[Mono-osx] Setup Mono Development on a Mac Mini Successful

Miguel de Icaza miguel at novell.com
Wed Apr 29 16:35:59 EDT 2009


> OK, Success!

Good to hear!  

Which instructions did you use?   And if you had any problem with
existing instructions, could you tell us what it was, so we can update

> I followed the Mono instructions and set up the development
> environment for developing Mono and compiling a parallel Mono
> environment on Mac OS X. So now I have it set up on a 2.26 GHz intel
> Core 2 Duo Mac Mini. I built the Mono and mcs compiler source from the
> Subversion repository with anonymous access.
> Running mono --version correctly shows 2.5 for the parallel
> environment and 2.4 for the stable installation. So... what do any of
> you recommend me to look into to contribute to the code base?

I think that my recommendation from the last email is a good starting


Just a couple of days ago I noticed that the code in mono/mono/io-layer
that implements EnumProcesses does not work on the Mac.

This means that the Process.GetProcesses call actually crashes.

The current implementation only works on Linux, where we use /proc to
fetch a list of system processes.

Would you be interested in implementing this support for OSX?


Additionally, you could look for all the bugs on
www.mono-project.com/Bugs that have been reported specifically for OSX.

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