> I did change the name of one of the static properties that really should
> have been a factory method.
> Miguel
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