[Mono-osx] Getting Started Help
james_wheeler_pe at yahoo.com
Mon May 26 22:14:56 EDT 2008
I got mono from the official website.
I just ran the installer and accepted all the defaults. It looks like it
installed into....
Here is what I get when I type mono -v Hello.exe where Hello.exe is an
assembly with the exact same code described previously but built on my XP
machine. When I run Hello.exe on my XP machine it works as expected.
mono -v Hello.exe
Method (wrapper runtime-invoke) System.Object:runtime_invoke_void_string
(object,intptr,intptr,intptr) emitted at 0x7a2028 to 0x7a20c0 (code length
152) [Hello.exe]
Method System.OutOfMemoryException:.ctor (string) emitted at 0x7a20c0 to
0x7a20ec (code length 44) [Hello.exe]
Method System.SystemException:.ctor (string) emitted at 0x7a2108 to 0x7a2134
(code length 44) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Exception:.ctor (string) emitted at 0x7a2140 to 0x7a215b (code
length 27) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Exception:set_HResult (int) emitted at 0x7a2160 to 0x7a2171
(code length 17) [Hello.exe]
Method System.NullReferenceException:.ctor (string) emitted at 0x7a2178 to
0x7a21a1 (code length 41) [Hello.exe]
Method System.StackOverflowException:.ctor (string) emitted at 0x7a21a8 to
0x7a21c1 (code length 25) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper runtime-invoke)
(object,intptr,intptr,intptr) emitted at 0x7a21c8 to 0x7a225d (code length
149) [Hello.exe]
Method MacMonoTest.Program:Main (string[]) emitted at 0x7a2260 to 0x7a2278
(code length 24) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Console:WriteLine (string) emitted at 0x7a2290 to 0x7a22b6
(code length 38) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper runtime-invoke) System.Object:runtime_invoke_void
(object,intptr,intptr,intptr) emitted at 0x7a22b8 to 0x7a2342 (code length
138) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Console:.cctor () emitted at 0x7a2368 to 0x7a274b (code length
995) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Text.Encoding:InternalCodePage
(int&) emitted at 0x7a2818 to 0x7a2864 (code length 76) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Text.Encoding:.cctor () emitted at 0x7a2888 to 0x7a2c12 (code
length 906) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper managed-to-native)
System.Object:__icall_wrapper_mono_array_new_specific (intptr,int) emitted
at 0x7a2c20 to 0x7a2c6f (code length 79) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper managed-to-native)
System.Object:__icall_wrapper_mono_object_new_ptrfree_box (intptr) emitted
at 0x7a2c70 to 0x7a2cbc (code length 76) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper stelemref) System.Object:stelemref (object,intptr,object)
emitted at 0x7a2cc8 to 0x7a2d87 (code length 191) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper managed-to-native)
System.Object:__icall_wrapper_mono_object_new_ptrfree (intptr) emitted at
0x7a2d98 to 0x7a2de4 (code length 76) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Text.Encoding:get_UTF8Unmarked () emitted at 0x7a2de8 to
0x7a2e86 (code length 158) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Threading.Monitor:Enter (object) emitted at 0x7a2eb8 to
0x7a2f18 (code length 96) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper managed-to-native)
System.Threading.Monitor:Monitor_try_enter (object,int) emitted at 0x7a2f30
to 0x7a2f8e (code length 94) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper managed-to-native)
System.Object:__icall_wrapper_mono_object_new_fast (intptr) emitted at
0x7a2f90 to 0x7a2fdc (code length 76) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:.ctor (bool,bool) emitted at 0x7a2fe0 to
0x7a3042 (code length 98) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Text.Encoding:.ctor (int) emitted at 0x7a3050 to 0x7a3078
(code length 40) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Threading.Monitor:Exit (object) emitted at 0x7a3078 to
0x7a30d6 (code length 94) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.Monitor:Monitor_exit
(object) emitted at 0x7a30e8 to 0x7a312e (code length 70) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Console:OpenStandardError (int) emitted at 0x7a3130 to
0x7a31ed (code length 189) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper managed-to-native) System.IO.MonoIO:get_ConsoleError ()
emitted at 0x7a3218 to 0x7a325a (code length 66) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.MonoIO:.cctor () emitted at 0x7a3260 to 0x7a328f (code
length 47) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IntPtr:op_Explicit (long) emitted at 0x7a32a0 to 0x7a32c7
(code length 39) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IntPtr:.ctor (long) emitted at 0x7a32d8 to 0x7a337d (code
length 165) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper managed-to-native)
System.Object:__icall_wrapper_mono_object_new_specific (intptr) emitted at
0x7a3398 to 0x7a33e4 (code length 76) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.FileStream:.ctor
(intptr,System.IO.FileAccess,bool,int,bool,bool) emitted at 0x7a33e8 to
0x7a3460 (code length 120) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.FileStream:.ctor
(intptr,System.IO.FileAccess,bool,int,bool,bool) emitted at 0x7a3478 to
