[Mono-osx] Socket.Select() behaviour difference between osx<>linux.

Lucas Meijer lucas at mach8.nl
Mon Jun 30 04:20:35 EDT 2008


It looks like Socket.Select() behaves differently on osx <> linux in the 
where a socket instance is placed in both the readlist, and the errorlist.
On osx, after having called socket.Listen(),  calling Socket.Select() 
with the socket
instance being in the read and errorlist,  the select call will return 
once a connection
is established, however it will return with empty readlist and errorlists.

on linux, the resulting readlist is filled with the socket instance. 
(Which I believe is the correct

Attached is a demo program that exhibits this behaviour for me.

Bye, Lucas

PS I hope it's okay to "pre-report" a bug on this list. I'd file an 
official bug report, but I'm
new to mono, so I figured I'd check with people in the know if it's 
really a bug or some
form of pilot error.

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