[Mono-osx] Problems with Dumbarton compilation

Paulmichael Blasucci pblasucci at mac.com
Sun Jan 21 20:49:00 EST 2007

Thanks for your prompt response. I did see that in the documentation.  
And I did set both projects to use the same build directory. Sorry, I  
guess I should have stated that earlier. Unfortunately, it had not  
effect on the outcome. Also, just for experimentation's sake, I tried  
building the solution as is and using the xcode defaults. I three  
variations produced the same results. Any other thoughts? Thanks, again.


On 21.Jan.2007, at 20:12, Allan Hsu wrote:

> You need to set the project build directories for Dumbarton and the  
> Judy subproject to be the same build directory. This is described  
> in the build documentation in SVN.
> 	-Allan
> On Jan 21, 2007, at 2:29 PM, Paulmichael Blasucci wrote:
>> First, let me apologize in advance if this is an RTFM issue and I
>> just missed it, but I've not had any like so for. My situation is
>> this, I'm trying to use the Dumbarton framework. When I use the pre-
>> compiled version I downloaded from the imeem website, I get a bunch
>> of architecture errors. I'm running an Intel MacBook and it seems
>> that particular framework was compiled only for the PPC architecture.
>> So, my next attempt was to compile the source. This proved friutless.
>> For reasons totally beyond my comprehension, the libjudy.a dependency
>> would not compile. Then I realized the source was somewhat out of
>> date. So, I next got the latest code from SVN. Judy compiled fine.
>> However when the Dumbarton framework tries to compile, XCode fails
>> telling me the it can't find the Mono framework. Now, I have triple
>> checked that the Mono framework is accessible from /System/Library/
>> Frameworks, /Library/Frameworks, and /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk/
>> System/Library/Frameworks. This last path seems to be necessary for
>> getting Judy to compile. I have no idea why. If you couldn't tell,
>> I'm fairly new to Macintosh development. I'm also get fairly
>> frustrated, as I want to start porting .NET apps to Tiger. has anyone
>> run into a similiar situation? The documentation on compiling
>> Dumbarton is somewhat minimal, so any help would be greatly
>> appreciated. Thanks.
>> Paulmichael Blasucci (pblasucci at mac.com)
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> Allan Hsu <allan at counterpop dot net>
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