[Mono-list] xbuild and relative paths

Cyd Haselton chaselton at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 11:23:20 UTC 2016

Thanks for the quick reply Timotheus.

The problem is that I can't find out where the .sln is picking up the
absolute path names, and I'm not sure how to override it.

Here's a link to the .sln: http://pastebin.com/LUHgEiJj

On Oct 25, 2016 5:48 AM, "Timotheus Pokorra" <
timotheus.pokorra at solidcharity.com> wrote:

> Hello Cyd,
> > Unfortunately the build fails with the following error: Access to the
> path
> > "/data" is denied.
> >
> > I don't have permissions to that root path "/data", but I do have
> > permissions to the subfolders UNDER /data where the .sln file is located.
> > Is it possible to force xbuild to use relative paths instead?
> xbuild works fine with relative paths, but /data is an absolute path
> in the Linux world.
> If it was just data or ../data or something, that would be a relative
> path, and it should work as expected.
> I am usually using sed during the build process to replace things in
> the csproj file and put it into shape, so that it works on Linux. You
> could replace /data with data, and see how that works.
> sed -i "s#/data#data#g" my.csproj
> All the best,
> Timotheus
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