[Mono-osx] Mono TermInfoDriver and IronPython

Allan Hsu allan at counterpop.net
Tue Oct 31 17:21:34 EST 2006

On Oct 31, 2006, at 12:29 AM, Diane Trout wrote:

> The second more difficult issue, is that OS X's Terminal.app really  
> wants to send DEL (\0x7f) instead of BS (\0x08) and that  
> IronPython's ReadLine loop isn't set up to respond to the DEL  
> character. Should mono try to deal with the oddness of the OS X  
> Terminal and remap its keys to look more like windows/linux? or  
> should a console application be expected to handle keyboard remapping?

You can change this in Terminal.app's "Window Settings..." panel. In  
the "Keyboard" section, there's a checkbox labeled "Delete key sends  


Allan Hsu <allan at counterpop dot net>
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