0x7a36fa (code length 642) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.Stream:.ctor () emitted at 0x7a3768 to 0x7a377e (code
length 22) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.Stream:.cctor () emitted at 0x7a3790 to 0x7a37c4 (code
length 52) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.NullStream:.ctor ()
emitted at 0x7a37c8 to 0x7a37fe (code length 54) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.NullStream:.ctor () emitted at 0x7a3818 to 0x7a382e (code
length 22) [Hello.exe]
Method System.MarshalByRefObject:.ctor () emitted at 0x7a3830 to 0x7a3838
(code length 8) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper managed-to-native) System.IO.MonoIO:GetFileType
(intptr,System.IO.MonoIOError&) emitted at 0x7a3838 to 0x7a3887 (code length
79) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.FileStream:InitBuffer (int,bool) emitted at 0x7a3888 to
0x7a396c (code length 228) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check)
(System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding) emitted at 0x7a3978 to 0x7a39bd
(code length 69) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.UnexceptionalStreamWriter:.ctor
(System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding) emitted at 0x7a39d8 to 0x7a39f4
(code length 28) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.StreamWriter:.ctor (System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding)
emitted at 0x7a3a00 to 0x7a3a1e (code length 30) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.StreamWriter:.cctor () emitted at 0x7a3a30 to 0x7a3a73
(code length 67) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.StreamWriter:.ctor
(System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding,int) emitted at 0x7a3a80 to 0x7a3acb
(code length 75) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.StreamWriter:.ctor
(System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding,int) emitted at 0x7a3ad8 to 0x7a3c49
(code length 369) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.TextWriter:.ctor () emitted at 0x7a3c68 to 0x7a3cc8 (code
length 96) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.TextWriter:.cctor () emitted at 0x7a3ce0 to 0x7a3d14 (code
length 52) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) NullTextWriter:.ctor () emitted
at 0x7a3d20 to 0x7a3d56 (code length 54) [Hello.exe]
Method NullTextWriter:.ctor () emitted at 0x7a3d70 to 0x7a3d86 (code length
22) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Environment:get_NewLine () emitted
at 0x7a3d88 to 0x7a3dca (code length 66) [Hello.exe]
Method System.String:ToCharArray () emitted at 0x7a3dd0 to 0x7a3dee (code
length 30) [Hello.exe]
Method System.String:.cctor () emitted at 0x7a3e00 to 0x7a3e49 (code length
73) [Hello.exe]
Method System.String:memcpy (byte*,byte*,int) emitted at 0x7a3e58 to
0x7a3f18 (code length 192) [Hello.exe]
Method System.String:memcpy4 (byte*,byte*,int) emitted at 0x7a3f40 to
0x7a3fac (code length 108) [Hello.exe]
Method System.String:ToCharArray (int,int) emitted at 0x7a3fb0 to 0x7a40f5
(code length 325) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper managed-to-native) System.String:InternalCopyTo
(int,char[],int,int) emitted at 0x7a4108 to 0x7a415a (code length 82)
Method System.IO.NullStream:get_CanWrite () emitted at 0x7a4160 to 0x7a416d
(code length 13) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.StreamWriter:Initialize (System.Text.Encoding,int) emitted
at 0x7a4170 to 0x7a4269 (code length 249) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Math:Max (int,int) emitted at 0x7a4278 to 0x7a4294 (code
length 28) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetMaxByteCount (int) emitted at 0x7a4298 to
0x7a4317 (code length 127) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.NullStream:get_CanSeek () emitted at 0x7a4328 to 0x7a4335
(code length 13) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.NullStream:get_Position () emitted at 0x7a4338 to 0x7a4344
(code length 12) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.FileStream:get_CanWrite () emitted at 0x7a4348 to 0x7a4376
(code length 46) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.FileStream:get_CanSeek () emitted at 0x7a4378 to 0x7a4387
(code length 15) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.StreamWriter:set_AutoFlush (bool) emitted at 0x7a4388 to
0x7a43fe (code length 118) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.UnexceptionalStreamWriter:Flush () emitted at 0x7a4410 to
0x7a443f (code length 47) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.StreamWriter:Flush () emitted at 0x7a4450 to 0x7a44d3 (code
length 131) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.StreamWriter:Decode () emitted at 0x7a44f0 to 0x7a4548
(code length 88) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.TextWriter:Synchronized (System.IO.TextWriter,bool) emitted
at 0x7a4548 to 0x7a464b (code length 259) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check)
System.IO.SynchronizedWriter:.ctor (System.IO.TextWriter,bool) emitted at
0x7a4668 to 0x7a46b0 (code length 72) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.SynchronizedWriter:.ctor (System.IO.TextWriter,bool)
