[Mono-list] Mono caused ANTLR test failure on s390x

Vaibhav Vaingankar vaibhavv at us.ibm.com
Wed Apr 26 11:33:24 UTC 2017


We are building ANTL4 on s390x RHEL 7.2 which targets different languages
(csharp, java, javascript, python). We have used mono to test csharp
target. However I have encountered a glitch while executing test cases. The
csharp tests fail with unhandled nullpointer exception.

   Steps used to build mono

   sudo yum install -y autoconf automake libtool which gcc-c++ make
   git clone https://github.com/mono/mono
   cd mono
   git checkout mono-
   ./autogen.sh --disable-nls
   make get-monolite-latest
   sudo make install

   The resultant binaries were used to test ANTLR4

   git clone https://github.com/antlr/antlr4.git
   cd antlr4
   git checkout 4.6
   export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx1G"
   mvn install -DskipTests=true
   mvn test

We tried steps mentioned above on x86 architecture, which worked fine. So
this could be issue with the mono runtime environment on s390x

Any guidance would be appreciated.

This is the error which we have encountered
   Unhandled Exception:
   System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'TLexer'
   threw an exception. ---> System.NotSupportedException: Could not
   deserialize ATN with UUID aadb8d7e-aeef-4415-2e04-cfd604822bad (expected
   aadb8d7e-aeef-4415-ad2b-8204d6cf042e or a legacy UUID).
     at Antlr4.Runtime.Atn.ATNDeserializer.CheckUUID () [0x00043] in
     at Antlr4.Runtime.Atn.ATNDeserializer.Deserialize (System.Char[] data)
   [0x0000d] in <76524c89e9ab4d24a159bd01cd6f7212>:0
     at TLexer..cctor () [0x0009b] in <dea3fa93188448afa2dd62e733b0b53e>:0
      --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
     at (wrapper managed-to-native)
   System.Object:__icall_wrapper_mono_generic_class_init (intptr)
     at Test.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00009] in
   [ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.TypeInitializationException:
   The type initializer for 'TLexer' threw an exception. --->
   System.NotSupportedException: Could not deserialize ATN with UUID
   aadb8d7e-aeef-4415-2e04-cfd604822bad (expected
   aadb8d7e-aeef-4415-ad2b-8204d6cf042e or a legacy UUID).
     at Antlr4.Runtime.Atn.ATNDeserializer.CheckUUID () [0x00043] in
     at Antlr4.Runtime.Atn.ATNDeserializer.Deserialize (System.Char[] data)
   [0x0000d] in <76524c89e9ab4d24a159bd01cd6f7212>:0
     at TLexer..cctor () [0x0009b] in <dea3fa93188448afa2dd62e733b0b53e>:0
      --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
     at (wrapper managed-to-native)
   System.Object:__icall_wrapper_mono_generic_class_init (intptr)

Attaching the complete test log.
(See attached file: antlr4.log)

Thanks and regards,
Vaibhav Vaingankar
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