[Mono-list] Mono 5 TLS 1.2 support not yet built-in???

Frédéric SOUCHU Frederic.SOUCHU at ingenico.com
Thu Jun 29 07:20:57 UTC 2017

Thanks – it makes things a little bit clearer (and I can switch to a newer OS).

From: Alexander Köplinger [mailto:alkpli at microsoft.com]
Sent: mercredi 28 juin 2017 19:39
To: Frédéric SOUCHU <Frederic.SOUCHU at ingenico.com>
Cc: mono-list at lists.dot.net
Subject: Re: [Mono-list] Mono 5 TLS 1.2 support not yet built-in???

We don't build/ship the BTLS provider (which is required for TLS1.2 on Linux) for CentOS6 because it has a too old compiler and can't compile the BoringSSL library.

I've added a note to the 4.8 release notes.

- Alex

On 28 Jun 2017, at 19:17, Frédéric SOUCHU <Frederic.SOUCHU at ingenico.com<mailto:Frederic.SOUCHU at ingenico.com>> wrote:

I am running Mono on CentOS 6 (binaries downloaded from official Mono yum repo) and could not get a connection to TLS 1.2 servers.
The documentation says ‘since 4.8 TLS 1.2 is natively supported’ but I couldn’t get it to work.
What I am missing to get TLS 1.2 on Mono? Is the only option to recompile from sources???

How to reproduce:
$> export MONO_TLS_PROVIDER=legacy
$> csharp -e 'Console.WriteLine (new System.Net<http://system.net/>.WebClient ().DownloadString ("https://www.howsmyssl.com/<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.howsmyssl.com%2F&data=02%7C01%7Calkpli%40microsoft.com%7C425abdf8caee48ea895e08d4be49a168%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C636342670833877678&sdata=YwNuLhZMjL5IuM3OmjehvXBhSIW5%2FTvfathyFsJFfd8%3D&reserved=0>")'
I get back a not so nice message:
Bad Your client is using TLS 1.0, which is very old, possibly susceptible to the BEAST attack, and doesn't have the best cipher suites available on it. Additions like AES-GCM, and SHA256 to replace MD5-SHA-1 are unavailable to a TLS 1.0 client as well as many more modern cipher suites.
Trying with the BoringTLS flag yields an even worse error:

Error: ConnectFailure (TLS Support not available.)
---> System.NotSupportedException: TLS Support not available.
---> System.NotSupportedException: No such TLS Provider: `btls'.
  at Mono.Net<http://mono.net/>.Security.MonoTlsProviderFactory.LookupProviderType (System.String name, System.Boolean throwOnError) [0x00032] in <d2abb5dd463e4257bc4bb6c9614f73e7>:0
  at Mono.Net<http://mono.net/>.Security.MonoTlsProviderFactory.LookupProvider (System.String name, System.Boolean throwOnError) [0x00000] in <d2abb5dd463e4257bc4bb6c9614f73e7>:0
  at Mono.Net<http://mono.net/>.Security.MonoTlsProviderFactory.TryDynamicLoad () [0x00019] in <d2abb5dd463e4257bc4bb6c9614f73e7>:0
  at Mono.Net<http://mono.net/>.Security.MonoTlsProviderFactory.CreateDefaultProviderImpl () [0x00000] in <d2abb5dd463e4257bc4bb6c9614f73e7>:0
  at Mono.Net<http://mono.net/>.Security.MonoTlsProviderFactory.InitializeInternal () [0x0001a] in <d2abb5dd463e4257bc4bb6c9614f73e7>:0
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at Mono.Net<http://mono.net/>.Security.MonoTlsProviderFactory.InitializeInternal () [0x0002e] in <d2abb5dd463e4257bc4bb6c9614f73e7>:0
  at Mono.Net<http://mono.net/>.Security.MonoTlsProviderFactory.GetProviderInternal () [0x00010] in <d2abb5dd463e4257bc4bb6c9614f73e7>:0
  at Mono.Net<http://mono.net/>.Security.MonoTlsStream..ctor (System.Net<http://system.net/>.HttpWebRequest request, System.Net<http://system.net/>.Sockets.NetworkStream networkStream) [0x00027] in <d2abb5dd463e4257bc4bb6c9614f73e7>:0
  at System.Net<http://system.net/>.WebConnection.CreateStream (System.Net<http://system.net/>.HttpWebRequest request) [0x00066] in <d2abb5dd463e4257bc4bb6c9614f73e7>:0
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at System.Net<http://system.net/>.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal (System.Uri address, System.Net<http://system.net/>.WebRequest& request) [0x00072] in <d2abb5dd463e4257bc4bb6c9614f73e7>:0
  at System.Net<http://system.net/>.WebClient.DownloadString (System.Uri address) [0x00020] in <d2abb5dd463e4257bc4bb6c9614f73e7>:0
  at System.Net<http://system.net/>.WebClient.DownloadString (System.String address) [0x00016] in <d2abb5dd463e4257bc4bb6c9614f73e7>:0
  at <InteractiveExpressionClass>.Host (System.Object& $retval) [0x00005] in <61903e49f3474c469d10aac989d2bbea>:0
  at Mono.CSharp.Evaluator.Evaluate (System.String input, System.Object& result, System.Boolean& result_set) [0x00038] in <26092501e18f4d6bbb84790c331dcb20>:0
  at Mono.CSharpShell.Evaluate (System.String input) [0x00000] in <9c2a1356e8c3450d8aa1583549a8198e>:0

System information:
Linux 2.6.32-642.1.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri May 6 14:54:05 EDT 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Mono Version:
Mono JIT compiler version (2017-02/5077205 Wed May 24 13:08:40 UTC 2017)
Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Novell, Inc, Xamarin Inc and Contributors.www.mono-project.com<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mono-project.com&data=02%7C01%7Calkpli%40microsoft.com%7C425abdf8caee48ea895e08d4be49a168%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C636342670833877678&sdata=%2BkiQXOCoEfvAfvyDzqx0psPmOK%2FUw7RMVq2CLAn208M%3D&reserved=0>
        TLS:           __thread
        SIGSEGV:       altstack
       Notifications: epoll
        Architecture:  amd64
        Disabled:      none
        Misc:          softdebug
        LLVM:          supported, not enabled.
        GC:            sgen (concurrent by default)


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