[Mono-osx] Cocoa# performance on Leopard

Geoff Norton gnorton at novell.com
Sat Nov 10 13:06:51 EST 2007

Please log an issue so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle and  
regardless of how simple it is; testcases help.  I've just finished  
upgrading my main workstation to Leopard so I should be able to look  
into this next week.

File the bug under Cocoa# and assign it to me please.



On 10-Nov-07, at 1:01 PM, marc hoffman wrote:

>> If anything, my app (basically a NSTableView filled from a DataSet)  
>> does seem
> to
>> react a bit slower to user input such as scrolling or even resizing  
>> that it
> did
>> before - but that's most likely due to my code (though i'll  
>> investigate
> further
>> and keep you posted if i find anything relevant).
> Yeah - definitely seeing major performance problems. I've got a  
> clean/empty
> Cocoa# app and merely drop a NSSearchText onto my main window in  
> Interface
> Builder (i don't even bind it from the managed side by attaching an  
> outlet or
> action), and when i run and type into it, i can slowly see one  
> character show
> after the other, at a rate of maybe 1 per second...
> The same sort of delay can be seen on just about any UI element,  
> including - say
> - clicking a button.
> Any ideas or suggestions how to approach this further? I doubt a  
> "test case"
> will help, given the simplistic nature of the problem? Should i just  
> log an
> issue? Is there anyone else here who's already on Leopard and can  
> conform (or
> deny) this problem?
> Thanx,
> marc hoffman
> RemObjects Software
> The Infrastructure Company
> http://www.remobjects.com
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