emitted at 0x7a46c8 to 0x7a46f1 (code length 41) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Console:OpenStandardOutput (int) emitted at 0x7a46f8 to
0x7a47b5 (code length 189) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper managed-to-native) System.IO.MonoIO:get_ConsoleOutput ()
emitted at 0x7a47c8 to 0x7a480a (code length 66) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Console:OpenStandardInput (int) emitted at 0x7a4810 to
0x7a48cd (code length 189) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper managed-to-native) System.IO.MonoIO:get_ConsoleInput ()
emitted at 0x7a48e0 to 0x7a4922 (code length 66) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check)
(System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding) emitted at 0x7a4928 to 0x7a496d
(code length 69) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.UnexceptionalStreamReader:.ctor
(System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding) emitted at 0x7a4988 to 0x7a4a01
(code length 121) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.StreamReader:.ctor (System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding)
emitted at 0x7a4a10 to 0x7a4a33 (code length 35) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.StreamReader:.cctor () emitted at 0x7a4a40 to 0x7a4a74
(code length 52) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) NullStreamReader:.ctor ()
emitted at 0x7a4a80 to 0x7a4ab6 (code length 54) [Hello.exe]
Method NullStreamReader:.ctor () emitted at 0x7a4ad0 to 0x7a4ae6 (code
length 22) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.StreamReader:.ctor () emitted at 0x7a4af8 to 0x7a4b0e (code
length 22) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.TextReader:.ctor () emitted at 0x7a4b20 to 0x7a4b36 (code
length 22) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.StreamReader:.ctor
(System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding,bool,int) emitted at 0x7a4b38 to
0x7a4b6a (code length 50) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.StreamReader:Initialize
(System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding,bool,int) emitted at 0x7a4b78 to
0x7a4ee7 (code length 879) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.FileStream:get_CanRead () emitted at 0x7a4ef8 to 0x7a4f26
(code length 46) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetDecoder () emitted at 0x7a4f28 to
0x7a4f5d (code length 53) [Hello.exe]
Method UTF8Decoder:.ctor (bool) emitted at 0x7a4f70 to 0x7a4fa1 (code length
49) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Text.Decoder:.ctor () emitted at 0x7a4fb0 to 0x7a4fb8 (code
length 8) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetPreamble () emitted at 0x7a4fb8 to
0x7a5048 (code length 144) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetMaxCharCount (int) emitted at 0x7a5048 to
0x7a50c4 (code length 124) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.TextReader:Synchronized (System.IO.TextReader) emitted at
0x7a50c8 to 0x7a51c6 (code length 254) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check)
System.IO.SynchronizedReader:.ctor (System.IO.TextReader) emitted at
0x7a51e0 to 0x7a521d (code length 61) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.SynchronizedReader:.ctor (System.IO.TextReader) emitted at
0x7a5238 to 0x7a5257 (code length 31) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper managed-to-native) System.GC:SuppressFinalize (object)
emitted at 0x7a5258 to 0x7a529e (code length 70) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.SynchronizedWriter:WriteLine (string) emitted at 0x7a52a0
to 0x7a52fd (code length 93) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.TextWriter:WriteLine (string) emitted at 0x7a5300 to
0x7a532f (code length 47) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.UnexceptionalStreamWriter:Write (string) emitted at
0x7a5330 to 0x7a5362 (code length 50) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.StreamWriter:Write (string) emitted at 0x7a5370 to 0x7a53ee
(code length 126) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.StreamWriter:LowLevelWrite (string) emitted at 0x7a5400 to
0x7a54d0 (code length 208) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetBytes (char[],int,int,byte[],int) emitted
at 0x7a54d0 to 0x7a5504 (code length 52) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:InternalGetBytes
(char[],int,int,byte[],int,char&,bool) emitted at 0x7a5510 to 0x7a5942 (code
length 1074) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:InternalGetBytes
(char*,int,byte*,int,char&,bool) emitted at 0x7a5950 to 0x7a6108 (code
length 1976) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Char:.cctor () emitted at 0x7a6118 to 0x7a614e (code length
54) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Char:GetDataTablePointers
(byte*&,byte*&,double*&,uint16*&,uint16*&,uint16*&,uint16*&) emitted at
0x7a6160 to 0x7a61b8 (code length 88) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Char:IsLetterOrDigit (char) emitted at 0x7a61b8 to 0x7a61f4
(code length 60) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.StreamWriter:FlushBytes () emitted at 0x7a6248 to 0x7a62b6
(code length 110) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.FileStream:Write (byte[],int,int) emitted at 0x7a62b8 to
