[Mono-osx] System.Windows.Forms.XplatUIOSX:SetIcon not implemented

Troy Phillips troy.phillips at zettaserve.com
Wed May 25 06:12:31 EDT 2005

Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this.

I was trying to run a .Net utility called ³ADModify.exe² which throws the
following error:

> Unhandled Exception: System.NotImplementedException: The requested feature is
> not implemented.
> in <0x00034> System.Windows.Forms.XplatUIOSX:SetIcon (IntPtr handle,
> System.Drawing.Icon icon)
> in <0x00040> System.Windows.Forms.XplatUI:SetIcon (IntPtr handle,
> System.Drawing.Icon icon)
> in <0x00048> System.Windows.Forms.Form:set_Icon (System.Drawing.Icon value)

Currently for OS X this function is stubbed as follows:

    internal override void SetIcon(IntPtr handle, Icon icon) {
         throw new NotImplementedException();

Since OS X doesn¹t really have window icons, I thought that SetIcon should
be ignored on OS X rather than throw a ³not implemented² error. The only
alternative that springs to mind is to alter the dock icon but I think that
this would not look good?
Troy Phillips
ZettaServe Pty Ltd
phone: +61 8 9488 9545
fax: +61 8 9488 9545
mobile: +61 419 185 245
mailto:troy.phillips at zettaserve.com

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