[Mono-osx] Cocoa# problems with Leopard? | Fixed!

marc hoffman mh at elitedev.com
Tue Nov 27 12:49:17 EST 2007

>> 11/6/07 8:42:47 PM [0x0-0x4c04c].com.BugClientCocoa[696] Unhandled 
>> Exception: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has 
>> been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> 
>> System.MissingMethodException: Constructor not found. Class: Cocoa.Menu
> this one's back and reproducible; logged as 340913.
> fwiw, i'd consider this quite a showstopper for Leopard dev

adding the following ctor to the Menu class fixes this, btw:

         public Menu(IntPtr native_object) : base(native_object) {

i'm attaching the full/fixed Menu.cs file (i'll leave it to someone more 
knowledgable about the inner workings to decide if the ctor is actually 
ok like this, or should do anything else... ;)
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