0x7a64fd (code length 581) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.FileStream:WriteInternal (byte[],int,int) emitted at
0x7a6518 to 0x7a6638 (code length 288) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.FileStream:FlushBuffer () emitted at 0x7a6668 to 0x7a6799
(code length 305) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper managed-to-native) System.IO.MonoIO:Write
(intptr,byte[],int,int,System.IO.MonoIOError&) emitted at 0x7a67a0 to
0x7a67f8 (code length 88) [Hello.exe]
This is totally coolMethod System.IO.FileStream:Flush () emitted at 0x7a67f8
to 0x7a6858 (code length 96) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.TextWriter:WriteLine () emitted at 0x7a6858 to 0x7a6875
(code length 29) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.UnexceptionalStreamWriter:Write (char[]) emitted at
0x7a6878 to 0x7a68aa (code length 50) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.StreamWriter:Write (char[]) emitted at 0x7a68b8 to 0x7a6939
(code length 129) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.StreamWriter:LowLevelWrite (char[],int,int) emitted at
0x7a6948 to 0x7a69cf (code length 135) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Buffer:BlockCopy (System.Array,int,System.Array,int,int)
emitted at 0x7a69e0 to 0x7a6c72 (code length 658) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Buffer:BlockCopyInternal
(System.Array,int,System.Array,int,int) emitted at 0x7a6c90 to 0x7a6cf7
(code length 103) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper runtime-invoke) System.Object:runtime_invoke_void
(object,intptr,intptr,intptr) emitted at 0x7a6cf8 to 0x7a6d8b (code length
147) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.FileStream:Finalize () emitted at 0x7a6d90 to 0x7a6dce
(code length 62) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.FileStream:Dispose (bool) emitted at 0x7a6de0 to 0x7a6eab
(code length 203) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Object:Finalize () emitted at 0x7a6eb8 to 0x7a6ed4 (code
length 28) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context:.cctor () emitted at
0x7a6ed8 to 0x7a6f0a (code length 50) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Collections.Hashtable:.ctor () emitted at 0x7a6f18 to 0x7a6f38
(code length 32) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Collections.Hashtable:.cctor () emitted at 0x7a6f48 to
0x7a6f89 (code length 65) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Collections.Hashtable:.ctor (int,single) emitted at 0x7a6f90
to 0x7a6fb6 (code length 38) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Collections.Hashtable:.ctor
emitted at 0x7a6fc8 to 0x7a71f9 (code length 561) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Single:IsNaN (single) emitted at 0x7a7220 to 0x7a7241 (code
length 33) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Collections.Hashtable:ToPrime (int) emitted at 0x7a7248 to
0x7a72bc (code length 116) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Collections.Hashtable:SetTable
(System.Collections.Hashtable/Slot[],int[]) emitted at 0x7a72c8 to 0x7a7334
(code length 108) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Collections.Hashtable:AdjustThreshold () emitted at 0x7a7340
to 0x7a7386 (code length 70) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context:Finalize () emitted at
0x7a7388 to 0x7a73b2 (code length 42) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Threading.Thread:.cctor () emitted at 0x7a73b8 to 0x7a740b
(code length 83) [Hello.exe]
Method System.Threading.Thread:Finalize () emitted at 0x7a7410 to 0x7a7476
(code length 102) [Hello.exe]
Method (wrapper managed-to-native)
System.Threading.Thread:Thread_free_internal (intptr) emitted at 0x7a7488 to
0x7a74d1 (code length 73) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.StreamWriter:Finalize () emitted at 0x7a74d8 to 0x7a7513
(code length 59) [Hello.exe]
Method System.IO.StreamWriter:Dispose (bool) emitted at 0x7a7518 to 0x7a7579
(code length 97) [Hello.exe]
Geoff Norton-2 wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-05-23 at 13:58 -0700, james_wheeler_pe wrote:
>> Have never really used a Mac before but got one for free so figured I
>> would
>> play around with Mono to see how easily I could get .net programs to run.
>> I have installed the most recent release of mono and I built the
>> following
>> very simply console application directly on the Mac using the MSC
>> compiler.
>> using System;
>> using System.Text;
>> namespace MacMonoTest
>> {
>> class Program
>> {
>> static void Main(string[] args)
>> {
>> Console.WriteLine("This is totally cool");
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> The code above compiled using MSC works just fine.
>> The same code compiled and built using VS 2008 targeting .net 2.0 throws
>> all
>> sorts of exceptions when I try to run it on the Mac. BTW, not sure this
>> matters but I have a new Intel based MacBook.
> what exceptions? Where did you install mono from. You need to provide
> some more details.
>> Should I be able to build apps using Visual Studio on my XP machine and
>> then
>> have them run on my Mac using mono so long as I don't do any Windows
>> specific things in the app?
> Yes this works fine.
> -g
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