[Mono-list] mkbundle / libmonosgen

Shawn Lewis smlsr at me.com
Tue Feb 14 03:17:20 UTC 2017

I'd be very interested.  I can run Ubuntu or CentOS. Where should I pull packages from and preferred OS you'd like me to test. 

Thanks !!

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 13, 2017, at 10:13 PM, Miguel de Icaza <miguel at microsoft.com> wrote:
> We should look into it for the next version.
> That said, with 4.8.0 we are using a different mkbundle idiom, one that does not require this dependency, would you mind taking it for a test drive?
> The man page for mkbundle has been updated.
> Miguel
> Sent from Outlook
> From: Mono-list <mono-list-bounces at lists.dot.net> on behalf of Shawn Lewis <smlsr at me.com>
> Sent: Monday, February 13, 2017 5:11:52 PM
> To: mono-list at lists.dot.net
> Subject: [Mono-list] mkbundle / libmonosgen
> The “STABLE” release of 4.6.2.x downloadable from the site incorrectly does not contain the libmonosgen2.a file.
> This prevents using MKBUNDLE —static —deps options as it can not link in the file.
> Trying ALPHA/BETA/NIGHTLY introduces other issues, so thats not an option.
> Does anyone have the libmonosgen2….a file they can share that is for the 4.6.2 Stable build so I can use mkbundle?
> (Attempting to use from any other build causes issues with mscorlib versioning)
> I am using CENTOS 7….
> Or does anyone have any other suggestions?
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