[Mono-osx] Stetic GUI Designer

Matt Emson memsom at interalpha.co.uk
Tue Dec 2 01:43:19 EST 2008

----- Original message -----
> Matt,
> > (Anyone who is using Delphi still and wants to shout at me for not
> > remembering *exactly* how it works, feel free to: I haven't touched
> > Delphi in over 2 years, and even then it was only to maintain legacy 
> > code.)
> iirc cursor keys move it, shift-cursor resizes.

Control+cursors moves in bigger steps (to grid sizes not pixels?)

> fwiw, Delphi always supported drag/drop in the designer as well, 
> though. as far back as version 1.0 ;)

Iirc Delphi supports 3 methods then... Point and click (the way I learnt an taught delegates on training courses as it has less too go wrong), dragginng as you mention and the select on palette with the user creating a sizing box with the mouse on the form, where the selected control appears. I digress...

I've only used stetic really briefly on linux, so I don't remember exactly how it works. I assume it's more like visual studio though? I've always dragged in vs, so don't know how well the basic "select in palette and click on form" will work. I remember using one of the Kylix field tests where the designer was very broken and it was a big old pita, so I'm sure, though this might be annoying the metaphore change to avid vs users, it would make life a lot better!


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