[Mono-osx] Still trouble with 1.1.17

Gareth Baker g.j.baker at dl.ac.uk
Wed Sep 6 06:59:15 EDT 2006

Platypus comes with a command line executable so you can actually add
something like this to a makefile:

/usr/local/bin/platypus -a $(APP) -i mono.icns -f $(APP).exe $(APP).sh

And not have to use the GUI version.

Gareth Baker

On 6/9/06 10:23, "Andreas Färber" <andreas.faerber at web.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> Am 06.09.2006 um 10:24 schrieb Gareth Baker:
>> I've started to use the utility "Platypus" to package up mono X11
>> apps. The
>> app can be found at this web site http://sveinbjorn.org/platypus.
>> You'll need a script:
>> #!bin/sh
>> open /Applications/Utilities/X11.app
>> export DISPLAY=:0.0
>> cd "$1"
>> mono Contents/Resources/<put you mono app name here>.exe
>> Save this file as <app_name>.sh (don't think it matters what
>> <app_name> is).
>> The script assumes mono is in you $PATH, if not put the full path
>> to mono in
>> the script above.
>> Open Platypus, show the advanced options.
>> 1) Give the app a name
>> 2) Drag-and-drop the above script file into the text box "Script Path"
>> 3) Drag-and-drop the exe file into the "Files and folders to be
>> bundled..."
>> area.
>> 4) If you've got a app icon file (*.icns) drag-and-drop that onto the
>> "Custom Icon"
>> 5) Click on "Create"
>> It should prompt you for a place to save the bundled app.
>> Thought it might be worth a try for those having problems. If
>> enough people
>> start using it the author may make mono one of the default options!
> A simpler option might be to add "cp your.sh .../Contents/MacOS/
> whatever" to your Makefile or other compile script after macpacking
> or otherwise creating the bundle, overwriting the previous file. That
> way it will be done whenever needed without having to invoke a GUI
> app each time.
> Andreas

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